This research tries to formulate a theoretical model on student’s lifestyle wellness in Iranian society. In this regard, after examining the experimental and theoretical backgrounds of the subject and using Grounded theory and Research Methods of Strauss & Corbin as the main methodology, the research data was collected by a Directive Interview among 20 people who were experts and scholars in the field of student’s health. After analyzing data in three distinct sections; Open coding, Axial Coding, and Selective Coding, an Iranian- Islamic student lifestyle wellness was framed. Based upon this model, the effective and causative conditions in student’s life style wellness are as follow: life habits, nutrition, leisure time, personality characterization, resiliency, personality stability, self controlling, being effectiveness, formal and indirect education. Its grounded components include: sentimental/ emotional supporting, family protection, friends backing, social assisting, socioeconomic status, economic stability sense, social dignity sense. Confounding or Intervening factors include: educational discontent, occupation obscurity, education demotivating, religious rituals, social pressure, faddism, unhealthy behavior of associates and residential area. The main and basic category of life style wellness includes cognition that is self understanding and others. Moreover, solutions to improve wellness in students include: education process specially education in life skills. At the end, there are some consequences such as mental health (emotional awareness, Self-esteem), achievement and sagacious selection in students’ life style wellness.