Rivers are the most important landforms on the ground whose analysis is known as a useful tool in tectonic surveys in several thousands to two million years ago. The Ghezel Ozan River, the longest river system in the country, has responded to tectonic deformation thoroughly. Detection and characterization of geomorphic anomalies in the Ghezel Ozan River and correlation with structures can specify the role of structures in making active deformations. The intense and sudden deflection in the river course, the abnormal changes in the river sinuosity and knick points upon longitudinal profile of the river are the geomorphic anomalies connected to the structures. Deflection of the river course and abnormal changes in the river sinuosity are identified on the satellite images and approved through field observations. Knick points are specified upon longitudinal profiles of the river and the effects of lithology are surveyed in making of them٫ so that only knick points are considered which are produced by structures. Longitudinal profiles of the river have been obtained from digital elevation model. Above mentioned anomalies then have been correlated with structures extracted from geology maps and in this manner structures effective in making geomorphic anomalies have been identified. The study region is located in Sanandaj–Sirjan, Centeral Iran and Western Alborz zones. Around the Ghezel Ozan River, marl, sandstone, siltstone, limestone, tuff, agglomerate and volcanic rocks are extremely exposed. These rocks belong to Qom, Upper Red, Lower Red and karaj formations. Deflection of the Ghezel Ozan River is surveyed in the regions of Kuh-e-Palangi, Jelovdarlou, Cham and Yengejeh. Abnormal changes in river sinuosity is studied in regions of Jomaelou, Gol gheshlagh, Armoutlou, Kuh-e-Qaravol, Ghaflankuh and Kuh-e-Pajdar. In the regions of Sharif Abad, Iemir, Kuh-e-Qaravol and Kuh-e-Pajdar, knick points are specified upon longitudinal profile of the Ghezel Ozan River. The obtained results show that folds with trends of NW–SE and NE–SW have the highest influence on deflection of the course of the Ghezel Ozan River. The other geomorphic anomalies produced by faults with trends of NW–SE, NE–SW, N-S and E-W especially in instances that faults with trends of NW–SE and NE–SW have intersected. Thus, the most active structural trends in around of the Ghezel Ozan River are trends of NW–SE, NE–SW, N-S and E-W which correlate with trends of fractures in basement of Iran. In this way active folds and faults are identified in the area.