Research subject: Water flooding is one of the most common improved oil recovery methods in the world. High residual oil saturation at the end of this method is due to low macroscopic sweep efficiency and viscous fingering phenomena. It can be improved by change the mobility control during polymer solution injection. Research approach: In this study, by synthesis of silica/polyacrylamide nanocomposite, the effect of it on mobility ratio, interfacial tension, viscosity of chemical solutions, and reservoir rock wettability was investigated. Morever, the performance of polymer solution in high salinity water was studied by using nano particles. In addition, the characterization of the synthesized nanocomposite was performed by FTIR, SEM, and TGA tests. Also, in this study, the interfacial tension between reservoir oil and chemical solutions, contact angel in order to measure the reservoir rock wettability, zeta potential, and viscosity of chemical solutions were performed to investigate the impact of injected water on rock and fluid properties. The concentration of nanocomposite solutions were considered 2000, 1000, and 5000 ppm during the experimental measurements. Main results: The zeta potential results show that the stability of polymer solution was enhanced in presence of nano particles in high salinity water condition. Also, the lowest interfacial tension was obtained for polyacrylamide nanocomposite contained 1 percent nano silica (18. 34 mN. m), and the most tendency to water wet conditions was provided for this concentration. In addition to, 1 percent nano silica/polyacrylamide nanocomposite has the best performance on formation water viscosity and improved the mobility ratio to 1. 07, which it can increase the oil recovery.