Despite the suggestion made by one of the Zoroastrian scholars, Mary Boyce (1920-2006) in her late life, the Zoroastrian Studies has not taken into account the Islamic resources yet, and paid a little attention to them. Negligence of such an important issue is made when a number of Iranian old works have been translated into Arabic, Arabicised, and placed among lots of newly texts during the period of transferring Sassanid Iran to Islamic Iran. Undoubtedly, using this great heritage will expand the extent of resources and make a great help in finding the complexities of Zoroastrian Studies. In the present paper, we see that even in a popular and famous book, “ Al-mellal val-Nehal” , written by Mohammad Abdul Karim Shahrestani, a passage of true Zoroasrian texts can be found that it may have been directly translated from Pahlavic into Arabic. Though there may be some changes when translating into Arabic, there are some vague hints to Devil and its creaturres in the passage.