Dictation is one of the most important educational and writing skills that needs a lot of mental processes. Any defect in any part or process can lead to a written error. Identifying common errors can help to better understanding of the sources of these errors and provide effective ways to remove or modify them in elementary school children. This study examines the problem of the dictation module for a student named Moeen who is studying at the first grade in elementary school. By examining the sources and symptoms of dictation disorder in Moeen, it was found that his disorder was due to dysfunction, duplication, or reversal, a lack of concentration, and reluctance. I presented several solutions to treat this disorder. Using these solutions had great impact on the treatment of dyslexic disorder in the student. Finally, I found that the strategies had been able to prevent to a large extent the repetition of his repeated duplication errors, in particular Dysfunctional, reverse-digitizing, and other lessons, so that the students themselves, family, teachers and colleagues at school expressed satisfaction with the treatment of student dictation disorder. In this regard, suggestions are being made for the treatment of student dictation disorders. Accordingly, in this paper, through using action research and analytical method, and reviewing the existing literature, we tried to explain the issues of dictation disorders to take effective steps to improve the problems of dictation. Due to the lack of quantitative or other scoring methods in the elementary period, direct observation of classroom and home assignment is used to measure writing and detecting the student’ s dictation disorder.