The aim of this study was to investigate the cognitive dimensions of parenting in Iran. The research has a qualitative design and the method used is Grounded Theory (GT). The population consisted of all Muslim parents with children over 10 years of age, living in Tehran and Karaj during the summer of 1395 to the summer of 1396. The sample contained 33 Muslim parents who were studied through semi-structured interviews. The interviews' data was analyzed on the basis of Strauss and Corbin's instruction (1998) and eventually, the result consisted of open, axial and, selective coding, 272 initial codes, 31 concepts, 6 categories, and 2 classes: intrapersonal competencies class which contains psychological competencies (cognitive competencies, identity, self-esteem, emotion regulation, autonomy, resiliency, taking responsibility/personal discipline), achievement oriented competencies (physical competencies, economic/financial competencies, occupational competencies, educational competencies and goal/schedule) and spiritual competencies(religiosity, and individual ethnics). the interpersonal competencies class which includes interpersonal communication competencies (intimacy/kindness, assertiveness, flexibility/being open to criticism), family relationships competencies (adaptability, communication skills, parent's respect, cooperation and partnership, commitment/loyalty/solidarity, law abiding, compliance) and social competencies (rights of others, law abiding, general relationships, social ethnics, altruism/assisting, adaptation/confirmation seeking and social commitment).