The issue of exaggeration (ghuluw) and its typical examples has always been discussed during the history of the Imamiya, and there has been a discrepancy about the extent of its existence. Some of their beliefs were sometimes considered Ghuluw and sometimes were regarded as the standard Imamiyeh doctrines. In this paper, try to investigate the Historical evolution of the concept of Guluw in the three schools of Kufa, Qom and Baghdad, and find the origins of the differences existing in them. Besides that, we seek to know which important characters were in these schools, and why their views were accused of ghuluw. In this article, some characters such as, Jabir ibne-Yazid al-J’ ufi, Mufadla ibne-Omar, Ibne-Abiya’ four, and Hisham ibne-Hakam from the Kuffah and, Sheikh Saduq, from Um school and, Sheikh Mufid from Baghdad school were studied. The research was conducted in a descriptive and analytical as a library one. As a result, It seems that Some of these figures who quoted special Hadiths which Ahl al-Bayt would narrate them only to their very close companions (who shared secret facts with Imam), caused people to call them Ghali. Also, some beliefs, (such as Sahv Al-Nabi) were considered ghuluww in a school while in another one, it was not ghuluww.