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علوم زمین

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علوم زمین

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علوم زمین

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The Cambrian-Ordovician boundary strata in the Kalat section, western Koppeh-Dagh, comprise continuous succession of fine clastic sediments, mostly argillites with some shell beds, accumulated offshore. This interval contains analmost complete succession of conodont biozones, including the Cordylodus intermedius, Cordylodus lindstromi and Cordylodus angulatus biozones. The first appearance of the planktonic graptolite Rhabdinopora cf. Flabelliformis flabelliformis (Eichwald, 1840) in black argillite of the upper part of the Cordylodus lindstromi Biozone indicates relatively precise position of the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary in the section. Cambrian-Ordovician boundary beds in the eastern Alborz Region can be subdivided into three lithological units: Furongian bioclastic limestone mainly replaced by fine clastic sediments in the upper part, the terminal Cambrian Cruziana sandstone representing a shoal complex and the Tremadocian grey argillite accumulated offshore. In this area the position of Cambrian-Ordovician boundary is situated somewhat below the base of the Asaphellus inflatus-Dactylocephalus trilobite Biozone.

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Neogene volcanism in the Tel Gorban-Chah Breshk area, north of Shahre-Babak, occurs as dacitic to andesitic lava flows and domes. Petrographically the rocks consist of plagioclase, hornblende ± biotite and quartz phenocrysts setting in porphyritic and hyalopilitic matrix. Opacitization of hornblende and biotite and zoning and sieve texture in plagioclase are signatures of disequilibrium conditions through the magma cooling. Geochemical data and petrological diagrams show their medium potassic calc-alkaline nature. Enrichment in LILE’ s and depletion in HFSE’ s (eg. Nb, Ta, Ti) points to a subduction tectonic environment for Tel Gorban-Chah Breshk dacitic to andesitic rocks. Furthermore, their Al2O3>16, Sr/Y>80 and chondrite normalize REE pattern are quite similar to dakites. Distinctive geochemical features such as Rb/Sr< 0. 04, La/Yb> 18, Yb< 1, (Sr/Y)n> 80, and Y<10, suggest their derivation from partial melting of a subducted oceanic lithosphere with the garnet remains in the source region. They are emplaced along the faults and fractures in the post collisional tectonic regime in the Neogene time.

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The Miocene sediments in Neyriz region crop out in Zagros Crushed Zone,between Zagros Main Fault and Zagros Ophiolite Zone.For paleoenvironmental studies of these sediments,two stratigraphic sections (Kuh-e Asaki and Horgan sections) have been measured and sampled.The thicknesses of these two sections are 424 and 440 m respectively and contain red and green sandstone,conglomerate and marl which are bounded unconformably between the Jahrum Formation and Bakhtiari conglomerate.Based on the field and petrographic studies,14 sedimentary facies related to proximal,mid fan-delta;transition zone,delta slope and prodelta have been recognized for the Miocene succession.Due to the slope facies formed by the turbidity currents,grain fall and debris flows,the coarse grained clasts and poorly sorted texture,a fan-delta model is suggested for the succession.Also,the development of the slope facies indicates a paleo-slope and slope-type,deep-water fan-delta.The frequent intra-formational disconformities,irregular changes in grain size and present of gravity flows indicate an active tectonic sedimentary basin and reflux of coarse grained sediments (catastrophic events) to the proximal parts of Zagros Basin.

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The Gazestan magnetite– apatite deposit is located 78 km east of Bafq, in the Bafq-Poshtebadam subzone of the Central Iran structural zone. The rock units in the area belong to the Rizou series and consist of carbonate rocks, shale, tuff, sandstone and volcanic rocks. Intrusive rocks in the form of stock and dyke crop out as granodiorite and granite in various places. Trachytic and dacitic rocks in the area are green due to chloritic alteration and host iron and phosphate mineralization. The main alteration types are chloritic and argillic, while sericitic, potassic, and silicic alterations as well as tourmalinization and epidotization are also found in the rock units. Five forms of mineralization are distinguished in the Gazestan deposit, including massive iron ore with minor apatite, apatite-magnetite ore, irregular vein-veinlets (stockwork) in the brecciated green rock and disseminated and monomineralic massive apatite veins. Fluid inclusion studies were conducted on the apatites of two stages. According to these studies, temperature and salinity values in the stage-I apatite are higher than those in stage-II apatite. Lower salinity values in the stage-II apatite could be due to contamination of magmatic fluids with meteoric waters during later stages of mineralization. Oxygen, hydrogen and carbon stable isotope composition of magnetite, quartz, apatite and calcite; and calculation of oxygen isotope composition in the fluid equilibrated with the oxide minerals suggest mixing the magmatic fluids with basin brines in mineralization of the Gazestan deposit.

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Fractal analysis of drainages and fractures is a useful tool to determine the maturity structure of a region. With the help of fractal geometry, this study investigates the fractal dimension of drainages and fractures in the southwestern part of Lenjan, and examines the role of geological structures after determining the most active part of region. In order for fractal analysis of fractures and drainages, box-counting method has been used. To achieve this, four parts A, B, C and D of high structural density were first detected in the region, and the fractal dimensions of drainages and fractures were then calculated and compared. Results of fractal analysis of fractures suggest that sector B is the most active part of the region, while fractal analysis of drainages indicates greater tectonic activity in sector A. The larger number of earthquakes and higher density of fractures in sector B, however, could indicate it as the most active part of the study area. Therefore, contradicts in different results obtained from the fractal dimension analysis of fractures and drainages can be explained by the varieties in lithology. The structural studies indicate the existence of a dextral transpression zone in the study area. The dextral transpression zone resulted in uplift of sector B by development of positive flower structures in this part of the region. Therefore, increased tectonic activity in part B is due to formation of positive flower structures and consequent tectonic uplift.

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ALLAMEH M. | Torabian B.



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Farrokhi Formation is a Cretaceous rock unit in Central Iran that lithologically contains lime, marl and marly lime accompanied by layers of fossiliferous limestones. This formation lays conformably over the Haft-Tuman Formation, while its upper boundary is disconformable with Chupanan Formation. In this study, 23 rock samples from marl segment of the Farokhi Formation were prepared palynologically and their various palynological constituents were characterized and quantified by percent. Assessing the organic elements of formation demonstrated fair preservation of organic matters in marl segments and allowed determination of the sedimentation rate and oxygen content. Palynofacies investigation signifies that marl segment has been deposited in shallow to open marine environment with medium energy, and one palynofacies has been diagnosed for it. According to typical dinoflagellate cysts, a warm and rather shallow environment with medium energy and variable salinity is suggested for the period of sedimentation of the marl segment.

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The elongated Elyato River catchment, covering about 52. 89 Km2 areas, is located in southwestern Fariman. To understand the grain size variation and effective factors in downstream fining, 35 samples from central axis of Longitudinal Bars have been collected and analyzed. The results indicate that the grain size decreases downstream as exponential. The lithological and geomorphological changes and faulting are effective in the slope percentage changes downstream. Based on petrographic studies, sediments on the river’ s substrate are igneous rock fragments such as gabbro and serpentine group. However, based on sedimentological studies, we show that the sediments of Longitudinal Bars are mostly poorly and very poorly sorted, near symmetrical to very positive skewness and mesokurtic and platy kurtic kurtosis. Six sedimentary facies including grain supported gravel (Gcm), matrix supported gravel (Gmm), grain supported gravel with horizontal bedding (Gh), massive sand (Sm), laminated mud (Fl) and massive mud (Fm) are recognized along the wall of the studied river. These sedimentary facies have formed in 3 architectural elements including channel (CH), Gravel bars and bed form (GB) and fine grain clastic deposits (FF). Based on sedimentary facies and architectural elements, sedimentary model for this river is proposed as gravelly braided river system.

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In the western part of Miami fault zone (MFZ) as a partial boundary of two main structural zones (Centeral Iran and Binaloud) in the Iranian plateau, since the fault is covered by alluviums or displaced rocks, poor and limited field data cannot solve the problems concerning deformation history and evolutionary path of the MFZ. To facilitate unraveling the structural problem, we tried to conduct five experimental models using a combination of compressional, dextral and sinistral mechanisms with changes in the geometry of two main boundary faults. Based on the results, evidences from transpression with dominant dextral component are very similar to field observations along the western MFZ, including folds, Riedel shears, duplexes, fault geometry and bends. Based on the model, deformation in the western part of MFZ is accommodated by dextral non-coaxial shear with compressional component. The experimental model provided a proper insight about deformation history and style. It is proposed that the western part of the MFZ has been deformed by dextral non-coaxial shear with compressional component, and some resultant rotations have probably changed structural trends during time.

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In the Neogene foreland basin of Zagros, Dezful Embayment as a foredeep depozone has accommodated large volumes of deposits of Aghajari and Bakhtiary formations. In this paper, surface and subsurface data and experimental modeling approach have been used to study the effect of these sediments on the geometry and arrangement of structures in the central part of Zagros fold-thrust belt. The experimental modeling suggests that simultaneous performance of erosion and syntectonics sedimentation prevents deformation propagation to the foreland, and rather concentrates it on the structures already formed toward the hinterland. In this regard, anticlines formed toward the hinterland respond to this process by uplift, faulting and limb rotations. With shortening progress, a large-scale anticline is developed toward the foreland after syntectonic sedimentation. Based on experimental modeling, the clastic deposits of Aghajari and Bakhtiary formations in the Dezful Embayment have led to the concentration of deformation expressed as steep to overturned anticlinal limbs and thrust fault developments in the southern parts of the Izeh and Lurestan zones. Also, large volumes of these sediments in the middle part of the Dezful Embayment has prevented formation of large anticlines in this part and caused formation of anticlines in the north and south parts of the Dezful Embayment.

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The Aqkand area is located at 48 km north of Zanjan and is a part of the Tarom subzone within the Western Alborz-Azerbaijan structural zone. Acidic rocks exposed in this area consist of Oligocene rhyolite-rhyodacite, perlite, pitchstone and ignimbrite. Rhyolites and rhyodacites are exposed as domes and lava flows. Perlites are located at the lower parts of the rhyolitic-rhyodacitic domes. Geochemical investigations indicate calc-alkaline nature along with magmatic arc affinity for the studied rocks. These rocks are characterized by LREE-rich patterns with high LREE/HREE ratio and distinctive negative Eu anomaly. Positive anomalies of Rb, Pb and Th on the spider diagrams suggest continental crust involvement in the genesis and evolution of the parental magma. Based on tectonic setting discrimination diagrams, Aqkand acidic rocks are plotted in the post-collision tectonic setting. In overall petrographic, petrologic and geochemical evidence demonstrate that during the final stages of the continental collision, the thickened sub-continental lithosphere in the Alborz was delaminated and replaced by hot asthenospheric mantle. Rapid upwelling of hot asthenosphere gave rise to the partial melting of sub-continental lithosphere which produced the Oligocene basaltic rocks of the study area. Emplacement of basaltic magma in the upper part of the continental crust led to the partial melting of the crust and generation of the acidic magmas. Rapid cooling of acidic lavas led to the generation of glassy rocks such as obsidian which are changed to perlite in contact with meteoric and warm waters.

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The studied section in SW Kashmar located in Tabas block of central Iran sedimentary-structural zone. According to field observations and petrography, two sets of siliciclastic and carbonate facies were distinguished. Three lithofacies were identified based on the field parameters such as lithology, geometry, sedimentary structures, layering surfaces and bedding contacts. Three lithofacies including conglomerate (Gcm, Gp), Sandstone (St, Sr, Sh, Sl, Sm), muddy (Fl), four petrofacies (polymictic orthoconglomerate 1 and 2, arkosic wacke, and subarkose as well as four microfacies associations of open marine, shoal, lagoon, tidal flat were identified based on microscopic features such as grain type, grain size and texture. Based on finning upward Bouma cycles, erosional surface and greywacke composition, siliciclastic sediments of upper part of the Shirgesht Formation are deposited in turbidity conditions. Present of hummocky stratification, finning upward cycles with shellbeds at the base of units revealed that carbonate rocks of lower part of the Niur Formation are deposited in a shallow ramp storm-dominated. The regional tectonic, expansion of glaciers and melting led to environmental changes during Upper Ordovician – Early Silurian transition in the studied region.

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Some paleobiodiversity indices such as total diversity, stand diversity, origination and extinction rates of Permian (Yakhtashian-Dzhulfian) small foraminifera were analyzed based from an outcrop in Abe-Garm area, Gazvin. Some important bizones that recognized by Taraz (1969), Taraz et al. (1981), Kobayashi (1997), Shabanian (2010), Stiger (1966), Davydov et al. (1996) were used for separation of stages, and biodiversity indices were calculated based on Foote (2000). The investigations are resulted in recognition of Two trends: 1: Origination rate decrease rapidly from Yakhtashian to Murgabian and, 2: two rapid increase in the extinction rate are recorded in Midian and Dzhulfian, the first comparable with End-Guadalopian mass extinction and the latter probably related to environmental condition.

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Calc-silicate hornfelses are resulted from temperature excreted from the Alvand Batholith on the surrounding carbonate rocks. Metamorphic minerals in these rocks are vesuvianite + garnet+clinopyroxene+ tremolite/actinolite+quartz+calcite± epidote. Calc-silicate minerals occurred in two stages of prograde and retrograde metamorphism. Mineral chemistry of clinopyroxene and garnet in calc-silicate hornfelses determined by EPMA shows that these minerals are mainly diopside and grossular. Based on clinopyroxene-garnet thermometry with coexisting minerals such as tremolite/actinolite, quartz, . . . temperature of ~550˚ C was calculated for metamorphism of the clac-silicate hornfelses. Pressure of metamorphism was estimated to be about 3. 5 Kbar. Fluid composition in the calc-silicate hornfelses had XCO2 = 0. 2 which indicates that during prograde metamorphism carbonate minerals reacted out and the amount of these minerals was reduced in the rocks.

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The Forumad ophiolite pillow lavas crop out at west of Sabzevar and at the periphery of north central Iran microcontinent. These lavas include Upper Cretaceous pelagic limestone with microfossils and are classified in two Late Turonian-Santonian and Coniacian-Late Campanian groups. These basaltic pillow lavas have tubular and flattened forms, with external (vitrified), medial (variolite) and internal (intergranuler) parts. Each part has its own texture with mineral composition of clinopyroxene ± plagioclase ± olivine. The medial part is characterized by formation of skeletal crystals of olivine and lesser extend of plagioclase, indicating high nucleation rate. The nature of Late Turonian-Santonian lavas is tholeiitic and Coniacian-Late Campanian lavas are tholeiitic and calc-alkaline. Despite of enrichment in LILE, relative depletion of HFSE, different enrichment in LREE and various linear trends of HREE which suggest the formation of pillow lavas in the arc environment and the heterogeneous mantle with varying degrees of partial melting, but low ratios of Th/ Yb, La/ Nb, Ce/ Nb and Ce/ Th indicate that they are more inclined to intermediate between IAB and MORB environments. Unlike Late Turonian – Santonian lavas, high ratios of La/Yb, Nb/ Yb in Late Coniacian – Late Campanian lavas represent mantle fertility and decrease of Nb/ Ta ratios as well as relative increase of Th exhibit the effect of partial melting of subducted slab in genesis of these lavas. The depth of partial melting was 40 to 70 km in the spinel lherzolite stability zone. It seems that the formation of Forumad ophiolitic pillow lavas is accrued in a marginal basin to a back arc basin of a supra-subduction zone.

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Dehsheikh ultramafic-mafic complex is located in the Esfandagheh ophiolitic mé langes belt of Kerman province. The Dehsheikh complex comprises harzburgite, lherzolite, dunite, chromitite, pyroxenite and layered gabbros. The presence of abundant chromite ore deposits has made this complex important. The complex constitutes part of the Neotethys oceanic lithosphere deformed during upwelling from the upper mantle and later emplacement in the upper levels of the Sanandaj-Sirjan continental crust. Microstructural analysis of this complex reveals three deformation mechanisms including intracrystal plasticity, diffusive mass transfer and cataclasis. The microstructures of deformation twins, wavy extinctions, kink bands, exsolution lamellas, dynamic recrystallizations, microboudins, pull-apart microfractures, mineral stretching and elongation, mineral lineations and shear band cleavages formed due to the intracrystal plasticity deformation mechanism. The diffusive mass transfer deformation mechanism was associated with development of indenting, truncating and inter-penetrating grain contacts and micro-veins. The cataclasis deformation mechanism was accommodated by development of micro-fractures and micro-faults. This microstructural study also manifested different generations of olivines, pyroxenes and spinels under upper mantle to crustal conditions.

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Natural frequency of soil is an important factor in site effect studies. In order to determine this parameter, microtremor measurements were applied as a fast, simple and economic tool. For this purpose, microtremors were recorded in 74 points with time durations of 5 to 10 minutes throughout the city of Shiraz. Natural frequency and amplification factor of soil were then estimated considering the main peak in spectral ratio between horizontal and vertical components (H/V) that is also known as Nakamura’ s technique. Fourier and power spectrums were also used to determine this spectral ratio. The results demonstrate that natural frequency varies from 0. 5HZ to 6HZ in different parts of the city, so that it increases in the east and north part of the city where alluvial deposits over the bedrock are thin. Also, amplification factor of the alluvial deposits obtained by this method has values between 1. 3 and 5 throughout the city. In order to investigate time-dependence of the natural frequency, after 8 years of data recording new data were recorded in five stations. The results indicate acceptable correlation and consistency between old and new data results in these five stations.

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The Basir-Abad area (northeast of Ahar, East-Azarbaidjan province) is a part of the Cenozoic Ahar-Arasbaran magmatic belt in northwest of Iran. Intrusion of granitic and granodioritic igneous rocks of Oligocene age into the Eocene volcanic rocks (andesite, trachy-andesite, andesi-basalt and basalt) resulted in occurrence of metallic mineralization along with development of widespread alteration zones in this area. Mineralogical studies indicate that these alteration zones include silicic (quartz), intermediate and advanced argillic (kaolinite, smectite, quartz and alunite), and propylitic (chlorite, epidote, albite and calcite). Hypogene ores within veins and veinlets of silicic alteration zone contain pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena accompanied by covellite, copper-carbonate minerals (malachite and azurite) and iron-oxides and-hydroxides (goethite, limonite and hematite) of supergene origin. The distribution patterns of REEs normalized to chondrite display differentiation and enrichment of LREEs relative to HREEs and occurrence of variant negative Eu anomalies in all alteration zones. Mass balance calculations of elements, using isocon method, indicate that during development and evolution of the silicic and the intermediate argillic alteration zones, REEs experienced enrichment in the former and depletion in the latter. Furthermore, development of advanced argillic and propylitic alteration zones was accompanied by enrichment of LREEs and selective depletion of HREEs. Further investigation revealed that occurrence of negative Eu anomaly (0. 20-0. 23) in silicic alteration zone is related to abundance of chloride ions, increase of oxygen fugacity of hydrothermal system and highly acidic nature of the fluid. The results obtained from geochemical studies (mass balance calculations, changes in values of Eu and Ce anomalies and ratios of REEs) suggest that changes of pH, temperature, oxygen fugacity, difference in abundance and type of complexing ions in solution, fluid/rock ratio, and presence of minerals such as kaolinite, goethite, smectite, hematite and alunite played important role in differentiation, mobilization and distribution of lanthanides in the studied alteration system.

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The Sanandaj-Sirjan zone is a NW-SE trending orogenic belt immediately north of the Zagros suture, which represents the former position of the Neotethys Ocean. This zone includes a Pan-African basement similar to the various terranes to the north in Central Iran. The crystalline basement is nonconformably overlain by the Paleozoic-Triassic platform sediments, which in turn are unconformably covered by sedimentary and volcanic strata of the Jurassic arc. The Cretaceous carbonates overlie the older rocks with a regional angular unconformity. The Chadegan high-P metamorphic complex exposed along the upper Zayanderoud and consists of quartz schists, amphibolites, gneisses, marbles and eclogites, and is nonconformably underlain by the fossiliferous Permian carbonates, suggesting a Pre-Permian age. In this paper we present new data including whole rock major and trace element compositions, mineral chemistry and radiogenic isotope data for the selected metabasites. The high field strength element (HFSE) abundances and Sr-Nd-Hf ratios suggest tholeiitic compositions with distinct within plate affinity rather than MORB. We also present new 206Pb/238U zircon age of 568. 0 ± 5. 3 Ma for a crosscutting orthogneiss reconfirming the Late Neoproterozoic age for the granitic protolith. We conclude that previously presented Ar-Ar ages for white-micas in eclogites and gneisses are indicative of metamorphic crystallization due to the regional plutonic arc activity. A comparison is made with the well-investigated Menderes Massif in Turkey where an orthogneiss-metabsite association with similar age and chemistry makes extensive exposures. We also conclude that this rock complex is extended from Zayanderoud to Khoy and beyond to the Menderes Massif and discuss the connection with the final amalgamation tectonics of the Gondwana near the beginning of the Cambrian Period.

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The Quaternary aeolian sands occur in northern and southern parts of the urban areas of the Kerman city. The important aeolian and interlayered sedimentary structures are cross-bedding and ripple mark. Diameter of the aeolian sands ranges from 0. 06 to 2 mm, but coarse-grained (gravel size) alluvial deposits are interlayered within the aeolian sands. Mineralogy and petrography of the aeolian sands indicate the presence of rock fragments (30 % carbonate, 25 % igneous and 5 % metamorphic rocks), silicate minerals (15 %) and non-silicate minerals (25 %). The Aeolian sands contain calcite (10%), quartz-chert (12%), alkali feldspar-plagioclase (5%), iron-titanium oxides (5%), clinopyroxene (2%), amphibole (1%) and gypsum (5%). Normative minerals include 30% calcite, 15. 4% quartz, 12. 5% orthoclase, 10% albite, 2. 5% anorthite, 2% diopside, 1% enstatite, 4. 6% clay minerals, 0. 37% apatite, 3% gypsum, 3% hematite, 0. 45% brookite and 10% dolomite. Major element composition of 22 aeolian samples analyzed by XRF and ICP-OES methods shows the frequent occurrence of calcium oxide and lower content of silica compared to the aeolian sands of other regions of the world, though the other major oxides are similar to the aeolian sands of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Mexico and Namibia. Geochemical diagrams of K2O/Al2O3 versus Na2O/Al2O3and SiO2/Al2O3versus Fe2O3/K2Oand Na2O/K2O suggest a combined provenance of the igneous, metamorphic and carbonate sedimentary rocks for the aeolian sands around the urban areas of the Kerman city.

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In this paper the Fajan Formation of Paleocene age with a thickness of 172. 5 meters is studied in northwest Shahroud (Eastern Alborz). Main lithology of this formation, at the studied section, consists of conglomerate and sandstone. The formation disconforably overlain upper Cretaceous limestones and its upper boundry with Ziarat limestone of Eocene age is of transitional type. Dominant lithology of mentioned formation, at the studied section, consists of polymodal and polymictic orthoconglomerate which contains rounded to subrounded grains. These clastic grains are generally oval to spherical in shape and originated from limestone, sandstone and chert materials. Paleocene Conglomerate is characterized by two distinc lithofacies: clast-supported massive gravel (Gcm) and clast-supported horizontally stratified gravel (Gh) which are formed in a braided river system. This subject is interpreted by evidances as condensed texture gravels, imbrication fabric that indicate on one hand paleocurrent, non-existence of fossil by reason of oxidation conditions of sedimentary environment, sandstone lenses that have through cross bedding (St) and existence of gravels that are mostly rounded to subrounded and denote distance from origin. Abundant bed load mostly rang in size from pebble to cobble and partially boulder, gravelly beds with long extended lateral spread and lack of flood plain muddy sediments, are reasons in distinguish between recognized sedimentary environment and meandering river. The studied Sandstone layers are described by ripple marked sand (Sr) and planar-cross-bedded sand (Sp) which contain sublitharenite and quartzarenite type are deposited in tide-dominated deltaic system. Interpretation criteria are propounded by means of interference ripple mark that prove direction change of current bearing clastic particles, rounded to subrounded sands that can present repeated reworking of grains after deposition in sedimentary environment, well sorting, high textural maturity, insignificant matrix as criterion in distinction specified delta from other deltaic environments and herringbone cross bedding which is the most important evidence of tidal currents.

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The study area is located in Arasbaran metallogenic zone. Rocks of the Sonajil region include Eocene andesite lava, porphyry microdiorite, Incheh granitoid and Ozuzdaghi Plioquaternary volcanic rocks. Porphyry microdiorite is the main host rock of porphyry type Cu-Mo mineralization in the Sonajil deposit. Much of the mineralization in the Sonajil deposit is dispersive and vein-veinlet type. Based on the structure, mineralogy and texture, the Sonajil vein-veinlets can be divided into sex different groups. These veins-veinlets contains sulfide (pyrite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite, bornite, galena, tetrahedrite, tenantite and enargite), hydroxide and oxide (magnetite and spicularite) and carbonate (malachite and azurite) minerals. Various types of fluid inclusions including mono-phase vapor, two-phase liquid and vapor, and multiphase liquid-vapor-solid of primary origin are present within quartz-sulfide veinlets. TH (L-V) for halite-bearing inclusions homogenizing by disappearance of halite and of vapor are 260-565˚ C, 320-520˚ C, respectively and salinity are 35. 3-69 % NaCl. TH (L-V) for two-phase inclusions homogenizing temperatures are 180-565˚ C, and salinity are 0. 7-15. 17 % NaCl. In bivariate plot of TH-salinity, two distinct populations of high and low salinity fluids are recognizable and most of the data points relating to the high salinity plot above the halite saturation curve. The coexistence of vapor-rich two-phase and halite-bearing inclusions having similar TH ranges can be indicative of boiling in the Sonajil porphyry deposit.

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The Ghezildash massive sulphide copper deposit is located in the northwest of Iran. The area is a part of the ophiolotic colored mé lange zone of NW Iran, also known as Khoy– Maku colored mé lange. Copper mineralization occurred in part of basaltic meta-volcanic rocks, and extensive alteration zones such as chloritic– epidoitic along with minor carbonate and sericitic zones are consequently developed in the area. This paper aims at identifying hydrothermal alteration zones related to massive sulphide deposit particularly those associated with chloritic zones where the mineralization have been identified. Another aspect is to determine the elemental enrichment and depletion before and after alterations in the host rock. For this purpose, the alteration box plot was used, which approved Trend 4 of chlorite-carbonate zone in much of the samples and Trend 5 of sericite– carbonate in few samples. Furthermore, thin section studies showed similar results, confirming the method used. Maclean method as a useful reconnaissance tool for mineralized zones was then applied to identify the enriched and depleted alteration zones between unaltered host rock and altered chloritic and sericitic zones. Results of McLean method revealed in the chloritic alteration zone large enrichment of Fe and Mg and depletion of Na, K and Ca elements, which have occurred due to decomposition of feldspars in the rock during chloritic alteration. It was also observed that these rocks in the chloritic alteration zone were subjected to a moderate increase in Cu, Zn, Co, and V contents. Also, sericitic alteration zone showed a moderate enrichment in Fe and Mg. Therefore, alteration zone detection using box plot and mass change calculations by McLean method enabled us to identify mineralization zones in the Gezildash massive sulphide deposit of Khoy. Characteristic features of detected alterations and geochemical indices obtained by this study suggest the Cyprus type massive sulphide mineralization for the area associated with Cu-Zn enrichment and Ca and Na depletion. In some cases, very minor amount of K enrichment in sericitic zones was also observed. Overview of the deposit represents cluster form in a particular trend that emphasizes its structural control by faults. The presence of ophiolitic mafic volcanic rocks, Ocher horizons, exhalative cherts and regional pyrite horizons are considered as exploration signs for this deposit.

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VEYSEH S. | NIAZI A. | Ghassemi J.



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In this research, distribution and effect of elements on soil samples in Bahabad, Yazd Province, is presented according to analysis of different elements using ICP-MS, ICP-OES, AF and methods of Geochemometrics. For this purpose, 156 samples were taken from Bahabad, Asfij and Banestan areas and analyzed after sample preparation. In order to investigate distribution of soil samples in the area and the role of effective elements in this distribution, the study was performed in three separate phases, including base elements (Zn, Cu, Sn, Ni, Co, W, Fe, Pb), heavy elements (Cd, Hg, As, Cr, B), and Uranium and Thorium. To explore soil sample distributions, Geochemometrics methods were used, which are defined as computerized, statistical, mathematical and graphical approaches to better understand geoscience data. Therefore, Principal Component Analysis ( PCA), which is a factor analysis method, was used to determine the distribution and effect of elements on samples. It is worth mentioning that some of the most important results of PCA are score and loading of Biplot diagram that are used for proper interpretation of data. Also, K-Nearest Neighbor method (KNN) was used to classify and obtain correlation of the studied elements. Results are applicable to aspects such as Medical Geology, Environmental Geology and Mineral Exploration in order to perform better classification of elements, understanding pollution or mineral sources, and exploring anomalies. Geochemometrics was presented for the first time in this article.

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The NW-SW trending Garmsar Anticline is located in the Abardej area in northwestern part of the Garmsar city, 110 km east of the Tehran province. The aim of this paper is to investigate folding style of the Garmsar Anticline and its relationship with the Kavir thrust and also the influence of tectonic regime inversion on the structures of the study area. Furthermore, the study aims at determining spatial development of the structures based on field observations and subsurface data interpretation. The presence of a thrust fault along the southern limb of the Garmsar anticline suggests that this anticline is a fault-related fold, whose specifications are characteristic of faulted-detachment folding style. The existence of the Lower Red Formation evaporates as a ductile horizon has influenced folding style in the Garmsar Anticline, which is clearly observed in seismic lines. The anticline axis is also cross-cut by secondary strike-slip faults that are the youngest structures in the area. Fold amplifications during compressional regime has resulted in development of this set of strike-slip faults across the axis of the Garmsar Anticline.

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In this study the succession comprising Aitamir and Abderaz Formation boundary is investigated along Amir Abad section in eastern Koppeh-Dagh region. Based on Calcareous nannofossils and NC biozonation scheme, Late Albian to Late Turonian time of deposition is estimated for the measured succession. There is some evidence such as paleoecological changes and increase in organic carbon burial, enabling recognition of the Cenomanian – Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE2) in this section. Anoxic events often occur as a result of high productivity leading to increased burial of organic matter. Paleoecological trends recorded including decrease in abundance of Broinsonia spp. and Biscutum spp. and increase in Watznaueria spp. at the beginning of the late Cenomanian interval suggest prevalence of oligotrophic condition during this interval of time. In the late Late Cenomanian and Cenomanian-Turonian boundary intervals, the increase in relative abundance of surface water high fertility markers such as Biscutum spp. and the increase of fertility index i. e. (Biscutum+Zeugrhabdotus)/Watznaueria, point to amore eutrophic condition. The absence of Nannoconus spp., which are not seen in anoxic conditions, is another evidence of OAE2. The rising trend of total organic carbon content in the Late Cenomanian part of the sedimentary succession and the mentioned paleoecological evidences, suggest presence of Late Cenomanian Oceanic Anoxic Event in eastern Koppeh-Dagh. Although this global event is mostly reported from oceanic black shales, in some sections especially in the east of Tethys, it is sometimes recorded in shallow water sediments. Shale and marl succession in Koppeh-Dagh region can be considered as the continuation of their global trend in the eastern-most part of the Tethyan realm where the Late Cenomanian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE2) has occurred in a rather shallow environment of deposition.

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Devonian strata in North West Iran have been sampled and studied in two separate sections. 1) Illangareh section, 20 km NE of Maku city 2) peyr-es-hag composite section in south of Jufa (W of Peyr-es-hag and Chay kasan villages). I In this research, micro-remains (fish teeth, scales and bone fragments) of Cartilaginous fish (Chondrichtyes), Osteichtyes (Acanthodians), fauna are known. Index micro-vertebrates recorded include: Siberiodus mirabilis, Phoebodus gothicus, Phoebodus turnerae, body scale Holonema sp., Sarcopterygian scale, Ischnacanthid jaw, Cheiracanthus sp., Ertychius intermedius Cladodus wildungensis. According to biostratigraphy and paleogeography these microremains can be compared with those reported from other parts of Iran, and with other parts of world. This assemblage show spread of shallow shelf environment of the northern margin of Gondwana during Middle-Late Devonian time.

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