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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Urban Resilience is a relatively new concept in urban studies and urban planning and urban planning plays a crucial role in the formation flexible cities. Strategic planning for these activities should be subject to adapt to the urban physical. A study with application – development nature and analytical approach to the issue is addressed in Ilam. Because the seismic predictions based on statistical methods can give satisfactory results; This research uses quantitative models, COPRAS and md, software GRAFER, MINITAB, VISIO, Excel and SPSS to examine the issue. The results of the 5 on the Richter scale model based on an average of the separate areas of 14 districts were ranked. In other words, the social damage - physical in the earthquake of 5 Mercalli using variable weight combination in the areas Finally, the resilience was determined in Ilam. COPRAS model based on the mean of resilience in against 65 percent.

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This document reviewes relationship between urban and rural areas, with emphasis on the production of horticultural crops in the district Soleghan as productor and Tehran as the market, we could see a two-way relationship. In other words, Horticultural production and sales in a city market With government intervention, either directly or without intermediary, Can create jobs and incom for the villagers and return of capital to the village leading to The creation of infrastructure and welfare services, and the general socio - economic development of rural areas. So villagers Encouraged to continue gardening and maintaining gardens and avoid turning them into other jobs. However, with the larger urban centers and the need them for these population centers to good climate zones for Regeneracy, Investment in transport, roads, accommodation and catering facilities and services attract, tourism boom in the region soleghon and also create more links between Tehran and rural districts soleghan is required. In this paper, try that using methods definition - analysis examined the role of rural - urban linkage in rural development with emphasis on horticultural crops. to clarify this issue from The research method from include methods library (Books - Papers the map) and observational (including interviews and Field work) Through the completion of questionnaire By 237 households is used the sample size was chosen as. After analyzing the research data by statistical program spss, results show that the link between rural - urban and rural development, there was a direct relationship and Significant.

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Each place has it’s physical and social character which gives it indentity. If we consider each city as a person, this person is known with some unique personality characters and it will have its own features. The aim of this research is to deliberate the amount of congruity toward destination personality and tourist personality (both ideal congruity and actual congruity) who wants to choose the city as his or her own tourism destination. Personality dimensions considered in this research include: sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, ruggedness. The used model in this research is brand personality model by Jennifer A. Aaker and these dimensions are according to that model. The questionnaires were filled by tourists of hotels with 3, 4 or 5stars in two Tourism destinations which were chosen as case studies of this research, Shiraz & Yazd. according to statistical studies it concluded that there is a positive integration between ideal and actual tourist personality and the most important dimensions are sincerity and ruggedness.

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If Imagine each region as a spatial system and its cities and settlements like a system’s components , among these components, there are Various linkage and interactions that have the main role in forming the functional structure of the area. Understanding the increasing continuity and the understanding the spatial system is necessary for any kind of thinking and actions for the harmonious development of city and periphery. This paper tries to introduce a pattern for integrated development of urban and periphery based on tourism capabilities of prei-urban with using of cognitive-explanation method and analyzing the sources. The framework of this pattern rely on theoretical evidences of integrated development approach, is based on balance and integration in development of urban and preiphery. The foundation of such pattern of monitoring the social, economic and physical changes of city and the settlements around the city emphasized on identifying the logics of attractiveness of urban and preiphery and tourism capacity that motive city’s attractiveness of peri-urban areas, and it is proposed in the context of the integrated and flexible spatial organization in order to maintain physical and functional identity and coherent physical composition of a city.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (5)
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Rural Housing as a Basic need of villagers, From the beginning of settlement To the present playes an Important role The living conditions They have and every day Its importance is increasing. The most important element in a Village is that in sustainable development of rural Attention to Its sustainability it is known the most important principle. The present a paper aim Stability analysis and explanation of the Physical structure – Space Rural Housing of Zanjan Province By using Method of AHP model and software the subset Including EC, EXT_AHP and GIS software has been made. Sustainability Assessment Criteria and indicators Physical – space Rural Housing of Zanjan In the four stages hierarchically has been done: 1 - Determine the criteria and sub criteria in the stability Physical – space of Rural Housing. 2 - Determination priority (importance) criteria in the stability Physical – space of Rural Housing. 3 - Determination of sub Stability analysis Criteria Physical – space of Rural Housing. 4 - The final analysis the stability Physical – space of Rural Housing. Research studies Descriptive – analytic And research Applied Approach, it is both quantitatively and qualitatively. For data collection Method Library Studies and The field has been used. Library Studies In the field Collect statistics, documents and theories is done. And field studies As well as survey Order to view the current situation, Data collected in villages, Questionnaires distributed And Interview the statistical population has been. Research findings based on AHP the AHP-GIS software environment indicate the situation Undesirable of Indicators Physical – Space of the Rural Housing Zanjan province Based on the principles has been sustainable rural development And show 50 percent of the rural housing In terms of Physical structure – Space in the county Ayjrvd, Mahneshan and Khodabande And 40% Rural housing the county of Zanjan, Khoramdeh, Tarom and abhar has been unstable.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (5)
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The basin of rural housing issues crucial to the ripped and communities and various countries faced with many problems in this area and have adequate shelter and the kind of quality issue that all countries, according to their conditions, are involved. As one of the most important factors in rural development, is sustainable housing, dimensions and hence knowledge of the characteristics and analysis of various components of sustainable rural housing are important; The aim of this study is to provide good algorithms for sustainable rural housing in the study area it is based on mutual information analysis. Applied research, descriptive-analytic method used to collect data and information from the library and survey methods (Prsshnamh and observation) is used. To analyze the data from one sample T-test and analysis methods to influence and impact indicators mutual information (feature selection methods) the programming capabilities in MATLAB software environment is taken advantage of. The population of this research includes the heads of households in rural areas residential units Zylayy stack that is taken into account wich is more than 1134 households. Using SPSS statistical analysis shows that The social dimension of sustainability, the physical and economic conditions are some howe stable and unstable aspects of environmental and architectural features are the mutual informations and results of the analysis that after weighing 1.323 high social impact and inspiration to among the rural housing stability.

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  • Volume: 

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    1 (5)
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Human has always sought shelter wich, from the beginning of it’s creation; civilization with creation of lead to creating city. Increase in social interaction among humans and characteristics of urban communities today caused the creation of different patterns of the sities and their development. According to the city's multi-faceted phenomenon and dynamic, forecasting and perfect planning for all of it’s elements does not exist. The pattern of growth and physical development as spatial pattern of human activities at a time when certain period is defined into two main categories: horizontal expansion or urban sprawl and compact city model wich reviewing this template to achieve sustainable urban development will be essential. In the study ahead of Sari in Mazandaran province and one of the city's center is also using the a descriptive – analytical for six decades between the years 1335 to 1395 were examined. The highest population density in the first decade of 1335 is 238.8 persons per hectare and the lowest decade in terms of population density of 70.8 persons per hectare is about 1355. The purpose of this study was to identify and measure physical growth pattern of Sari in different periods that to achieve a balanced distribution of degree, degree of aggregation, density and size of Metropole has been used. By surveys that show results The city from the persfective of expanding and spatial expantion had slowed that growth and more relative density With early onset of urbanization and uncontrolled migration from rural to urban areas, where development occurs very rapidly, It may be scattered or spread of irregular horizontal growth pattern for the city imagine the consequences would be the undesirable as well.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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