One of the relationships that students connect with school is sense of school love. School love can be created by creating special mental states in the student's mind and make a strong relationship between the student and the school, consequently, Take the situation to the point where a student without school will feel deprived And add to their learning in a variety of ways, including attention, compliance, school belonging, evaluating school education, self-regulation, and the application of cognitive strategy. Therefore, the present study has attempted to explain the importance of school love in primary school learning. The statistical population in this study was composed of fourth grade female students in Isfahan. Cluster sampling method and standard questionnaire were used. Cronbach's alpha and test-retest methods have been used to ensure the validity of the content by the professors and experts and to ensure the reliability of the measuring tools. The data were analyzed by SPSS and Lisrel software. The findings showed that the subscales of attention and behavioral aspects of school love behavior, school belonging subscales and school education evaluation of emotionally related aspects of school love, self-regulation subscales, and cognitive strategic use of cognitive aspects of school-based learning led to better learning.