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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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    2 (2)
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The Islamic Revolution of Iran intended to reconstruct a full-fledged new world order to overthrow the ancient social system and its dominant values from the top to the bottom. Therefore, this revolution needed a sort of leadership to wipe the dust of ancient world off Iran and make an initiative to fully reconstruct the values and structures of the Iranian society. Imam Khomeini was that kind of erudite leader needed for Iranian revolutionary movement whose exceptional charisma bestowed the leadership on him. This paper is an attempt to find an answer to the question of whether Imam Khomeini was really the engineer of Islamic revolution of Iran. In other words, was the culmination of Islamic Revolution and the downfall of the Shah’s regime in early 1979 a result of Imam Khomeini's engineering? To put it in better wording, the question is: Was the Islamic Revolution of Iran a project led by Imam Khomeini? Can we assume the Islamic Revolution was a fruit of Imam Khomeini's pre-determined will and plan.In a research endeavor to investigate and test the abovementioned hypothesis, two types of evidences have been used: First, Imam Khomeini's statements, who has been a person beyond a leader or embodiment of the Islamic Revolution to many influential agents and players of the Islamic Revolution and to the general public in Iran; and second, historical evidences and documents. The findings of this paper, in general, challenges the hypothesis that "Imam Khomeini was the engineer of Islamic Revolution."

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (2)
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This paper is an attempt to identify the literature of Islamic Revolution of Iran. To this end, the most outstanding research works on Islamic Revolution of Iran have been identified and reviewed and their peculiarities analyzed in a theoretical and methodological framework. An analysis of the contents of these research works suggested that six almost interval patterns are identifiable for clarification of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. Functionalistic clarification was the first clarifying pattern for understanding the Islamic Revolution, although a dim trace of Marxist clarification was formed at the same time. The psychological-sociological clarification came next with emphasis on such concepts as "relative deprivation" and "anomie" or lack of the usual social or ethical standards in the society. The fourth pattern was organizational clarification focusing on suppression and mobilization of forces. The fifth pattern can be termed as cultural-discourse clarification that argues how Shia discourse became dominant in the discussions. A type of rational clarification can be also identified in the literature of Islamic Revolution that is not that much useful in research on revolution. Of course, there are many works on the literature of Islamic Revolution at hand. Some efforts have been made to re-identify and classify this rich literature, but this research work, reviews, classifies and analyzes the literature of Islamic Revolution from a different perspective that gives a relatively innovative aspect to the findings of the paper.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (2)
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In any studies on political movements and revolutions, it is important to analyze their influence on other societies and nations. From among the contemporary Islamic and revolutionary movements, the revolution of the Muslim nation of Algiers, emerged in mid 20th century, had had great influence on Muslim societies. This paper intends to study the impact of the Algerian Revolution on Iranian thinkers and revolutionaries. Based on the findings of this paper, the struggles of the freedom-seeking people in Algiers as well as the ideologies of the revolutionary leaders and fighters both before and after this victory over the French colonialism, provided required inspiration and pattern of struggle for anti-Pahlavi political forces in Iran, both religious and non-religious. The research method in this paper is exploratory and descriptive-analytical. The data has been gathered out of library documents (documents, books, and papers) and then analyzed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (2)
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As a turning point in contemporary Iranian history, the Islamic Revolution has had massive influence on the course of developments in the country if not to mention the situation of international politics. A proper study and understanding of this revolution is an imperative introduction to the understanding of the domestic and foreign policies of today Iran. Unlike this important necessity, research about Islamic Revolution does not have a bright history in China and there are only a few sources on this revolution. This paper is an attempt to study these sources through textual analysis and content analysis. The findings of the paper show that three factors have been influential in developing research works by the Chinese researchers about Islamic Revolution of Iran: Marxism-Maoism ideology; impact of Western approaches to and analyses of Islamic Revolution of Iran; and political, economic and cultural developments along with Chinese foreign policy strategies vis-a-vis Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

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    2 (2)
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Urban squares play an important role in formation of political and social meetings. Development and modernity have made urban structures such as squares undergo drastic changes. Cities have enjoyed special features and identity ever since their foundation that has taken place in the course of long years. City identity includes everything from street names to the way of formation of the squares and buildings. The Shah Square in Mashhad, renamed Shohada Sq. after the victory of Islamic Revolution, is one of the urban squares that has undergone numerous structural and identity changes ever since its construction. Holding national meetings and ceremonies in this square, either before or after the revolution, has given a special significance to this square. The annihilation of the historical identity of this square as a result of changes made in its architecture, made the author of this paper carry out a research into the identity functions of this square as well as the most important historical incidents taking place at this venue.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (2)
  • Pages: 

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This paper intends to provide a response to this question: What factors paved the ground for the commencement and spread of revolutionary developments in the city of Nain? This paper claims that a combination of agent and structure components brought about the initiation and development of revolutionary thought and action in Nain. According to the findings of this paper, the forced exile of some revolutionary forces to Nain and Anarak paved the ground for familiarity of the people in this region with Imam Khomeini’s movement. The presence of Imam Khomeini’s brother (Ayatollah Pasandideh) as well as some religious personalities such as Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, Hojjatoleslam Khosroshahi, … in Anarak as well as Ayatollah Abaei and Ansari Shirazi in Nain marks the turning point of the revolutionary activities in Nain. The fabric of revolutionary forces comprised various walks of life from bazaari merchants to cultural sector employees, pupils, university students, and women. The meetings and activities of the revolutionaries in Nain took place in religious sites and places such as Imam Sajjad Mosque and Imamzadeh Sultan Ali. This shows the role of these religious structures in organizing revolutionary activities and the combination of agent and structure factors in advancement of the revolutionary activities in Nain The research method is descriptive, relying on interviews with the revolutionary activists and library sources.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (2)
  • Pages: 

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Capitulation (relinquishing jurisdiction within a state’s borders over the subjects of a foreign state) means immunity of foreigners from prosecution according to the law of the host country. The imposition of this legal regime is an indication of the surrender of the weak state to the foreign powers. After the second round of Iran-Russia wars, the conclusion of the Treaty of Turkmenchay paved the ground for formation of a particular definition of capitulation in Qajar-era practical politics in Iran. The implementation of this legal regime caused various adverse political, social and cultural consequences for the country. The significance of capitulation in Iranian political structure lies in breach of the country’s national sovereignty. Two preconditions were required for a foreign national residing in Iran to enjoy this immunity in the host country: 1- Law and sanctions; 2- The existence of a power based on which the national rights would be accepted by the beneficiary states. With respect to the impact of capitulation on understanding of the foreign nationals of the judiciary structure, sovereignty and political power of the host country, the statesmen provided a clear-cut definition of national sovereignty and embarked on determination of the limits of codified laws to defend the law against abuse by foreign nationals, who were believed to undermine the authority of the sovereign state and ignore national independence. To that end, and to understand about political understandings of capitulation, this paper has paid attention to the reactions by three political personalities in different situations to capitulation: Amir Kabir the chancellor of Naseraddin Shah of Qajar Dynasty, Mosadeq prime minister during the period marked for nationalization of Iranian oil industry, and Imam Khomeini an outstanding opponent to and critic of granting the right of capitulation as a government bill in the course of Shah' s so-called The White Revolution. This paper has been developed based on a comparative study in such a way that ideas and perspectives of the three personalities namely Amir Kabir, Mosadeq and Imam Khomeini as well as their understanding of capitulation have been analyzed. This paper poses a central question: In view of the three personalities, how do capitulation and breach of the national sovereignty affect Iran's political position and its foreign relations with other countries?

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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