The Qur'ā nic sciences are important elements in understanding and interpreting the Qur'ā n. In this study, we will try to focus on the subject of al-Ḥ urf al-Muqatta'a which is in the Qur'ā nic sciences. In this context we will try to enlighten the subject by addressing some commentaries written in the XXth and XXIst centuries. This paper limited to written commentaries by Muhammad Abduh (d. 1905), Muhammad Rashid Rida (d. 1935), Tantawī Jawharī (d. 1940), Elmalı lı Muhammed Hamdi Yazı r (d. 1942), Moustafa el-Meraghi (d. 1952), Ö mer Rı zâ Doğ rul (d. 1952), Sayyid Qutb (d. 1966), Ö mer Nasuhi Bilmen (d. 1971), Tā hir ibn Ashŭ r (d. 1973), Muhammad Shinkhī tī (d. 1974), Mawdŭ dī 's (d. 1979), Muhammad Izzet Derveze (d. 1984), Mehmet Zeki Duman (d. 2013), Wahbah Zuḥ aylī (d. 2015), Sü leyman Ateş , Celal Yı ldı rı m, Mahmut Toptaş ve Hayrettin Karaman. In our study was selected from different schools such as scientific, social and literary schools. These works are mentioned Narrative, Rational, Historical and Modernist approaches. It was also taken into works from Palestine, Egypt, Mauritania, Pakistan, Syria and Tunisia. Thus, the different perspectives are reviewed about. Thus, we tried to show similarities or differences between the comments of al-Hurū f al-Mukatta'a of early period commentators and the comments of recent commentators. At the same time, we evaluated about them.