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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    4 (8)
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The vast environmental damages of earthquakes have recently attracted more attentions to the concept of resilience to minimize the pernicious effects of such disaster. The present study evaluates the physical resilience in municipality region one of Tehran against the possible earthquakes. Using a descriptive-analytic method and GIS modeling, data were analyzed based on results obtained by network analysis process. The general resilience map of the region was drawn. Then a fuzzy technique was applied to the map to create different scenarios of earthquake magnitudes. The results indicated that in a probable earthquake of 6 Richter’s magnitude scale, 11.13 percent of constructions would locate at the low and very low resilience range. In such a scenario except two, other neighborhoods of the region would not be facing a serious vulnerability. With a probable 7 Richter’s scenario, the previous percentage would increase to 39. In a probable 8 Richter’s scenario, 52.29 percent of constructions would be faced with serious danger by which almost all rural textures fall in the very low range of resilience scale. Finally, in a probable 9 Richter’s scenario, 67.45 percent of constructions would fall at low and very low range of resilience scale. Most of them locate at areas of 1, 3, 4, 5 and 8 of the region.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (8)
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Human beings have always been subject to the natural hazards as a permanent part of their life. Among them, devastating earthquakes are responsible for a large number of human casualty and financial losses. About a quarter of rural populations in Iran live in villages close to active geological faults. It necessitates a serious attention about the rate of vulnerability of such settlements. The present study aims to evaluate the physical vulnerability of rural settlements against earthquakes in Yazd County. A descriptive-analytical method is applied. Collected data include the spatial, graphical and locational data. Two models were used for data analysis: Topsis MDM and AHP. The results showed that all villages in Fajr rural district were less vulnerable against earthquake occurrence. In contrast, all villages in rural district of Allah Abad, except the village of Tamehr, were more vulnerable against earthquakes. Results also indicated that the age of most rural buildings were more than 20 years and their low-quality materials mainly include wood and mud. In addition, insufficient access to the networks and the lack of rural housing insurance are the other factors to increase the risk of vulnerability of rural settlements. For these reasons, it is necessary to encourage modernization and rehabilitation of buildings, selecting appropriate planning programs and supporting new ideas.

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    4 (8)
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Ecotourism is a strategy of tourism development based on environmental protection and local community welfare. It has been associated with successful experiences in different places of the world. The role of ecotourism in supplementing and integrating rural development is accepted as a bottom line in the world. Various factors are involved in the process of development and prosperity of ecotourism including green marketing as an important one. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of green mixed marketing in rural ecotourism development. The sample comprises 200 tourists and visitors of Ghare Su village who have been selected based on a random method. Questionnaire was used to collect the data and SPSS21 and Lisrel 8.5 software were applied to statistical data analysis. Results of the study showed that all green mixed marketing elements such as green product, green price, green promotion and green place have affected the ecotourism development in Ghareh Su village as the case of the present study. Among the mentioned elements of mixed marketing, the green promotion is the most important factor in rural ecotourism development. In conclusion, it is suggested that due to the importance of green promotion to ecotourism attractions in the village, special attention should be paid to environmental issues and to inform the tourists and local community about the measures and activities that have been taken to protect the environment and reduce its negative impacts.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

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    4 (8)
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Nowadays one of the most important issues in urban design is providing a valuable situation for women and fulfilling their physical, mental, social and recreational needs. Dealing with amenity issues of women and their active presence in society has necessitated the development of Ladies Parks in many Iranian cities. However, less attention has been paid to recognize women motivations to use such kind of parks and their effects on development of such spaces. Tabriz city is not exceptional among the Iranian cities. The present study aims to identify women motivations to go to Ladies Parks in Sahand, Tabriz. Using a face to face method, 120 visitors of the park were interviewed. The questions were about the reasons and motivations of women to go to the park, impacting factors on their physical health, their favorite activities and correctitude of creating Ladies Park idea. For analyzing the data, SPSS and Excel software were applied. The results of the present study showed that the main factor to motivate the women to use the Ladies Park is doing exercise and sport activities in order to reach the body fitness and weight losing. Also, some other reasons such as unemployment, loneliness, spending leisure time and visiting friends are the internal factors for using the Ladies Park by women of Sahand city. Physical development of social spaces as well as expansion of sport facilities can play an effective role in success of Ladies Parks.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1167

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (8)
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This is more than three decades that directorial rural plan is applied in rural areas of Iran aiming at renewing and conducting the expansion of villages in terms of social, economical and physical dimensions. The mentioned plan tries to design a spatial landscape for the village as well as an extent in which public and government services are distributed optimally. It also provides required conditions for rural population sustainability. The aim of present study is evaluating the economic, physical, social, and ecological dimensions of executing rural directorial plan in rural district of Neggel, Sanandaj. The applied method is a descriptive one by which 27 indices are evaluated. The sample includes 308 households selected based on Cochran method. To show the significance level, Chi-Square test is applied and for ranking and classification, Friedman test and HAP technique are applied respectively. From a physical view, the results indicate that conducting rural directorial plan has played a rather successful role in improvement of internal road and street network of villages, reducing the levels of pollution, enhancing sanitary conditions and garbage removal of villages. However, from a spatial view, it seems that the mentioned plans are not successful in terms of access to services such as renewing residential buildings, sport and recreational services. So, to enhance the functionality of rural directorial plans it is necessary to correct the regulations, coordination between involved organizations and increasing budgets and credits for implementation of the plans.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 664

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    4 (8)
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In the present study the runoff resulted from snowmelt is simulated using the SRM model in Taleghan basin. Snow, as one of the main causes of water storage plays an important role in removal of the challenges in water resources management, especially in mountainous areas. The water resulted from snow melting plays an important role in the development of surface runoff and ground water recharge. Snow coverage represents the amount of water stored in mountain basins. Here, snow is considered as an equivalent for water and has a great effect on the hydrological simulation in Taleghan watershed. According to the studies carried out in this area, due to the natural and climatic characteristics of the region, there exist relatively favorable conditions for the development of horticulture, agriculture and urban expansion. The present study has simulated the daily yield model with the square of the correlation coefficient of 45%. The results indicated that the SRM Simulation Model is a suitable tool for estimating the amount of runoff resulted from snow melting with a high degree of accuracy. The applied model is a sufficient one to estimate and predict the flow of snowmelt and efficient management of water resources. The model is also very important in physical development and enhancement of the environmental conditions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (8)
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Infill development is a complex and multifaceted category. The importance of this development policy lies in sustaining the city and protecting its perepherial environment. This paper attempts to identify the areas of infill development, using a descriptive-analytical method and documentary data, and to identify the programs and priorities of the physical development scenario of Tehran metropolitan. The results show that based on a regional and land use prospect, Tehran does not have a same capacity and infill opportunities for all its regions. Thus, the physical development scenario of Tehran needs to pay more attention to the issue in order to reach an internalized development. Reaching such development requires the following attempts as primary bases for a physical development scenario: prioritizing the peripheral areas and areas requiring intervention, utilizing the potential of infill land use for new development in a short period of time, identifying alternatives and spaces for deployment in the areas of redevelopment, preventing the segregation, preserving the integrity of new and redeveloped reserves for settling down of the population, the creation of multifunctional functions and revitalization of target areas in a worn-out textures based on a bottom-up planning approach.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (8)
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One of the main challenges of the territorial space planning system, especially local-regional spaces in Iran, is the functional disruption of urban and rural settlements, followed by structural-functional disorientations of the settlement system. One of the effective approaches in balancing disruption and balance adjustment toward a balanced and sustainable pattern is the regional network pattern. Regarding this issue, some settlement systems are in the early stages of formation and some suffer from the damage caused by the changes in the transition from unbalanced network to a balanced one. The settlement system of Hashtroud-Charoymagh district is faced the structural - functional barriers in the early stages of the formation of a regional network system. In the present study, an inductive research method along with a combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques is applied to test the factors and forces influencing the formation of regional network. For quantitative analysis, we have used the Nodexl network analysis, GIS, AHP model, and clustering techniques. In qualitative method, regular interviews with stakeholders were conducted to recognize the flow of goods, information and capital in the region. Research findings showed that the spatial flows of primary economic activities which affect the formation of a regional network were incomplete in rural settlement’s physical system, or were following a one-way pattern. In order to modify the structural constraints and strengthen the functional system of rural settlements in the Hashtroud-Charoymagh area, the following attempts need to be done: applying supportive policies and investment of related government institutions, increasing the rate of rural participation, and creating productive foundations by rural stakeholders. Such attempts might lead to form a regional network that would be in interaction with other transnational and national networks.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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