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This study was conducted to determine the location of DNA segment with
homology to the rat conserved genomic DNA in human chromosomes. The labeled rat
genomic DNA was hybridized with normal human (male) metaphases. The study of 74
metaphases after fluorescence in situ hybridization showed 371 twin-spot
signals on human chromosomes. Statistical analysis indicated that the specific
accumulation of signals on 1q22-qter, 2p2, 3p21-p23, 4q3, 6q2, 8p12-pter,
11p12-pter, 11q12-qter, 12q2, 13p, 15p, 16q2, 21q12-qter, Yq1-qter, and Xq2 was
not random. Results of stepwise multiple linear regressions indicated that
number of mapped oncogenes (Beta = 1.092; t = 7.552; P<0.001) and density
of mapped oncogenes on chromosomes (Beta = -0.832; t = -5.751; P<0.001)
have significant effects on number of double-spots on human chromosomes. These
data reflects the evolutionary conservation between rat DNA and human DNA at the
above-mentioned bands.