One of the human's principal vitalities is a shelter, named "housing" and all of activities and policies of governments are in order to provide it. International experience in the housing market policies often results in the following general sections: The First is government as planner and policy in housing market, the policy of free land and allocating applying the land to the housing appliers and the third constructing loan allocation to house appliers. In deed government acts three roles as planner, house constructor and allocator overall. There are some activities have been done on housing construction in Urmia city, based on the sixth note of the 1386 budget law and government policy on housing. Yet its success and accomplishment has been overshadowed by some problems. The goal of this research is examining the existence challenges in 4 sites of Mehr housing of Urmia according to TOPSIS model. According to the model of TOPSIS, these ten indicators are arrange by importance like exclusive focus on public lands that are needed for Mehr housing, regardless of other factors, lack of suitable access and increased access costs, and social and class conflict in comparison with peripheral environment are the most important of all; and indicators of urban landscape, spatial imbalances, challenges of population and building density standards and also increasing urban service costs (urban utilities) are the least important. In this study, to determine the indicators, from statistical population that including 30 of the West Azerbaijan province elites be interviewed and after reviewing the comments, the 10 main indicators for all four of (Golman, Tarziloo, Isar and Golshahr) is obtained. Also important factor of indicators is derived from elites’ questionnaire and finally prioritization of areas in terms of existence challenges based on TOPSIS model have been done. Results indicate that Isar area has been less challenges and it has been chosen as the best area in terms of of indicators. In the second priority Tarziloo area and the third priority Golshahr area and finally is Golman area that according to obtained data among the four areas has the greatest challenge.