Piabanha, Brycon gouldingi, is an endemic species in the Tocantins-Araguaia basin. It hasaroused the interest of both fish farmers, who started its creation in confinement, and riverine peoplewho appreciate it as a food source. In order to provide information about organic systems ofB. gouldingi larvae, a histological description was performed after capturing adult specimens in theRio das Mortes (Mato Grosso, Brazil), adapted to captivity and induced to spawn at Buriti Fisheries(Nova Mutum, MT, Brazil). The collection of samples took place at pre-defined moments afterhatching, and the processes relating to morphological differentiation of digestive, excretory, cardiorespiratory, nervous/sensory systems and gas bladder were characterized. At the hatching werefound: undifferentiated digestive system; pronephros (primitive kidney), rudimentary heart, centralnervous system characterized by primary vesicles, optic vesicle forming the optic cup and crystallinelens. In the course of ontogeny, these organic systems were developed and at the time of the totalabsorption of the yolk at 55 hours post-hatching were found: the digestive system consisting of thehead gut, foregut, midgut and hindgut; two heart chambers and branching of gill arches; three regionsof the brain (forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain), neuromasts, olfactory cavity, taste buds; eyeconsisting of well-defined layers; presence of gas bladder. The results of this study may be useful inproviding support for the captive breeding of B. gouldingi during the larval stage.