One of the theories suggested in Islamic tradition on how to face with similar words in Quran is the theory of putting words forth for the spirit of meaning. It has been stated explicitly by Ghazzali for the first time. This theory has been accepted among mystics and followers and of transcendent theosophy in the history of Islamic thought. Transcendent theosophy has been accepted and used in detail based on a continuum of some foundations by professor Javadi Amoli. As is understood, for him, the theory has been based on: maximum obligation to Arabic grammar in religious texts, insufficiency of Jaheli Arab literature to satisfy the Divine wisdom, rejecting eisegesis and hermeneutic views, believing in the multiple layers in the existence, and the originality of truth in Quran. He considers the theory as the basement for a new window to understand the Quran and its addresses. He referred to this theory for knowing the meaning of some words in the Book and tradition such as day, come, pen, tablet, food, choosing, speech, word, business, the lamp, taste, way, keys and book.