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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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one of the critical needs of citizens is access to the facilities to spend their leisure time usefully. These facilities are considered as one of the infrastructures in sustainable urban development. As most of citizens’ leisure time is spent in the streets or small parks without any special facilities, extending urban recreational places will meet human naturalistic needs. Therefore, the present study investigates some statements on sustainable urban development, spending leisure time and designing river margins. Using Delphi method, a questionnaire was prepared and then answered by 30 people. SPSS software was used to statistically analyze the data and it was done in two groups of analytical and descriptive. Considering the data, it was observed that among all sustainable urban development criteria, cultural, physical, environmental, Economical and social criteria were affecting citizens regarding using or not using such urban areas by 13. 9 Percent, 4. 1 percent, 3. 8 percent, 2. 8 percent and 1 percent, respectively. These criteria and spending leisure time have a significant relation with designing the margin of river and improving sustainable urban development has the most effect on designing the margin of river with 81. 8 percent correlation.

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Currently, the application of the principles of sustainable development in urban public realms is taken into consideration. Active engagement with life is conducted by providing participation, activity and social interaction of citizens with each other. Thus, the participation of citizens in these realms is effective in their physical and mental health and sustainable urban design objectives. So in this article, recognition of the urban public realms which have the value for the participation from the perspective of citizens have been studied and analyzed. In conducting this research, correlation and survey research methods have been used. Also, questionnaire as data gathering tool and SPSS and Smart PLS as data analysis and assessment tools and structural model of confirmatory factor analysis and the analysis method of Partial Least Squares as the method of the data analysis have been applied. Statistical population of this research was all over-15-years citizens who used urban public realms of Shiraz. Also the sample group were 176 persons of statistical population and Cronbach's alpha was 0. 805. Results of this research emphasize that from the perspective of citizens of Shiraz, measures of vitality, lack of pollution and being green, the Capability of Recognition and experience, suitability and integrity, inclusiveness and lack of crime are important in citizen participation. The highest correlation is between the suitability and integrity and the capability of recognition and experience.

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Space perception is an important issue in designing urban spaces. This means that urban designer should codify the space in such an appropriate process that it can be legible for users of spaces. Therefore legibility is an important quality in designing of urban spaces. From viewpoint of the authors of this research, signage has two important aspects: the influential factors that affect the legibility of signs from different users of space and also the location of signs that have effect on accessibility and visibility of the signs. This research emphasized on the second aspect of these dualism principles of signage in urban spaces. For investigating this, district 1 of region 12 of Tehran Municipality is selected. The result of first aspect presents the importance of distinctness, and uniqueness of the landmark. Meanwhile beside functional, visual and semantic characteristic of a landmark, landmark location is an important criterion. The result of examining the location of space with Depthmap software showed that access to the landmark and location of it in pedestrian path, has a specific rule on remaining the object in the mind and so the path become more legible and readable. So the both aspects have influence on signage pattern.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The Lack of attention to the "dynamic" concept of the landscape, the "holistic" approach to it, as well as the use of conventional methods in the study of urban development projects, has shaped the urban landscape that is unable to meet the demands of its inhabitants over time. Therefore, considering the ineffectiveness and divergence of the study method in the urban development plans of Iran with the variability of today's city, it is necessary to adopt an appropriate attitude to today's urban conditions. Landscape Urbanism theory with a general approach to the concept of landscape and accepting the uncertainty of the evolving city, has raised a new field in global literature. The purpose of this paper is to use the Landscape Urbanism theory to change the method of studies in urban development projects of Iran, especially the "Comprehensive Quality Improvement Document for Urban Landscape. " The methods of this qualitative research are "Content Analysis, "Comparative Study" and "Case Study". The results of this study show that the use of Landscape Urbanism theory in Iran requires understanding theoretical content, updating the urban landscape rules and improving the status of local institutions in the urban design and planning process.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Place attachment is one of complicated processes that forms from the relationship of human and environment. Because of establishing affective relationship, it will have positive behavioral implications on the environment. What contributes to strengthening place attachment and consolidates the links of residents with the place is an important achievement for urban planners in order to achieve a qualitative improvement of human habitation in the environment. This paper is aimed to investigate the effect of physical features of the place on place attachment in order to fulfilling sustainable neighborhood. The research methodology is descriptive-analytical and it is practical in terms of purpose. After documentary studies, data was collected through a field survey in Ahwaz city. Data collection tool was a questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using spss and Amos graphic software. The results show the amount of place attachment and satisfaction of physical characters of place are significantly higher than the average amount in understudy area. From the outputs results of the Amos software, number of indicators (greater than 0. 9) confirms fitting the designed structural equation model. The average of the variance explained for each structure is greater than 0. 5 and from 0. 51 to 0. 62, respectively. The study of the first and second hypotheses confirms the significant effect of physical components and the objective and subjective factors of it on place attachment, also the proportion of subjective factors was greater of place attachment construction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of the current study is to predict social tendencies based on territoriality indices in inhabitants of residential complexes. This research is descriptive and correlational, and the statistical population is 439 households living in 4 residential complexes in Rasht with a sample size of 186 available households. To collect data, a researcher-made checklist was used in five areas of research and was measured based on the residents' tendencies. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. The results of correlation coefficient showed that all 14 indices of territoriality have a significant relationship with social tendency. The results of regression analysis showed that 53. 6% of the variance of social tendency in physical basis is predicted by the parameters of spatial joints, architectural pattern and enclosure rate and 17. 8% of it in semantic basis is predicted by sense of control, self-actualization and satisfaction. Also, the contribution of the background domain with the security component is 4% and the contribution of the activity-behavioral domain with the components of time and period of repetition, privacy, spatial intimacy and density is 85% of the variance of social tendency, and these findings suggest that the design of the residential complex along with the control of territory, creates motivation and desire, optimism, hope for the future, and eventually social interaction.

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Buffer zone must be taken into consideration for documentation and conservation reasons and it is necessary for any engineering activity to avoid violation of buffer zone and landscape of cultural heritage. Various buffer zones are defined for cultural heritage that for any of them special kind of conservation rules and limitations for construction activity and intervention are determined. Unfortunately this issue has not been well considered in Iran and as a result of this fact, cultural heritage and related buffer zones as well as urban landscapes have been severely hurt and undergo crisis and even unrecoverable damages. So, availability of maps representing vulnerability is quite necessary for conservation and management of historical monuments. These maps determine the level of damages imposed to cultural heritage due to different sources of risks. Managers of cultural heritage and municipality authorities can make accurate, rapid and appropriate decisions. This research, based on spatial information and analysis, studies cultural heritage buffer zones, identification and selection of main factors affecting buffer zones and landscapes such as different land use types of parcels, status of facades in the buffer zone and parcels height and density. Single inference method and spatial analyses together with raster calculations were used for producing of vulnerability maps. It was finally shown that only 6% buffer zones in zone 1 of district 20 of Tehran has remained undamaged and more than half of it suffers from intermediate or severe damage. This is a serious threat to cultural heritage and its surrounding environment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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