Today, mountainous and snowy sports have many fans, but this fun sport has always had many dangers. Dangers such as falling, buried in snow and avalanches, staying in difficult snowy areas, and so on. On the other hand, the advancement of science and technology in this field has not been low, and the development of safety equipment in this area has come to the aid and support of athletes and users of mountainous areas and has greatly increased the safety of athletes. Knowledge of this equipment and their use by athletes will result in a significant reduction in casualties and financial losses. In this research, we try to consider the most important and most basic equipment of a person who is a climber or a skier or any traveler in mountainous and snowy areas. The present equipment, in the first place, prevents the occurrence of harmful injuries and secondly, it helps protect a person when it comes to relapses and helps to save and rescue. In this article, the most important and essential personal equipment needed to travel to mountainous and snowy areas have introduced. Unfortunately, some of these devices have not only used in our country, they are still unknown.