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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Given that the thoughts and dysfunctional beliefs about sexual issues affect marital satisfaction and mental health, providing appropriate solutions can increase marital satisfaction and mental health; This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of cognitive restructuring sex education on marital satisfaction and mental health of the couples in Esfahan.Materials & Methods: This Quasi-experimental study (pre-test and post test control group) was done on 120 couples chosen among parents of elementary school children through cluster sampling in 2014. Sixty couples were places in both experimental and control groups (60 couples per group). After completing the questionnaire of Enrich marital satisfaction and mental health and completion of 10 sessions (two sessions per week for five weeks) of cognitive restructuring sex education in the experimental group, questionnaires were administered to both groups. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis was performed.Results: Cognitive restructuring sex education on marital satisfaction and mental health has been effective in the experimental group (p=0.05); by reducing depression, and increasing mental health increased.Conclusion: It seems that through education of sexual cognitive restructuring marital satisfaction and mental health can be increased, so this intervention as an effective program to promote mental health and marital satisfaction is recommended.

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Introduction: One of the most important social harms is drug addictive disorders. The present study was conducted aiming to investigate the effectiveness of dialectic behavioral therapy on the temptation of drug (opiate, met-amphetamine) users.Material and methods: The statistical population of the study included men with addiction to opium, Heroin, sheereh [boiled and refined opium residue] and glass referring to the addiction withdrawal and therapy centers in the town of Shahreza. In order to administer intervention training sessions, 45 drug users were selected through non-probable available sampling method and put into experimental and control groups.15 individuals were put into opiate drug experimental group, 15 into glass experimental method and 15 into the control group. The applied instrument was Beck’s questionnaire of tempting beliefs. The research design was semi-experimental with pretest, posttest and control group type. After conducting 11 sessions (ninety-minutes) of group teaching of dialectic behavioral therapy, the achieved data were analyzed through covariance method.Findings: the results showed that teaching independent variable was effective on drug (opiate, met-amphetamine) users while there was not a significant difference between the two experimental groups in case of the effectiveness of therapeutic intervention (p>0.05). The difference between both experimental groups with the control group was significant (p>0.05).Conclusion: Teaching dialectic behavioral therapy can be employed besides medication in treating temptation of men with drug addiction.

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Introduction: Caring for the physically, mentally and multiple retarded people can affect the caregivers’ physical and mental health. The objective of the present study was to investigate the relationship between hardiness as well as resiliency and burnout aspects in physically, mentally and multiple caregivers in the Behzisity welfare organization of Isfahan.Material and method: this was a descriptive, cross-sectional study. The statistical population of the study included 54 physically, mentally and multiple caregivers at the Behzisity welfare organization of Isfahan in 2015, all of whom were selected to take part in the research through census method. The data collection instrument included Kobasa’s hardiness questionnaire, Conner and Davidson’s resiliency questionnaire and Meslesh and Jackson’s burnout questionnaire. Pearson correlation coefficient method was used to statically analyze was a significant relationship between the component of affective tiredness (r=- 0.49, p<0.001), the component of control and affective tiredness (r=-0.40, p<0.001) and personal performance (r=0.55, p<0.001), the component of challenge and affective tiredness (r=-0.40, p<0.001) and depersonalization (r=-0.30, p<0.001). On the other hand, the variable of resiliency has a significant relationship with the variable of affective tiredness (r=-0.47, p<0.001) and personal performance (r=0.31, p<0.05).Conclusion: Considering the significant relationship between hardiness as well as resiliency and burnout, it is suggested that the managers of the welfare organization to attend more to the caregivers’ components of resiliency and hardiness in order to experience less burnout.

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Introduction: Postural Control has important role in the daily activities of mentally retarded children. The purpose of this study was Comparing the effect of Core Stabilization Trainings and closed kinetic chain trainings on the Postural Control of mentally retarded students.Materials and Methods: In this case-control study, 45 male mentally retarded students in three groups of Control, Core Stability and closed kinetic chain with 15 people participated. TRN groups performed core stabilization trainings and closed kinetic chain trainings for 8 weeks and three times per week. The pre-test and post-test of Sharpened Romberg test was done for measuring static balance of three groups.ANOVA test used to analyze the data (p£0.05).Result: Static balance with opened eye results showed significant differences in mean Core Stability and CTL groups (p=0.005) and closed kinetic chain and CTL groups (p=0.007) but showed insignificant differences in mean Core Stability and closed kinetic chain groups (p=0.910). Static balance with closed eye results showed significant differences in mean Core Stability and CTL groups (p£0.000) and closed kinetic chain and CTL groups (p=0.002) but showed insignificant differences in mean Core Stability and closed kinetic chain groups (p=0.420).Conclusion: Core stabilization training program and closed kinetic chain training program improve static balance of mentally retarded students and can be used for improving postural control of mentally retarded students.

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Introduction: psychological interventions have received a special place in the treatment of addiction. The current study was done with the purpose of investigating the effectiveness of Meta cognitive therapy and positive-oriented therapy on decreasing the intensity of craving in male Methamphetamine users.Material & Methods: In A quasi-experimental design with pre-test, post-test and control group, 45 patients(the age range of 18-29 and with average age of 24.2) under Residential treatment center (TC) were selected with Purposive sampling and were assigned randomly into three groups, two experimental groups (n=15) and one control group (n=15). Participants of experimental groups received group Meta cognitive and positive-oriented treatment programs for 8 weeks and participants of control group only received the routine treatment of the center. The index of severity of craving was evaluated in two stages before treatment and two weeks after finishing the treatment.Data were analyzed using univariate variance analysis and Test-Tukey.Results: Results showed there is a significant difference between these two therapeutic groups and group meta cognitive treatment was more effective in reducing craving compared to positive oriented treatment(p<0.01). Also, both treatments showed significant difference compared to the control group(p<0.05).Conclusion: These findings, more than ever, show the inefficiency in the executive functioning of Methamphetamine users and make the need to apply the therapeutic approaches based on the changing the mental process rather than modifying inefficient beliefs.

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Introduction: Spiritual health is an important aspect of health that can lead to the concept of meaning in life, hope and relaxation within the individual. Given the importance of spiritual health during pregnancy the spiritual health of pregnant women and its impact on the predicted efficacy as an important factor in health-related behaviors were examined.Materials and Methods: This Descriptive study was conducted on 200 pregnant women referred to rural health centers of Uremia using random cluster sampling during 2015. Spiritual health was assessed with Ellison-Paloutzian questionnaire and self-efficacy was assessed with Sheerer general self-efficacy questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and ANOVA test and linear regression methods were used to analyze the data.Results: The results of this study showed that %43.4 of pregnant women had moderate Spiritual health and%56/6 had a high spiritual score. Also, the mean score of self-efficacy was 63.73±8.84. Using analysis of variance showed that the spiritual health had significant relationship with job, gestational age and marriage age. Also, there was a significant relationship between self-efficacy and gestational age and marriage age. (p<0.05). The results showed that the spiritual health of pregnant women and self-efficacy had significant (p<0.001) positive correlation (r=0.79). Regression analysis showed that spiritual health significantly predicted 0.62 variance of selfefficacy for pregnant women.Conclusion: The findings of the study support that spiritual health is a tool for predicting selfefficacy among pregnant women. So, it should be considered in promoting spiritual well-being of pregnant women and improving their self-efficacy.

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Introduction: Due to the frequency and variety of the Medicinal herbs in Fars province, this study aimed to study the rate and reasons for medical herb use by the patients visiting the health centers in Fars Province.Material and Methods: This study, carried out in the health centers of Fars province, used a twostage cluster sampling of 2100. A researcher made questionnaire was used to collect the data. The questionnaire included 7 demographic and 31 expert questions. The data were analyzed using SPSS 22, spearman correlation coefficient, Friedman's and chi-square. Statistical significance was considered to be p<0.05.Results: The use of herbal medicine by the woman was statistically significant compared to the men. There was a significant correlation between location, employment status, insurance status, the average of monthly income and the consumption of medical herbs (p<0.05). As the Spearman Correlation coefficient (0.73) shows, there was a positive correlation between the beliefs and information about medical herbs and the consumption rate. The use of herbal medicine used for the treatment of skin, respiratory, urinary tract, endocrine system diseases was 30 %, 21 %, 20 %, 18.5% and 10% respectively. Liquorice, Thyme, Borage and Four seeds were the mostly used herbal medicines. The most reported side effects of the use of medicinal herbs were pain in the stomach, nausea and vomiting and skin reactions respectively. Sixty nine percent of the patients preferred the herbal medicines and 31% preferred drugs at the time of their illness.Conclusion: As the findings of this study show, people prefer using herbal medicine to chemical ones especially in the treatment of skin diseases. Thus, it is necessary to give people correct information and control health conditions of herbal medicines.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Symptoms of anxiety and depression in pregnant women are traumatic factors which are associated with social support and spirituality, therefore the aim of this study was to investigate the role of spiritual and social support in the prediction of anxiety, depression and stress in pregnant women.Materials and Methods: The method for this descriptive study was a predictive correlation design. The statistical population of the current study included all pregnant women referred to health centers of Shahid Eskandari Kalak and Shahid Turkiyan Rajaee in Karaj city in the second half of 2014. One hundred fifty five pregnant women were selected based on convenient sampling and considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data was collected using perceived social support scale, spiritual health questionnaire, depression, anxiety and stress scale (DASS 42) and demographic data form. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods, including, correlation and stepwise regression were analyzed with the SPSS-22 software.Results: The findings of the research showed that symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress had inverse relationship with social support (r=0.14 in 0.67) and spirituality (r=0.20 in 0.55). The findings also revealed that family support, spirituality and the support of friends as predictor variables predict 55 percent of the anxiety's variance and family support and spirituality predict %41 of depression's variance. Finally family support predicts %18 of stress' variance in pregnant women.Conclusion: The results showed that anxiety, depression and stress in pregnant women have an inverse relationship with spirituality and social support. It is recommended that social protection and spirituality in pregnant women with symptoms of anxiety and depression should be considered.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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