The documentary movie, “Baad-e Jen ” made by Naser Taghvai represents the “Zaar” ritual at the south of Iran. The paper tries to answer the following questions: what aspects of this rite are represented in this movie? Were the movie “Baad-e Jen” able to document the social functions of this ceremony? And more importantly, does this ritual give a tangible meaning to people’s lives? Thus, the two dimensional theoretical synthesis of the “Dual conflicts theory” of Lévi Strauss and “the role of rituals in solving the human conflicts” of Mary Douglas were used. The methodologies used in this study were the qualitative content analysis and the topic inductive conception. Findings analysis were conducted using the maxqda10 qualitative data analysis software were used and in order to increase the reliability, the intercoder agreement tool of the software were used. 5 dual conflicts were resulted from the context analysis of the movie. conflicts include: the conflict of Heath and Disease, the conflict of crowd-individual, the conflict of relatives and outsiders, the conflict of Good and Bad, and the conflict of nature and supernatural. the most important result of this study is that firstly, the conflicts observed by Strauss in human nature and his behaviors seem correct and secondly, as Douglas has mentioned, these conflicts are solved in the form of Baad-e Jen ritual and the ways it is treated also are solved by these rituals, thus human can live a life of traditions and be released from its conflicts.