Three important factors are antecedents to unethical conduct in large companies, including environmental characteristics, destructive leaders, and complicit followers. Most financial scandals have occurred as a result of complicity of accountants with destructive leaders, while most studies have focused on destructive leaders, and few studies have looked at complicit followers. Thus, this paper examines three individual characteristics of followers— impulsivity, authoritarianism, and proactivity— on ability to recognize the ethical dilemma (moral awareness) of accounting master's degree students. The sample consisted of 87 master's degree students in accounting of Universities of South Khorasan province in the first half of the academic year 95-96, selected randomly. The research method is descriptive and multivariate linear regression was used to test the hypotheses. The results of the hypothesis test showed that there is a negative relationship between impulsivity and moral awareness, and authoritarianism has a positive relationship with ethical awareness. It was also found that the proactivity, gender, and age had no effect on the moral awareness of individuals. In this sense, by increasing the impulsivity, the ability to recognize the ethical dilemma decreases, in addition as authoritarianism increases, the ability to recognize an ethical dilemma increases. According to the results of the study, it is suggested that the accounting profession should be considered training supplement for employees, especially newly recruited staff, in order to train the process of accurate recognition of ethical dilemma.