The Soul is the key word in the field of anthropology hence, it has been a long-standing interest in verbal, mystical, interpretive and narrative schools. This research uses the semantic method to explain the concept of The Soul and extract its semantic components from the Holy Qur’ an. Because semantics, for the sake of analytical and precise look at the text, is a useful method of achieving the true meaning of the word. By examining the word "Soul" with the concurrency approach, it became clear that the Soul was on the adjective axis with the concepts of a single Soul, Soul in (complete) rest and satisfaction, the reproachful soul and the evil soul, and based on the companionship of verbal with verbs of oppression, gain, duty, death and punishment, and replaced based on the substitution with the words of the person, the heart and the hand in a semantic range. Therefore, the soul of the human is a superior fact/ truth, and it has intelligence, understanding, perception, discretion and choice, and recognition power, and its relation to the body is a planned thought. This fact/ truth will not be destroyed by death, and in addition to this world in the hereafter, God will speak with him.