In security research studies, conventional patterns of threat estimationfor the analysis and prediction of threats surrounding Islamic republic of Iranare ineffective, due to neglecting the function of religious values, consideringmaterial elements exclusively and the lack of consideration of spiritual anddivine factors. Hence, the main question of the study is that “ what are themost basic components explaining the intrinsic and inherent characteristicsof the Islamic republic of Iran, for the estimation of threats? ” . The semioticmethod was used to answer this question. The summary of this research isthat as values penetrate from the level of behavior and social actions to theinner layers of emotions and beliefs, the security coefficient increases andthe immunity forms against threats are formed and if the opposing signs ofvalues penetrate from the outer layer to the heart and belief layers, providedthat there are hostile intentions, geographic range, time sequence, socialbackground, and change in the threat wave from the social level to the securitylevel and weakness of management power, threat gets deeper andintensifies.