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ntroduction One of the basic goals in regional planning and sustainable development is its impact on the local community and ethnic groups, so that if the development plans are in line with the demands (economic, political and social) of the local community. This strategy can play a significant role in strengthening convergence, security and sustainable development at the local and national levels. The main purpose of the current research is to investigate the most important regional requirements in regional development with a focus on the development of Chabahar port. The research shows that the category of regional development in strategic areas cannot be achieved without taking into account the regional requirements and its internal space which lead to the realization of development goals, that is, promotion of security, development and convergence at the local and national level.                                                                       Methodology Data gathering procedure is based on library and field findings methods. The concepts were repeated and the subsequent samples did not contain new information. Qualitative method of analysis is used to analyze the data using grounded theory. The interviews were carefully coded, classified, analyzed and interpreted in several stages. Results and discussion One of the main factors of the presence of regionalist tendencies in the southeast region and the lack of government attention to solve the existing challenges of the people is the dominance of the security view over other views of governance. Based on the analysis of research findings and interviews, the basic preconditions in the development of Chabahar are to pay attention to strengthening the security of the region in the southeast of the country with scientific strategies and policies and in accordance with local demands and national identity. The government has a direct and fundamental role in creating regional security for the development of Chabahar. In such a way that the strategies and policy-making should lead to the creation of constructive interaction between the national government and the local community, the satisfaction of the local community, social cohesion and national convergence. Development thinkers consider the participation of social groups in development programs and competent management for guidance and leadership as one of the most important platforms for balanced and fair development in any social system. Based on the analysis of research findings and interviews, the design of plans and policies in the development of Chabahar should promote the participation of the local community (elite chieftains, maulvis and elders, academics and educated people of the southeast) in planning and decision making. In the current situation and the trend of population growth in Chabahar, most of the new settlements, especially in the free zone, are inhabited by non-native and prosperous people, and the more we move towards the outskirts of the city, the Baluch tribes live in poor standards of living. In the current situation, although with the establishment of Chabahar commercial-industrial free zone, capacities for development have been created, but due to the fact that this free zone lacked long-term planning and social connections from the beginning, undesirable economic, social and physical phenomena, including separation have brought social selection and unbalanced development. Considering the location and identity of the Baluch people in the southeast region and Sistan and Baluchistan province, the separation of Makran and Chabahar regions in the form of the creation of the new Chabahar province leads to skepticism, mistrust and the reaction of elites (Majlis representatives, clerics, generals, etc.) And this situation is not in favor of the central government. This issue can lead to tension and insecurity in the southeast region and slow down the development process of Chabahar. Also, the creation of Makran province centered on the city of Chabahar and the port of Chabahar take the attention and support from the central government and absolute centralism in the long term considering the weaknesses in budget distribution, lack of goal-oriented planning and the international capacities of the Makran and Chabahar region. Regional development programs such as Chabahar Free Zone programs have not had a serious and tangible impact in different sectors (economic, health, education and infrastructure) in Chabahar city and the region. This situation has caused various challenges such as dissatisfaction with the government, spread of informal jobs, unemployment, marginalization, etc. The regional development plans and the development of Chabahar should be designed and formulated in such a way that it leads to the promotion and progress of various sectors of the province's development (economic, health, education, sports and infrastructure). Conclusions The results of the research showed that the category of regional development in strategic areas and different from the main body of the government, regardless of the requirements of its internal space, especially in the cultural (ethnic-religious) dimension, cannot achieve the main goals of development, i.e. improving security, national development and survival. The development of Chabahar port, as the country's only oceanic port on the shores of the Sea of ​​Oman and the Indian Ocean is an outstanding plan in enhancing Iran's geopolitical weight at the local, national and international levels. Based on the interpretation and analysis of the research findings, the realization of Chabahar's regional development goals and the actualization of its valuable capacities require attention to its regional requirements: regional security category, regional participation category, spatial justice, political trust, balanced and network development, stability of political divisions, category of ethnic cohesion, category of infrastructural development.

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Introduction One of the centers of regional crisis is Afghanistan in the east of Iran. This country has common cultural, social, religious and political structures with Iran, but due to the weakness of political structures, it has been the center of geopolitical competition of regional and global powers. Due to its geographical proximity on the one hand and the competition of the powers, it is one of the geopolitical regions that can have many effects on Iran's regional actions. Therefore, Iran is bound to play a geopolitical role in this region. One of the most important reasons for the importance of Iran's role in the East, especially in today's Afghanistan, is activities of the groups that are religiously sympathetic to the Taliban. Therefore, national interests require Iran to prevent these groups from approaching radicalism through regional de-escalation. During the sanctions period, the Afghan market is one of the main markets for Iran's exports, the dependence of Sistan and Baluchistan province in eastern Iran on Hirmand River can be better achieved by maintaining the relationship with the Taliban, and finally, being present in Afghanistan prevents the country from turning into the backyard of Iran's regional and extra-regional rivals. Methodology The research method is applied in terms of purpose and is descriptive-analytic in terms of method and nature. Data gathering procedure is based on library findings. The statistical population of the research consists of experts and professors of the university and fields related to geopolitics, geostrategy and geoculture, and the sample size was determined based on Cochran's model of 50 people. In order to analyze the findings, the average test was used in SPSS software. Results and discussion The factors of Iran's role-playing in the geopolitical region of the East with an emphasis on Afghanistan are subject to relevant factors and variables at three internal, regional and extra-regional "global" levels. In this context, the ambiguous future indicators of power in Afghanistan and Iran's capabilities in playing its role, ethnic diversity in Afghanistan and the Pashtuns' role in power and the roles played by the Islamic Republic with regard to its civilizational characteristics in Afghanistan and playing a role, the Islamic Republic of Iran is considered as one of the main and most important factors in the geopolitical region of the East in terms of building universities and scientific centers in Afghanistan and Pakistan and producing knowledge and increasing general literacy in Afghanistan, and the influencing factors. The role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the fields of increasing the construction of cultural bases such as Basij, seminaries, knowledge centers and cultural centers, etc. is prominent. Preventing illegal immigration on the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan has not been successful. In the context of evaluating Iran's role-playing achievements in the direction of securing the national interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the East, 12 indicators were presented, and the results showed that factors such as Iran's achievements in solving hydropolitical disputes with Afghanistan, Iran's achievements in the construction of the Chabahar Free Zone, Iran's achievements in the field of spreading the Persian language in Afghanistan and Iran's roles in preventing the spread of the Salafist ideology of Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia are the most achievements for Iran in the East, and finally factors such as Iran's role in preventing the transit of narcotics on the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan and Iran's role in preventing arms smuggling in the borders of the peripheral east are not considered as the achievements of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the peripheral east. Conclusions The results showed that Iran's role-playing in the geopolitical region of its peripheral east, with an emphasis on Afghanistan, will be subject to relevant factors and variables at three internal, regional and extra-regional "global" levels, and the greatest share of this role-playing includes extra-regional factors. Also, factors such as Iran's achievements in the field of settling hydropolitical disputes with Afghanistan, Iran's achievements in the field of establishing the Chabahar Free Zone, Iran's achievements in the field of spreading the Persian language in Afghanistan and Iran's roles in preventing the spread of Salafist ideology in Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia will bring the most achievements for Iran in its peripheral east.

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The spaces of cities have cultural, economic, political and social values. The value of these geographical spaces is determined by their land use, which is defined in urban development plans based on the required standards for each citizen at neighborhood, regional, and city levels. Since different institutions are involved in the different stages of a plan, including the determination of the per capita of each user, its proposal, preparation, approval, implementation and monitoring, different challenges arise including the non-compliance of the prepared plans with the plans that are out of date or changing the approved uses. Due to its role as the capital and the economic, political, and administrative center of Iran, the geographical space of Tehran has always faced spatial development. The rapid population growth in Tehran and its spatial development, which began in the 1960s, provided the basis for the development of relevant plans. But in practice, these plans faced many changes. The most recent comprehensive plan for Tehran was approved in 2004, and the detailed plan was prepared in 2013 based on this plan. However, the prepared detailed plans do not align with the comprehensive (higher-level) plan, and investigations indicate significant alterations to the comprehensive plan. Some parts of these transformations are caused by the internal contradictions of the plan and some parts are caused by the different attitudes of the custodian institutions in the matter of drafting the relevant plans. In this regard, this research has investigated the effect of these institutions and management structures on the changes in the use of the master plan in the form of the detailed plan of Tehran. The results of the research show that the institutions that prepare detailed and comprehensive plans have the greatest influence on the non-compliance of detailed and comprehensive plans (3.29). After the organizations preparing the plans, the urban planning laws and approvals of the Supreme Council of Urban Planning and Architecture (3.25), the organizations reviewing the plan (3.24), the consultants preparing the plans (3.22) and the description of the services of the plans (3.19) have had the highest effect on the non-compliance of the plans. Research Method This research is an applied in terms of type and is analytic-descriptive in terms of method. The method of data collection based on filed findings. In this way, by studying the related literature and documents, the extent and manner of the noncompliance of the detailed plan with the third comprehensive plan, as well as the factors and institutions affecting this non-compliance are identified and extracted, and then in the survey stage, the extent and manners are measured. The effect of these institutions and factors on the noncompliance of the detailed plan with the third comprehensive plan will be addressed through a questionnaire. The sampling method used in this study was purposive and snowball sampling, with a total of 36 participants. These participants were selected from university professors, managers and experts in the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, experts from Tehran Municipality, members of the Technical Committee of the Supreme Council for Urban Planning and Architecture, and a number of experienced consulting engineers responsible for preparing comprehensive and detailed plans. Conclusions With the increasing complexity of urban issues, rapid population growth, and the diversity of needs and demands, cities cannot be left to evolve on their own, shaped by the interactions of various factors (such as the institutions drafting the terms of reference, the bodies responsible for preparing, reviewing, approving, implementing, and overseeing the plans, public groups and organizations, laws, regulations of the Supreme Council, and the consulting engineers drafting the plans). Hence, legal institutions have been established to govern cities. The characteristics and structure of the legal institutions governing the city are different from one country to another. In our country, this is considered in the form of preparing urban plans for cities. "Urban plans" are considered to be the most fundamental means of shaping cities based on preconceived order and plan. The necessity of preparing and implementing urban plans, especially comprehensive plans, comes from the obvious need for a mechanism to balance affairs and the necessity of spatial and physical discipline of cities; However, in the direction of operationalization and more precise and concrete planning of cities, in urban planning, detailed plans, refined plans are considered as comprehensive plans and often they should be in line with the goals of the plan. Tehran city is not an exception to this rule and following the last comprehensive plan approved in 2006, the detailed plan of the areas and the integrated plan were approved in 2012, but the investigations have shown that most of the areas of the master plan, 9 to 58 percent, have been changed by the detailed plan, considering the spatial distribution of these changes at the levels of the 22 districts of Tehran, it can be admitted with certainty that the integrated system, zoning in the comprehensive plan is completely separated and formulates the goals. The results of the research show that the institutions that prepare detailed and comprehensive plans have the greatest influence on the non-compliance of detailed and comprehensive plans (3.29). After the organizations preparing the plans, the urban planning laws and approvals of the Supreme Council of Urban Planning and Architecture (3.25), the organizations reviewing the plan (3.24), the consultants preparing the plans (3.22) and the description of the services of the plans (3.19) have had the highest effect on the non-compliance of the plans. Also, the examination of the effect of each factors and institutions indicates that the institutions that prepare the plans have the greatest influence on the non-compliance of the detailed plans with the comprehensive plans followed by the institutions that prepare the plans according to the rules.

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Introduction Hansai, a commercial-military alliance that arose in the conditions of the removal of military power and the weakness of the feudal lords, and enjoyed freedom, considered themselves committed to the Byzantine Empire and thus enjoyed legitimacy. They began to trade between cities, creating a network system centered on Lübeck and Hamburg. Lübeck and Hamburg were a self-organized form of cooperation that acted as a hub or node in this urban network and communicated through meters in other cities, but failed as England and the Netherlands took power. The cities of this union exerted influence on the cities around the Baltic Sea by establishing mutual relations with each other and created a united region in terms of military and trade, which were connected to other regions and cities. In fact, they laid the foundation for the region we know today as the European Union. On a larger scale, Europe was connected with other regions including Cairo and North Africa, Baghdad-Tabriz-Hormuz and Middle East, Samarkand-Bukhara and Central Asia, Gujarat-Malacca and South Asia, Zaytoun-Shanghai and East Asia. Since the Hanseatic League was born from the formation of a set of connections between the cities of Northern Europe, therefore, this article, using a descriptive analytic method, aims to describe the Hanseatic League and modern regionalism and intercity communication in the Middle Ages and the contemporary period. Methodology The research is descriptive-analytic and data gathering procedure is based on library findings. The results of the research will be used to propose a suitable model for contemporary cities. Results and discussion Today, with the development of communication networks and the ease of transportation and production flexibility, a kind of division of labor between cities has been created, in which these cities have a managerial role, and at the global and regional level, the sphere of influence. These cities have created economic networks through the main and subsidiary branches of multinational companies in different cities and they act at the level of hubs and nodes. Since the power of cities is increasing in the present era and the level of relations between them has been expanded, the Hanseatic Union will be a suitable model for their union at the regional level, which is called new regionalism. This model can be followed by statesmen and city managers in different regions of the world, such as the Union of European Cities, the Union of Central Asian Cities, the Union of Caucasus Cities, the Union of Persian Gulf Cities, and form unions for greater regional convergence. Today, some of these regional unions have emerged, but unions such as the Caucasus Cities Union or the Persian Gulf require the will of the city officials and managers of these countries.

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Rural development is considered as a requirement for today's society and several factors play a role in it that lead to the success in rural development. Based on this, local managers’ necessary skills to manage rural affairs are one of the most important issues for managers in rural areas. Management skills are necessary for the successful performance of managers at different levels. Therefore, local rural managers with management skills can guide rural management towards new goals of sustainable development and in this way transform the village from a backward environment to a vibrant and developed environment. In spite of the management components and management skills, the most important element that shows itself in this is the element of skill in managing a lively rural environment. Theoretical discussion Amazement is defined as the process of effective and efficient use of material and human resources in planning, organizing, mobilizing resources and facilities, directing and controlling to achieve managerial and organizational goals and based on the accepted value system and criteria. In all activities, managers benefit from skills that are called management skills. The subject of management skills is one of the issues that have been of interest since the beginning of the development of management until today, and many views have been raised in this field. Management skills are skills that enable a person to move the components of a set in order to move all the components towards the set goals. Therefore, according to the definition, skill refers to a person's developable abilities that are reflected in his performance and performance of duties. Therefore, the meaning of skill is the ability to effectively use personal knowledge and experience. Discussion Pearson's correlation test was used to prove the existence of a relationship between the variables measuring the management skills of rural managers with the five dimensions of management skills. A significant relationship can be seen at the 99% level between the influential variables in measuring the management skills of rural managers and the five dimensions of management skills, which indicates the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable. This means that the more the rural managers with the management skills measurement variables (average age, gender, management experience, education level), the more successful in having the five management skills and applying them in the rural development process. Conclusions According to the analysis of the research findings, the results showed that there is a significant difference between the studied villages in terms of management skills. Also, the results of the Friedman test showed that the share of social skills with an average of 4.21 compared to other skills is higher than the studied villages, which shows the relationship and social bond as well as the skills of dealing with the villagers among the studied villages. Political, technical, human and perceptual skills were ranked last with an average 2.21, which is a sign of poor understanding of the concept and frameworks of development in the studied villages by local managers. Also, the results of the t-test of two independent samples were used to compare the management skills between two groups of local managers (Shura-Dahyar) and showed that the average of the two groups of local managers has no difference in having management skills (no difference in the mean). In fact, the two groups of local managers (Shura-Dehyar) have the same management skills among the studied villages. Also, Spearman's correlation test was used to prove the significance of the relationship between the variables measuring the availability of rural managers and the five dimensions of management skills, and the significance of the relationship was visible in all dimensions of management skills. Finally, the results of the Vaikor decision-making model with the aim of prioritizing the studied villages in terms of management skills showed that Kooh Abad village was ranked first and Farman Abad village was ranked last.

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Moniri Kamel | khatibii abbas

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Introduction In simple terms, land-use planning means what form of development is placed in a region to achieve its primary goal in a long-term sustainable manner. Additionally, passive defense is one of the basic approaches that should be taken into consideration so that military centers have the lowest level of vulnerability during military attacks and wars. Methodology In this research, 18 parameters were identified and selected from the educational, research and operational resources of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the construction of military centers in Golestan province, and then the weight of each indicator was determined using the AHP approach in the form of an eigenvector. Then, the raw obtained data were converted into classified maps using GIS and after combining with the given eigenvalues, the final spatial zoning map was prepared based on the used passive defense parameters for the construction of military centers in this province.   Results and Discussion The results showed that in this province there are no very suitable and very unsuitable regions. Also, there are regions with the total area of 340. 6 square kilometers in this province, which are suitable. Other regions of the province (98. 33% of the total area of the province) either have medium desirability or have unsuitable conditions for building safe military centers due to their proximity to cities, inappropriate distance from faults, proximity to industrial centers and mines. Conclusions The central and western regions of the Golestan province, which comprise about one-third of the province's area, due to its proximity to cities, inappropriate distance from faults, proximity to industrial centers and mines are inappropriate for the construction of safe military centers. The rest of the province has a moderate location utility and the construction of military centers in these areas requires other indicators and components of military-security management.

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Introduction Encouraging political participation through electoral behavior is the most crucial mission for a candidate and their team. In other words, how the political process is initiated and how the game is played effectively to benefit oneself while also deepening competitive democracy requires a nuanced art and comprehensive, professional strategies. Election activists can explore and utilize various aspects of political participation by understanding diverse electoral behaviors, the nature and functionality of these actions, and how to create them. There are numerous factors involved in electoral competitions that, to varying degrees, influence a candidate’s ability to secure a position and achieve political power. These factors range from cultural and social elements to economic and livelihood conditions, as well as communication, networking, and geographic factors, which are fundamental and vital in overcoming political rivals during an electoral campaign. Methodology The current article is a research-based study that is dual in nature regarding its objective: both fundamental/theoretical and applied. However, its predominant aspect can be considered applied, specifically problem-solving. It is applied in the sense that the results aim to settle a problem, which is how electoral candidates can achieve victory and attain political power. Research Findings This study showed that there is no single factor that can predict how people vote. Instead, a combination of various factors explains voting behavior in electoral contexts. There are diverse and various factors and strategies involved in the success of candidates in electoral campaigns. Political actors cannot effectively influence the voters' perception and play a significant role in elections by relying solely on one or a few components or strategies. The findings indicate that activists who have entered the electoral arena with a well-structured and comprehensive plan have managed the electoral environment more effectively. Therefore, candidates need to develop and articulate well-founded and comprehensive factors and strategies to ensure their strong and stable presence in electoral contests, enabling them to outperform their rivals, attract votes, and ultimately win the election. Conclusions Electoral candidates are the central actors in an election, serving as the focal point of the electoral campaign. The following question then arises: What factors contribute to a candidate's success? Various factors influence this outcome, as explained through theories of electoral behavior and political participation approaches. Sociological, social psychological, and political economic theories emphasize social, psychological, and cognitive indicators and components, focusing on subcultures and macro-social cultures (demographic characteristics and membership in institutions and groups) and the individual's loyalty to party’s identity and rational, demand-driven actions. In this context, elitist, political communication, and electoral geography theories place significance on political elites and adherence to directives, media, and interactions among the electorate within geographical spaces of varying scales (states, provinces, counties, districts, neighborhoods, and regions; spatial differences). These theories highlight the importance of active political forces, spatial communication tools, and comprehensive coverage of the electorate within the geographical space. Therefore, it can be said that the factors are diverse and unequal, with each factor and strategy having its own mechanisms and operational contexts. Among these factors and strategies, five strategies (factors) with their respective components—namely, the personal and social personality of candidates, political parties, money and financial resources, media, and geographical perspective—are considered to play the most significant and influential roles in a candidate's electoral success. Actors should primarily focus on these five spatial factors in their electoral campaigns

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