The Miduk porphyry copper deposit is located in 85 Km northwest of Sarcheshmeh porphyry copper deposit, Kerman province. The deposit is hosted by Eocene volcanic rocks of andesite-basalt composition. The porphyry-type mineralization is associated with two calc-alkaline intrusive phases (P1 and Miduk porphyry) of Miocene age. Five hypogene alteration zones are distinguished in the Miduk deposit, magnetite-rich potassic, potassic, potassic-phyllic, phyllic and propylitic. The main stage of mineralization consists of chalcopyrite, magnetite and anhydrite in potassic alteration zone. The mineralization is mostly associated with Miduk porphyry intrusive phase. Three different types of biotite including magmatic, magmatic affected by hydrothermal fluids and secondary are distinguished at the Miduk deposit. Magmatic type biotites affected by hydrothermal fluids and secondary biotites contain higher XMg values than the magmatic biotites. The XMg are positively correlated with Si, Al, Mg, K, Mg/Ti, but negatively correlated with Al×Ti, Fe, Na, Fe/Ti contents. The variations of Cu, Mo, Au and Ag are controlled by vein - type alteration and mineralization zones. The tonnage of deposit is about 170 Mt with average grade of 0.82 % Cu, 0.007% Mo, 82 ppb Au and 1.8 ppm Ag, respectively. Highest values of Mo and Au occur in leached and oxide, supergene sulfide mineralization, phyllic and potassic-phyllic alteration zones, respectively. Gold displays positive correlation with Cu in magnetite-rich potassic and potassic alteration zones. Based on petrography, mineralogy, alteration halos and patterns of Cu, Au, Ag and Mo, the Miduk porphyry copper deposit is similar to those of continental arc setting porphyry copper deposits.