This is more than three decades that directorial rural plan is applied in rural areas of Iran aiming at renewing and conducting the expansion of villages in terms of social, economical and physical dimensions. The mentioned plan tries to design a spatial landscape for the village as well as an extent in which public and government services are distributed optimally. It also provides required conditions for rural population sustainability. The aim of present study is evaluating the economic, physical, social, and ecological dimensions of executing rural directorial plan in rural district of Neggel, Sanandaj. The applied method is a descriptive one by which 27 indices are evaluated. The sample includes 308 households selected based on Cochran method. To show the significance level, Chi-Square test is applied and for ranking and classification, Friedman test and HAP technique are applied respectively. From a physical view, the results indicate that conducting rural directorial plan has played a rather successful role in improvement of internal road and street network of villages, reducing the levels of pollution, enhancing sanitary conditions and garbage removal of villages. However, from a spatial view, it seems that the mentioned plans are not successful in terms of access to services such as renewing residential buildings, sport and recreational services. So, to enhance the functionality of rural directorial plans it is necessary to correct the regulations, coordination between involved organizations and increasing budgets and credits for implementation of the plans.