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The article discusses the influence of Sufism on literature and the role of poets in spreading the teachings of Sufism. The attitude of the 12th century Azerbaijani poet Khagani Shirvani on the subject of Sufism and his views on this religious and philosophical doctrine are considered. In addition, the poet’ s ideas about the Sufi image were studied, the analysis of the Sufi images he created and, at the same time, the relationship of Khagani to the well-known Sufis in the history of Sufism was investigated. The analysis of the samples taken from the works of Khagani is based on the judgments of the Sufi views of the poet. Attention was paid to Sufi terms and features of their use in Khagani verses. During the study, examples were given of the poetic embodiment of the Sufi symbolism, which were discovered in the works of the poet. The poetic characteristics of Sufi symbolism in the artistic and aesthetic representation of Khagani and the literary and philosophical characteristic of Khagani's works in artistic expressions are of paramount importance. Analyzes and studies allow us to conclude that the ideas of Sufism played the role of a means of expressing the social and philosophical views of many creative people. Despite the fact that he was not just a Sufi poet, Khagani was a creative person with a literary heritage, rich in Sufi ideas. He was fully aware of Sufism, the Sufi way of life, and Sufi terms. As knowing the basic conditions of Sufism, he emphasized the richness of the soul of a creative person, and it can also be noted that he built his recommendations throughout the entire creative way around this very idea. The symbolism of Sufism in the works of Khagani reflects the diversity of meaning and content, artistic and aesthetic content, scientific nature, religious and spiritual problems and thus it can be concluded that from this point of view it is rich in interesting materials for research.

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It is said about new forms of thinking following after the sensual and intuitive cognition, along with the rules of proper contemplation, abstraction, determination, classification (division), opinions etc. in Aristotle’ s “ Logic” . We realize the things with the sensual (whether outer or inner) and intuitive cognition, and reproduce then their general speculative images in our imagination by means of abstractions with a help of ideas of them. After that we are giving them a “ notion” which is a deduction. Finally, we are justifying these notions. In other words, this justifying is one of the forms of thinking. The justifying itself is divided into two parts which are the simple and the complex ones. The mostly wide spread simple forms are “ straight” reasoning and “ predicative syllogisms with common term” . The ways of getting those deductions in various ways have been being in focus of attention through the ages. There is a number of general and specific conditions to obtain the deductions of syllogisms. These conditions had been accounted in advance by logicians basing on the concrete methods. These conditions are addressed to when it is necessary to express a certain thought by means of syllogisms. If the justifying is within these conditions the deduction of syllogism will be ready. But as far as a number of conditions is large enough it is difficult to keep in mind all of them. More over, sometimes, because of too large number of prepositions for syllogism one has to make a personal deduction. By this reason one of those methods – the Eyler method in particular – is considered in present article. A special mathematic form of logical analogy and induction of predicative conclusions is represented in the article as well. Also the geometric deductions of “ straight” argument and simple syllogisms are analyzed here.

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The Qur'ā nic sciences are important elements in understanding and interpreting the Qur'ā n. In this study, we will try to focus on the subject of al-Ḥ urf al-Muqatta'a which is in the Qur'ā nic sciences. In this context we will try to enlighten the subject by addressing some commentaries written in the XXth and XXIst centuries. This paper limited to written commentaries by Muhammad Abduh (d. 1905), Muhammad Rashid Rida (d. 1935), Tantawī Jawharī (d. 1940), Elmalı lı Muhammed Hamdi Yazı r (d. 1942), Moustafa el-Meraghi (d. 1952), Ö mer Rı zâ Doğ rul (d. 1952), Sayyid Qutb (d. 1966), Ö mer Nasuhi Bilmen (d. 1971), Tā hir ibn Ashŭ r (d. 1973), Muhammad Shinkhī tī (d. 1974), Mawdŭ dī 's (d. 1979), Muhammad Izzet Derveze (d. 1984), Mehmet Zeki Duman (d. 2013), Wahbah Zuḥ aylī (d. 2015), Sü leyman Ateş , Celal Yı ldı rı m, Mahmut Toptaş ve Hayrettin Karaman. In our study was selected from different schools such as scientific, social and literary schools. These works are mentioned Narrative, Rational, Historical and Modernist approaches. It was also taken into works from Palestine, Egypt, Mauritania, Pakistan, Syria and Tunisia. Thus, the different perspectives are reviewed about. Thus, we tried to show similarities or differences between the comments of al-Hurū f al-Mukatta'a of early period commentators and the comments of recent commentators. At the same time, we evaluated about them.

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The inscriptions and the archaeological writings, including the marble plates studied here, are one of the most important material, not-intended sources of study-ing the Islamic civilization. These inscriptions are considered neutral and simulta-neous to events writings because they are related to everyday aspects of life and are devoid of intent and bias. It was possible through these writings and inscriptions to correct many historical errors made by some of the informants and historians in the Islamic era, and discover new historical facts, which were not available to them. Moreover, these writings, which spread on the walls of mosques, shrines, temples and other buildings, as well as applied works of art, provide us with important infor-mation about the names of the owners of these installations and monuments. They also specify the exact date of these buildings and artifacts, which are usually controversial and disputed in other historical sources. Accordingly, these writings and inscriptions can be the crucial factor in solving such issues in case of disagreement. The above mentioned advantages from historical, archeological, and artistic points of view were achieved clearly in the marble paintings on the tekke built by Ib-rahim Gaweesh, studied in the current paper. The study reached new results which can add something new to several historical and archeological studies, interested in this era of the Egyptian history in the 12th AH/18th AD century. The full text of this article is the arabic language, please for the view full text, refer to Persian. Please click here to view the full text of this article.

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The phenomenon of natural world is one of the main concerns of human life and it has traced the attention of scientists. About the starting of world, several scientific theories have been put forward. The theory of Big Bang has is most accepted theory by cosmologists. According to this theory, all existing matters and energies in the world have been compacted in a point about 20 billons ago. All galaxies, stars and planets have came out from this primary explosion. The holy Quran has paid attention much more on the very big phenomenon of creation and several Verses have reminded this point as they called to contemplate on the creation of heaven and earth. One of the sings of scientific miracle of Quran is its illustration of how the world has is created (integration of earth and heaven) which is proved by cosmologists after centuries. Nowadays the scientific theory of Big Bang has no contradiction with Quranic Verses. In this article, we have compared few Quranic Verses with the scientific contents of cosmology an physical world about the creation of world and we have analyzed this point. At last, we conclude that since the realities of Quran is not proved, we can say with scientific suppositions. So, we can not compare between theses Verses and scientific theory with certainty that these two are same. Though some scholars and interpreters have convinced and claimed that two Verses of Quran (Anbia: 30 &Fussilat 11) have informed 13 centuries ago of what is called now “ Big bang” theory which proved the miracle of Quran once again. .The full text of this article is the Persian language, please for the view full text, refer to Persian Please click here to view the full text of this article.

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Have you ever asked yourself would you exist if your parents never met each other? These questions which are rooted in notions such as “ Possible Worlds” and “ Possible objects” and raised from modal notions such as “ Possibility” and “ Necessity” are the locus of controversy among a lot of philosophers. Two main approaches discussed in this thesis are “ Actualism” and “ Possibilism” . Possibilists consider all possible worlds as realized and existing affairs and believe that the possible worlds exist without being existed actually, while actualists consider the current world as the actual and realized world and the content of the actual world, and it is only the actual world which is concrete. At the first glance it seems that the actualism approach is not compatible with modal logic and formulas such as Barkan, but on the other hand possibilism is not a popular and acceptable theory. Zalta and Linsky are among new actualists who by talking about non-concrete objects which can become concrete with a special possibility, took a successful step to solve this problem. Williamson can be known as the follower of Zalta and Linsky path, who by utilizing unbounded quantifiers and descriptive possibility proved the essential existence. In his book titled modal logic as metaphysic, he tries to present a support for metaphysic opinions by the aid of modal logic. His approach in this book directs the quarrel path toward another direction, and by discussing about two approaches of “ Necessitism” and “ Contingentis” and finally defending his approach and modal logic-based reasoning responds to the question we proposed at first. .The full text of this article is the Persian language, please for the view full text, refer to Persian Please click here to view the full text of this article.

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