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paroava state being located in an important area of the easter Mede and Achaemenid lands was safe against the range of attacks and devastating powers like Assyrian and Macedonian thereafter. One of the significant and traceable issues is when the name of such state and Paroave was demonstrated in history؟ and what locations this state covered; whether the state could be considered in the power district of Achaemenian and Mede’s territories. Altogether, what socio-military and even economical domains and positions would be considered for such Satrapi among the other states of Mede and Achaemenian. Consequently to answer the questions, by referring to Median and non-Median written texts and a descriptive-analytical approach the following results were attained. Poroave state accompanied with important states like Kharazm and Baxtris made an outstanding union during the Median and Achaemenid. The union was considered as the eastern border of the great Mede, after Mede being more powered, it became under the domination of Mede; thereafter the union was assumed as the main military bases of Mede and Achaemenid. Moreover, with the significance of Dahae tribe, which has been mentioned in the first Achaemenid epigraphs, it can be claimed that the tribe conquered the eastern of Caspian sea to the Oxus areas. Therefore, in different periods of time, Parsava became integrated with the state of Verkana/Hirkana under a whole Satrapi with the name of Parsava and the center of state. All in all, Parsave was located in a very suitable and appropriate position in the ancient era all from military, geographical, and economic aspects (for being located on the outstanding commercial roads).

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Paying attention to the geography of the regions, is one of the desired courses by historians from the 3rd century on. In the meantime, Khorasan and especially Herat were considered due to having unique natural conditions in compared with other cities of Iran, as well as the choice of Dar al-Saltane by Shahrokh and his successors in the Timurid era. Simultaneously with historians, the topic that was began in the Iranian painting tradition since the 5th century AD, and peaked at the Timurid era, was the emphasis on elements of nature (naturalism), but largely beyond realism. In the meantime, only a few painters were able to create works with a realistic look, which Kamal al-Din Behzad was a prominent example. The study aims to answer the question by descriptive-analytical method that climatic conditions such as weather, vegetation and other factors that overall created a unique natural environment for Herat, how was effective on Behzad's works? Although few researches has been done so far in response to this question, the findings suggest that by examining the historical propositions of the expressed descriptions of Herat in the Timurid era, can not only refer to Behzad's portraits as a result of the spiritual discovery and intuition, and mystical concepts, and also cannot say the natural features of Herat in these two sources are merely Exaggerative (narratives) and Symbolistic (paints).

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Khorasan to include an important part of Iranian civilization district in Iran in period of ancient an Iranian governments carry out efforts stabilizing the frontiers that place. They sometimes was unfulfilled but never forgotten the aim the preservation of there. Therefore the frontiers of Khorassan especially in Seyhun and Jeyhun gradually had be com of identity. Cultural and ideal frontiers. An Ideal that to demands the united and harmonious defense to maintenance of the cultivated and well-organized World against the attack of the nomads. Khorassan his crowd and culture. It wanted took over the role that to fulfilled china wall. This united project to include of the frontier, ethnicity and culture in Iran in period of ancient for defense of Khorasan frontiers to transformed with of Arab attack and entrance of Islam. Although the entrance of Islam to Iran was an affirmative change from a viewpoints but we can according to this article to realize bilateral effects of entrance of Islam. At this time didn't have ancient Geographical borders and Geographical of Islam world, but as a province in Iran the expansion of Islam in Beyond Oxus and sind, bring out Khorasan from to be as an important border. Now borders of had not Progress towards the beyond of Seyhun But nomads were capturing of Khorasan borders.

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Qoohestan is the Arabic of Kohestan and is the short form of Kuhestan and it includes regions such as Ghaein, Tarshiz, khaf,Bakharz, Gonabad, Tabas Gilaki,Tabas Anab (mesinan) ,Bakharz, Khosf, Zam and Zave. It’s main parts of course, are south Khorasan and some cities of Khorosan –E-razavi, Yazd and the present Isfahan and cnnter of this state was Ghaein. In spite of being a part of great Khorasan in its political and official structure, its mentioned a geographically unique and independent part on its own. For natural reasons, it’s geographical condition (in strategic location of cross way of north, south, east and west), the presence of different religious and racial groups in this region has always been of importance. Qohestan in the beginning of Islamic era was known as the gate of Khorasan and was considered an important way to control states such as Khorasan, Sistan and Kerman and hence was of importance to Islamic geographical and historical experts who gave detailed reports of this region’s architecture and its elements. This research is an attempt to depict a general image of the architecture of this region in the third to the fifth century .A.H based on historical and geographical texts while paying attention to its different elements (location and situation, internal and external atmosphere, the propose of the building,typs of material and an introduction to some notable works of architecture). This research is an attempt to answer an important question which is, what was the role and the situation of architecture in Qoahestan region from the third to the fifth century .A.H based on historical sources? The present research is based on an analytical-definitional approach and has been conducted based on library sources.

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Bolsheviks replaced Tsars after their victory in the revolution of October, 1917 in Russia and ruled the territory under the Tsras’ authority including Central Asia. The communist successors of the tsars, very soon, Communist rulers started a comprehensive fight against Islamic religion and culture in Central Asia and And the Islamic identity of the people targeted the region with a variety of instruments. The why and how of Bolsheviks’ anti-Islamism is the main question of the present article which the author tries to investigate and explain using descriptive-analytical method. The aim of the present article is to explain the process of the anti-Islamic policies of Bolsheviks in Central Asia . Research findings show that the killing of Muslims, the destruction and closure of religious mosques and schools, the confrontation with the activities of missionaries, the stopping of the publication of religious books, in particular the Quran, the conversion of the Arabic and Persian alphabets to Russian, the abolition of veil, confiscation The endowment and liquidation of the religious courts are one of the anti-Islamic acts of the Bolsheviks during the seventy-year period of its domination of Central Asia. But despite all their anti-Islamic propaganda efforts, they have not succeeded in eliminating Islam from the lives of the people of Central Asia, and the Muslims of this region, through the establishment of movements like “Basmachi” and maintaining their religious and national identity in the form of The unofficial Islam reminded us of the admirable resistance against the Bolsheviks.

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The problem of inequality in many countries is a major challenge in the development, especially for those countries whose territory contains a large quantity of plasticized geographic areas. These disparities are a serious threat to achieving the balanced development of regions and make achieving national unity difficult. The balanced spatial organization in the city, is a kind of urban sustainability. This stability will be achieved once the logical consistency between regions and urban areas and distribution facilities and services exist in cities. This study based on the analytical method and approach of the space research, is practical. It is used in collecting the required information and literature on the fundamentals of documentary and library research methods and have been used for information and relevant data (components and indicators studied) from the National Center for Statistics and Yearbook of the provinces. Techniques used in this research is Kopsras model, the index contains 30 variables studied in the fields of health care, cultural, economic, educational and infrastructural services. Ranking techniques for spatial multi-criteria Kopras to the city of North Khorasan, Razavi and South has been done as well as the processing of data in SPSS and EXCEL statistical software has been made. The results indicate that the technique Kopsras, is in the first place in city Bojnord North Khorasan and has a clear distance with the city Esfarayen as the second city of North Khorasan province. The result of this assessment, represents the most effective political organization of space. This technique shows that the city of Mashhad in Khorasan Province as the center of political and administrative hub of the North East of operation, has consolidated its center. The results show a tangible gap of inequality in terms of sustainable development indices in the city of North Khorasan, Razavi and South. Percentages and ratios in the city show the development trend of centralization and inequality and regional imbalance as a significant E-region is intensifying. This is due to the government's approach to regional development efforts of regional administrators and district officials that can be part of the process of sustainable development. Results showed tangible inequality gap in terms of sustainable development indicators in the city of North Khorasan, Razavi and South that studied indices and rankings is they speak for themselves.

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Many villages in Khorasan were destroyed due to attacks of Mongol. After their victory against Khorasan, many of destructions were recreated with the support and encouragement from big families like Khorasanian Divansalar including Joveini and Farumadi families. The results of this recreations were appearance of new cities with new identities including in Bakharz's area. So the investigation of this changes in the social life of Bakharz and the life of Zein O Din Abubakr e Taybadi, which co-occurred in these geographical and historical changes, is the purpose of this study. The method of investigation is using descriptive and analytical method with the emphasis on the original resources and verbal culture of Khorasan. The research questions are: How the identity of Taybad created in the Bakharz geographical area? What was the role of Molana Zein O Din Abubakr e Taybadi in the political and social life of Khorasan in the Ilkhani era and Between Ilkhan and Teymurian interval? The results of this research indicate that Taybad is rebuilt on the destroyed towns of Touy in the Bakharz area in the Monghol and Ilkhani era. The name was changed from Touy Kharab (destroyed Touy) to Touy Abad and later to Tayabad and Taybad. Zein O Din Abubakr e Taybadi was one of the scientists and Aref in Khorasan which played an important role in Political, cultural and social life of Bakhazar and later in Khorasan. Bidding the fair, forbidding the unfair, and advising for justice were key elements in political ideation and actual practices of Taybadi. These elements were actualized in advice given to kings and rulers. He was the unifying force among different religious movements and mystic groups of his time.

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