The main purpose of the present study is to investigatesimple and multiple relationships of important events ofmotivational orientations with creative self-efficacy instudents of third year of high schools of RomeshganCity during academic year 2014-2015. The presentstudy is descriptive study in kind of correlation. Out ofthe population, 200 students were selected using multistagerandom sampling. For this purpose, in stage 1, outof 13 high schools for boys, 8 high schools were selectedrandomly and in next stage, 25 students were selectedfrom each high school using simple random sampling. Total number of the population was equal to1642 people. Applied instruments in this study includeCreative Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (CSEQ), AdvancementGoals Scale (AGOS) and motivational orientationscale. Also, data analysis is done using correlationcoefficient and regression analysis. At the presentstudy, reliability of the mentioned questionnaires hasbeen estimated using Cronbach alpha. Obtained resultsindicate that there is significant relationship betweenskill-oriented goal, performance-oriented goal, internalmotivation and external motivation with creative selfefficacy. Moreover, the results showed that skillorientedgoal, performance-oriented goal, internal andexternal motivation can be considered as importantfactors to determine creative self-efficacy. In addition, obtained results from regression analysis using simultaneousenter method showed that predictor variablescan explain 0. 87% of creative self-efficacy, which issignificant in confidence level of p<0. 01.