Background: Blood gas analysis is very important in the patients with respiratory problems. Arterial puncture may cause complications such as pain, local hematoma, infection and nerve injury. The procedure itself can be technically difficult. In contrast, venous sampling is an easier procedure with fewer complications. Therefore, this study aims to determine the possibility of replacement of venous blood gas (VBG) values by ABG values in ICU wards admitted patients. Methods: In this study, 155 paired blood gas samples collected from patients admitted to ICU wards in Motahari hospital, Marvdasht, Fars, Iran. Statistical means of blood gas parameters, including PO2, PCO2, HCO3 and PH have been compared in both, arterial and venous, blood samples in parallel using paired t-test. Results: Mean difference of arterial and venous gas parameters, PO2, PCO2 and HCO3, was significantly differ. All paired gas parameters in arterial and venous blood samples were significantly correlated, while this correlation was stronger between PCO2 and HCO3. Conclusion: To predict the arterial blood gas parameters from VBG parameters, single regression models are of more statistical value compared to multiple regression models. Defined single regression prediction models could be used to predict arterial PCO2 and HCO3, which may reduce arterial sampling in ICU wards.