This document reviewes relationship between urban and rural areas, with emphasis on the production of horticultural crops in the district Soleghan as productor and Tehran as the market, we could see a two-way relationship. In other words, Horticultural production and sales in a city market With government intervention, either directly or without intermediary, Can create jobs and incom for the villagers and return of capital to the village leading to The creation of infrastructure and welfare services, and the general socio - economic development of rural areas. So villagers Encouraged to continue gardening and maintaining gardens and avoid turning them into other jobs. However, with the larger urban centers and the need them for these population centers to good climate zones for Regeneracy, Investment in transport, roads, accommodation and catering facilities and services attract, tourism boom in the region soleghon and also create more links between Tehran and rural districts soleghan is required. In this paper, try that using methods definition - analysis examined the role of rural - urban linkage in rural development with emphasis on horticultural crops. to clarify this issue from The research method from include methods library (Books - Papers the map) and observational (including interviews and Field work) Through the completion of questionnaire By 237 households is used the sample size was chosen as. After analyzing the research data by statistical program spss, results show that the link between rural - urban and rural development, there was a direct relationship and Significant.