Research subject: In recent years, many attempts have been devoted to industrial usage of biobased adhesives, as a result of fossil resources shortage and unusual increase in oil-based products prices. Adhesion s trength of this category of adhesives, however, needs improvement. Research approach: In the current s tudy, lap-shear s trength of joints made of a natural polymer, Persian gum (PG), exuded from wild almond tree, and three various substrates, glass, poly(ethylene terephthalate), and cellulose fabric, was inves tigated. Furthermore, in order to prepare powder acrylic adhesive and evaluate its adhesion to aforementioned subs trates, the gum dispersion was blended with synthesized poly(methyl methacrylate-co-butyl acrylate) random copolymer containing 30 wt. % methyl methacrylate (MBC30). Molecular interactions in PG, MBC30, and 50 wt. % PG-containing blend were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Moreover, morphology of blends containing various amounts of PG was evaluated using scanning electron microscopy of their fractured cross sections. Main results: The textile joint made with PG dispersion in water showed high shear s trength of about 340 kPa. However, PG could not form a suitable joint with glass and polyester subs trates, as a consequence of its inability to form a homogeneous film, excessive brittleness, and its inability to diffuse and mechanically interlock with the subs trates. Results showed that using an adhesive sys tem containing 50/50 PG/MBC30, besides enabling preparation of powder adhesive, shear s trength increased to 20, 11, and 14-fold with respect to pris tine MBC30 on glass, poly(ethylene terephthalate), and textile subs trates, respectively. In other words, shear strength of an adhesive could be improved by promoting the adhesive cons tituents interactions and subsequent increase in the blend cohesiveness, on the one hand, and increment of its adhesion to subs trate, on the other hand. In the current research, Persian gum was introduced as a water-redispersing agent for acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives and new adhesive sys tems were invented with usability in cellulose indus try.