Assessment of the environmental impact in Karoon restoration project has been done
after collecting and analyzing data and considering various impacts of the project on the
environment according to the methods of network,simple check list, and visual matrix.
In this study, the immediate environmental conditions of the region were considered
and the quality and quantity parameters were compared and assessed according to
national standards. In the absence of standards for some cases, the rate of variations
compared with present conditions and the effect on sensitive factors of environmont, and
in some other cases experts" judgements were taken into account. Based on this approach
and in the first step, data due to implemental and technical alternative were assessed
considering triple purposes of the project (including flood control, water resources
planning and navigation), with the interrelation action effect network method, and then
various kinds of impact have been evaluated by simple checklist, and fInally the
significance and importance of impacts were assessed by symbol matrixes.
Coefficients for evaluating the impacts were determined based upon their
significance and importance, percentage of effects on environmental factors, and the
most important effects on sensitive factors of the environment.
In order to generalize the triple purposes of project and determine the common factors
affected by project the composing matrix is used. In this matrix, common factors have been
selected based upon coefficient of evaluating of the activities and the envivnomental impacts.
The positive and negative impacts of each distinct activity of the project has been calculated.
The results of the above mothods showed that positive impacts of superior technical
alternative are more than negative ones. In order to reduce negative impacts on the area of the
project various policies are recommended such as environmental management methods like
performance accuracy, renewing habitats in the river bed, and in the nearby zones via
reculturation of the plant cover, protection of laying beds for aqutic creatures, and prevention of
establishing dikes in woods.
As the last step, some approaches for control and monitoring of environmental quality
parameters and also some accurate guidelines to control each environmental factors have been
presented. In this manner environmental condition will face the least damage and the final goals
of the karoon restoration project will be achieved.