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علوم زمین

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علوم زمین

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علوم زمین

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علوم زمین

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علوم زمین

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علوم زمین

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علوم زمین

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علوم زمین

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Intrusion of quartz-monzodioritic igneous bodies of Oligocene age into the Eocene lithic crystal tuffs and trachy-basalts resulted in occurrence of widespread argillic alteration zone in the Jizvan area (Tarom-Hashtjin zone). Mineralogical studies indicate that this alteration zone includes kaolinite, quartz, smectite, pyrophyllite, muscovite-illite, alunite, rutile, calcite, feldspar, chlorite, hematite and goethite minerals. Hypogene ore minerals within the silicic-carbonatic veins and veinlets of argillic alteration zone contain chalcopyrite, galena and pyrite accompanied by goethite, malachite and azurite of supergene origin. Mass changes calculations of elements with assumption of Al as a monitor immobile element indicate that elements such as Ti, P, Th, Nb, Ta, Y and Zr have suffered leaching during argillization of lithic crystal tuffs. This abnormal behaviour is in relation to low pH of altering solutions, high water/rock ratio, abundance of complexing ions and suitable drainage system. The distribution pattern of REEs normalized to chondrite shows differentiation and enrichment of LREEs relative to HREEs and occurrence of negative Eu and Ce anomalies during argillization of lithic crystal tuffs. Geochemical investigations reveal that occurrence of negative Ce anomaly (0.49-0.92) is in relation to the destruction of zircon by acidic-oxidizing fluids. Negative Eu anomaly (0.23-0.73) and mass loss of elements such as Si, Fe, K, Rb, Cs, Sr and Ba indicate destruction of plagioclase and hornblende by strongly acidic hydrothermal fluids and high oxygen fugacity of environment. The correlation coefficients between elements display the controlling role of Mn-oxides in distribution and concentration of REEs, Pb, Zn and Cu. Mineralogical and geochemical evidence such as presence of pyrophyllite, alunite and rutile, enrichment of LREEs relative to HREEs, low values of La+Ce+Y, negative Ce anomaly and strong positive correlations between (LREEs/HREEs)N-LOI and (La/Lu)N-P suggest that the development and evolution of argillic alteration zone in the Jizvan area is affiliated to hypogene processes.

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In this study, to determine a dolomitization model for the Soltanieh Formation a suitable outcrop 35 km southwest of Zanjan city has been studied. The Soltanieh Formation with a total thickness of 985 m sharply laid on the shales and sandstones of the Bayandor Formation and was covered by shales and red-sandstones of the Barut Formation. Distribution and extension of the dolomite layers in the Soltanieh Formation, is parallel with the sedimentary layers and bedding and also has considerable lateral extension. Abundant relict of blue-green algae (stromatolites) and nodules and bands of cherts, have been recognized into the dolomitic layers of the Soltanieh Formation. Based on fieldwork, petrography and geochemistry evidences (ICP-OES and XRD), four different types of dolomite have been distinguished in Soltanieh Formation. These dolomites include: (1) fine crystalline dolomites or dolomicrite; (2) subhedral, dense and medium crystalline dolomite; (3) subhedral to anhedral coarse crystalline dolomite and finally (4) pore-filling dolomite cements. In the studied dolomites of Soltanieh Formation, saddle dolomite were not observed. The results of this research indicate that these dolomites have been formed in shallow to relatively deep diagenetic environments by moderately saline marine fluids (mean Na 435 ppm), via seepage reflux of evaporate seawater into the Soltanieh Formation platform in the study area. Low Sr values (mean 47 ppm) and relatively high Fe (mean 3088 ppm) and Mn values (mean 453 ppm) in coarse crystalline dolomites, likely indicate increase in dolomite crystal size and recrystallization process during the burial. The very low Ba concentration (mean 12 ppm) and the absence of saddle dolomite into the dolomitic sequences of the Soltanieh Formation, indicates ineffectiveness of hydrothermal fluids acting during dolomitization process of the Soltanieh Formation carbonates into the study area.

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The study area is located in the Central Iran Zone, in the view of tectonic subdivisions of Iranian terrains. The main outcropping rock types are metabasites and amphibolites having Precambrian age. The amphibolites have been classified as Ep-amphibolite, normal amphibolite, Grt-amphibolite and Grt-Cpx amphibolite, considering characteristic mineral assemblages. The main textures are granoblastic and porphyrogranobastic. Mineral chemistry of Grt-Cpx amphibolites have been investigated in this contribution. The results have been used to estimate metamorphic P-T conditions. The compositions of amphiboles are pargasite and hornblende. Clinopyroxne is diopside. Plagioclases are rich in An content (An73.50-95.90) and Ab content is low (Ab3.90-24.70). Garnet have compositions as Alm (%45.90-%59.10), Prp (%5.6-%16.1), Sps (%10.90-%23.50), GAU (%13.20-%23.70). Garnet composition is non-uniform as increasing of Fe and Mg contents where Mn and Ca contents are decreased from the core to the rim. The peak metamorphic T-P obtained as 670oC to 705oC at 8.5 Kbar respectively. The estimated pressure is consistent with the depth of ~ 25Km correspending to the lower crustal condition. The recorded mid P-T conditions of Grt-Cpx ampgibolites belonge to Barrovian type regional metamorphism. On the basis of geological and petrological studies from the SE Qarehaghaj and the analogies with comparable rocks from adjucent Precambrian terrains, it seems that the Pan-African Orogeny is the phase causing metamorphism and consolidation of the basement rocks. The Precambrian metabasites and amphibolites have been probably formed in this regard. The subsequent mid P-T metamorphism of the metabasites under upper amphibolite facies (Barrovian type metamorphism) have been most likely recorded related to continental collision between the Arabian plate and the Central Iranian micocontinent correspending to the Alpian Orogeny during Cenozoic.

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The Masjeddgaghi Cu-Au deposit is located to the southeast of the Arasbaran zone, NW Iran, to the south of the Lesser Caucasus. Mineralization in Masjeddaghi is associated with an Eocene dioritic subvolcanic pluton intruded into older volcanic and sedimentary rocks. The Masjeddaghi intrusive body is high-K, calc alkaline, and meta-aluminous, and formed in an island arc subduction/collision setting. Hydrothermal alteration is distinguished by a potassic core marked by secondary biotite and K-spar that grades outward into a chlorite-rich propylitic halo. The ore minerals include chalcopyrite, associated with minor chalcocite, bornite, tetrahedrite, and trace molybdenite. Pyrite and magnetite are common associates. The Masjeddaghi deposit is elliptical in plan view, 500 x 400 m in diameters, and mineralization has been traced for several hundred meters from surface exposures. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology on secondary biotite from potassic alteration zone indicates that mineralization, and by corollary, the emplacement and crystallization of the Masjeddaghi porphyritic intrusion, occurred in 54.07 ± 0.53 Ma. The Masjeddaghi ore deposit shows geology, mineralization and alteration characteristics comparable to those typical of island arc type porphyry Cu-Au systems. Masjeddaghi ore deposit shows geology, mineralization and alteration characteristics similar to island arc porphyry type systems.

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Investigation of effective parameters on mechanical and physical properties of ore deposits is very important in determination of their rock mechanic and failure properties. This investigation can be suitable in different mining operations such as drilling, blasting, comminution and mine planning. In this paper, at first, microscopic sections were studied under different lights in Chadormalu iron ore mine. Then geomechanical and seismic properties as well as failure behaviour of the oxide ores (magnetite and hematite) were studied. The results demonstrated that the percentage of magnetite has a direct relationship with uniaxial compressive strength, tensile strength, Young modulus and P and S wave velocities; and the magnetite percentage has an inverse relationship with Poisson's ratio, porosity and saturation. Finally, the relation between magnetite percent and blast-induced preconditioning was investigated. The results showed that increasing the percentage of magnetite will increase the blast-induced preconditioning and increasing preconditioning decreased comminution processes in the Chadormalu iron ore mine. Also increasing the percentage of magnetite in feed of process factory from 25 to 50% decreases the power consumption from 70 (KWh/t) to 40 (KWh/t).

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The use of remote sensing combined with field surveys can be used as an economic approach to detect the areas that are susceptible to the influx of water into tunnels. This study aims at investigating potential zones of groundwater influx in part 1-A of the Nosoud water-transport tunnel located in the NW of Kermanshah province. Stratigraphic units of the area are composed of limestone and shale layers, which have formed alternating hard and soft sequences at the tunnel site. Fractured brittle limestone layers alternating with impermeable shale layers are the most important factor controlling the influx of water into the Nosoud tunnel. The danger of possible mine explosions prevented us from a survey along the whole length of the tunnel. Hence we classified these lithologies into two types labeled as Li and Sh which representing limestone and shale respectively. In order to explore layers that could potentially lead to water influx, we used ASTER satellite images to analyze the geohydrologic evidences across the area. Results suggest that the tunnel has a high risk of groundwater influx in places where the Li3 and Li-Sh3 units are encountered. Moreover, observations during tunnel excavation show that the major cause of water influx into the tunnel are preferentially concentrated in zones where hard layers with open fractures are crossed. This is considerably compatible with the results of satellite image processing model.

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The Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian) carbonates of the Fahliyan Formation are considered as important reservoir rocks in the Zagros Basin. In this study, the sedimentary successions of this formation in Lar (620m thick) and Khami (517m thick) anticlines, located in the Izeh zone, were investigated to analyze microfacies, depositional environment, and diagenetic phenomena. Based on petrographic studies, 16 microfacies related to five facies belts of tidal flat, lagoon, carbonate shoal, mid ramp and outer ramp were recognized. Grainstone microfacies were found more abundant in the Lar stratigraphic section than the Khami section. Lack of turbidite deposits and reefal facies, and transitional changing of the facies show that the Fahliyan Formation was deposited in a homoclinal carbonate ramp. Abundance of mud dominated facies and rarity of high energy facies (like shoal facies) show that the ramp was a leeward one. According to petrographic studies, the main diagenetic features of the carbonates were micritization, cementation, dissolution, neomorphism, compaction, fracturing, and dolomitization. Due to deposition in the photic zone and high sedimentation rate, the thickness of the Fahliyan Formation in both stratigraphic sections is considerable, but based on the drawn isopach map, the thickest succession of the formation is found in the Lar section. Therefore, the Lar area is considered as the depocenter of the Fahliyan Formation. Difference in the thickness of the Fahliyan successions of Lar and Khami, most probably, is caused by the syndepositional activity of the north-south trending basement faults (like Kazeroon fault) in the region. Also, difference in the quantity of the burial compaction of the carbonate successions (caused by facies and diagenetic differences) played a role in secondary (burial) thickness changes.

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Two different ages of Precambrian and Jurassic are considered for the Zayanderud metamorphic complex in the Najafabad and Chadegan geology maps, respectively. This disagreement has made these two maps to be the most incompatible adjacent maps. The metamorphic complex is no nconformably covered by fossiliferous Permian limestones suggesting a Pre-Permian age. This relative age is supported by206Pb/238U zircon ages of Neoproterozoic for the cross-cutting mylonitic orthogneisses. In this paper we discuss the Jurassic age considered for protolith of the metamorphic and granitoid rocks in the Chadegan map as an misunderstanding in field observations. Also we argue that Ar/Ar Jurassic ages represent the time of metamorphism and do not reflect the protolith age.

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The Sanganeh Formation is one of the Early Cretaceous rock units in the Koppeh- Dagh basin. This formation in the Dahaneh Gholaman section (in north of Bojnord city) with a thickness of 900 meters (consist of marl, shale and limestone) is laying conformably on the Sarcheshmeh Formation and covered by Atamir Formation. In this study, biostratigraphic investigations on 50 palynological samples from the Sanganeh Formation led to recognition of 21 genera and 31 species of din oflagellate cysts indicating an age of Late Aptian-Albian belonging to Odontochitina operculata zone. Also palynofacies studies revealed two types of palynofacies (II and IV). Palynofacies studies show dominance of palynofacies II through the stratigraphic column indicating a marginal dysoxic-anoxic basin. On the other hand, presence of palynofacies IV in some parts along the stratigraphic column reflects increase in the depth of the marine environment from time to time.

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Due to the infiltration of contaminants from surface to underground water systems, groundwater pollution is one of the serious problems, especially in arid and semi-arid areas that encounter with lack of quality and quantity of water resources. Therefore, groundwater vulnerability evaluation is necessary to manage the groundwater resources by identifying areas with high potential of contamination. In this study, groundwater vulnerability in Ardabil plain aquifer was evaluated by applying DRASTIC model. DRASTIC model was prepared by seven effective parameters on vulnerability, including groundwater depth, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadose zone, and hydraulic conductivity. These parameters were prepared as seven raster layers, and DRASTIC index was then calculated after ranking and weighting. The DRASTIC index value was obtained between 82 to 151 for the Ardabil plain. The main problem of this model is the subjectivity in determining rates and weights of the parameters. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to improve DRASTIC model using 5 methods of artificial intelligence (AI), such as Feedforward network (FFN), Recurrent neural network (RNN), Sugeno fuzzy logic (SFL), Mamdani fuzzy logic (MFL), and Committee machine (CM) to obtain the most accurate results of vulnerability evaluation. Because of heterogeneity in the Ardabil Plain, it is divided into 3 sections including west, east and north, and each section needs an individual model. For this purpose, the DRASTIC parameters and the vulnerability index were defined as inputs data and output data respectively for models, and nitrate concentration data were divided into two categories for training and test steps. The output of model in training step was corrected by the related nitrate concentration, and after model training, the output of model in test step was verified by the nitrate concentration. The results show that all of the artificial intelligence methods are able to improve the DRASTIC model, but the supervised committee machine artificial intelligence (SCMAI) model had the best results. According to this model, the most of high pollution potential areas located in western and northern parts of the plain, and need more protection.

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The Koppeh- Dagh Basin in the northeast Iran formed after closure of the Paleotethys in the south of Turan plate. Kashafrud Formation in the Navia Section (west of Bojnourd) with a thickness of 749 m is composed of silici-clastic rocks (conglomerate, sandstone and shale). In order to interpret provenance of this formation in the study section, 12 shale samples have been geochemically analyzed. ­ The samples are rich in quartz and clay minerals, with respect to (UCC) depletion in Na2O, CaO, MgO, Cu, Nb and Sr and enrichment in Ni, Co, V, Y and U.­ Plotting TiO2 versus Al2O3, Zr versus TiO2, as well as ternary diagram (SiO2/20), (k2O+Na2O), (MgO+TiO2+FeO) and diagram Al2O3, (Cao+Na2O+K2O), (FeO+MgO) suggest that the original source of this formation was probably from intermediate igneous rocks. Calculated PIA and CIA indicate high chemical weathering and semi- humid climatic condition in the source area. Prepared discrimation diagram using the major oxides (SiO2 versus K2O/Na2O and ternary diagrams SiO2/20, Na2O+K2O, TiO2+MgO+Fe2O3), shows that the shales of this formation were plotted in the passive continental margin. Paleogeographic reconstruction for this formation, during the Middle Jurassic shows that sedimentation of this formation is mainly controlled by intracontinental subsiding basin and the source of these sediments was from the southeast of the Kopph-Dagh Basin

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Different geological, structural and morphological characteristics of the eastern Kopeh-Dagh Province in NE Iran resulted in identification of several morph otectonic domains separated by major basement faults. Based on various field surveys, seismic reflection data, satellite images and cross-sections construction we introduce the fault-bounded deformed areas with different characteristics as the structural domains. These domains are the Hezar-Masjed, Darreh-Gaz- Sarakhs, and the Kopeh-Dagh foredeep from southwest to northeast, respectively. They are bounded by the Kashafrud, Mozduran, and the North Kopeh-Dagh faults. The domains were formed on the Turan plate since Middle Jurassic times when the extensional phase commenced in the Kopeh-Dagh Province. The bounding faults were initially of normal mechanism which generated grabens and half-grabens within the sedimentary basin. The maximum extension and subsidence in the basin occurred during Middle Jurassic, synchronous with the deposition of the Kashafrud Formation. Differential subsidence and configuration of the basin resulted in lateral lithofacies variations and thickness changes of the Kashafrud Formation throughout the basin. The main compression event in the Kopeh-Dagh Province started following the closure of the Neo-tethys ocean between the Iranian and Arabian plates in the Late Eocene, which caused inversion tectonics and reactivation of pre-existing normal faults as well as folding of sedimentary cover.

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Dolomitic limestone and dolomite comprise the most part of Ghorban member of the Sachun Formation (Paleocene-early Eocene) in Ghareh Anticline section in southeast Shiraz. Geochemical and petrographic studies of these deposits indicate that these dolomites have formed in marine, meteoric and burial diagenetic environments. According to these studies, three types of dolomites have been recognized including dolomicrite (less than 16 mm), dolomicrosparite (16-62 mm) and dolosparite (more than 62mm). Evidences such as fenestral porosity, evaporate minerals (gypsum and anhydrite), intraclast and lack of fossil show that dolomicites have been deposited in supratidal environment. Dolomicrosparites which been formed due to recrystalization of dolomicrites and replacement of micrite, have higher amount of Fe and Mn, and lower amounts of Na, Sr and Mg. Quantities and contributions of the above mentioned elements are related to more diagenetic effect on dolomicrites and formation of these dolomites in medium to deep burial diagenesis environment. Dolosparites have been seen in three forms. The first form includes euhedral crystals of dolomite that have been replacement of red algae and micrite. Second form of dolosparites that consist of crystals with syntexial overgrowth, luminescence with zones consisting of light and dull bands and fluids inclusion are pore filling cements which form in burial diagenetic environment. Euhedral-subhedral, porous, destructive fabric with sucrose texture Dolosparites (the third form) in Sachun-Jahrum formations boundary have been interpreted as meteoric-marine mixing zone environment product.

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The Lakhshak granodiorite body with Oligo-Miocene age crops out in flysch sediments of northwest of Zahedan. This body has been intruded by dykes with variable color indices ranging from mesocratic to melanocratic, and NE-SW trend. Based on field observations, melanocratic dykes have cut mesocratic dykes in some parts.This indicates that mesocratic dykes are younger than the melanocratic types. Different thickness (2 to 12m) of dykes shows the effect of tectonic activities and magama injection into structural joints, and the formation of dykes during tectonic activity. In terms of lithology, the Lakhshak body is composed of granodiorite, dacitic mesocratic dykes and melanocratic dykes of microdioritic and andesitic types. The granodiorite body and the two types of dykes are of I type nature, and are calc-alkaline, high-K calc-alkaline and metaluminous. Based on the geochemical characteristics, dykes and granodiorite show enrichment in LILE, LREE such as Ba, Cs, Rb, Eu and Pb, and depletion in HFSE, HREE such as Nb, Ti and Ta, which are related to index characteristics of the volcanic arc setting of an active continental margin. Pb positive anomaly may demonstrate continental crust assimilation by magma associated with mantle metasomatism. Based on field observation and petrogenesis, the Lakhshak granodiorite and mesocratic-melanocratic dykes originated from magmatic activity of subducted oceanic crust (Sistan plate) beneath the continental plate (Afghan block). The parental magma of the Lakhshak granitoid was originated from melts resulted from amphibolite melting, and dykes are the late derivative of magma recrystallization granodiorite.

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The East-West to Northwest-Southeast trending Ashkhaneh fault zone is located in northeast of Iran between the Alborz and Kopeh-dagh tectonic zones. Geometric and kinematic characteristics of Ashkhaneh fault zone was revealed by measuring of fault kinematic indicators such as: S-C structures, asymmetric folds, slip lines and fault steps along eight cross-sections across this fault zone and perpendicular to main structures. Stereographic analysis of the measured structural elements and constructing cross-sections show a dominant reverse mechanism with left-lateral strike-slip component for the Ashkhaneh fault zone. Donghozdagh Anticline in the hanging wall of Ashkhaneh fault zone is a fault-propagation fold. To the east and in the hanging wall of the fault zone, several thrust faults such as Kuh-e-Docheng fault, North Beruj fault and South Beruj fault have the same geometrical characteristics of the Ashkhaneh fault zone. These thrusts in hanging wall of the Ashkhaneh fault zone with dip to north (same as Ashkhaneh fault) are evidences for of the occurrence of greater convergence in southeast than the northwest part of the Ashkhaneh fault zone. Eight structural cross-sections perpendicular to the Ashkhaneh fault zone show evolution of thrusts and fault-related folds, as well as migration of rock units toward south-southwest in this area. The arrangement of these thrust fault systems emphasis that structural growth took place from north to south-southwest in this part of the Kopeh-dagh.

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Sedimentary setting and paleoecology of the rudist-bearing Upper Cretaceous strata were studied in three sections in Khorram abad. The sections include: Tang Shabi Khone, Cham Sangar (Tarbur Formation) and Pir Shams Eldin (upper part of Amiran Formation). The Tang- E Shabi Khone and Chamsangar sections are located in Zagros Trust zone while, the Pir Shams Eldin in Lorestan zone. On the basis of the recognized fossils, the three sections are assigned to the Late Cretaceous (Middle to Late Masstrichtian) and are comparable to Omphalocyclus- Loftusia Assemblage Zone. The petrography study showed that the three sections contain nine microfacies that deposited in an open marine, shoal and restricted marine that based on rudist sedimentary models, are comparable to the Inner- shelf basin prograding margin complexes (Tarbur Formation) and the low- angel open shelf margin complexes (Amiran Formation). Probably, Sepid Kuh Fault was detaching the these settings. Augmentation of entering the detrital and silica due to river injection and runoff and consequently to the eurotrophic conditions in the Tnage Shabi Khone and Pir Shams Eldin, frequency of agglutinate foraminifera were increased but in the chamsangar section due to oligotraphy condition, frequency of hyaline foraminifera is increased. Distribution of the foraminifera and algae indicated that the Tarbur Formation is deposited in a photic zone though, some parts of the carbonates of the Amiran Formation were deposited in a aphotic zone.

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A suite of dykes at the north of Mashad –Ardehal which intruded into the Eocene volcanic and sedimentary rocks represents part of Tertiary volcanism in middle part of the Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic belt. The rocks are cogenetic and are mainly basaltic andesite, andesite and trachy andesite in composition and belong to tholeiitic and medium-K calc alkaline series. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns exhibit moderate enrichment in LREE relative to MREE. Enrichment in LILE and depletion in HFSE relative to REE on multi-element diagrams is similar to subduction related magmatic rocks. From the geochemical point of view, these rocks demonstrate intermediate characteristics of active continental margins and island arcs settings. Geochemical evidences and also association of the magmatic rocks with green tuffite and other shallow marine sedimentary rocks suggest that the rocks generated in an extensional continental (ensialic) back-arc basin.

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In the S, W Lut Block, geodetic moment rate is more than seismic and geological moment rates. Depending on the type of deformation and geometry of the faults, the study area divided to the 4 parts: northern, central, southern and southeastern (South Lut Block) parts. Values of three types of moment rates in these area are comparing with each other. The most of geodetic moment rate was obtained respectively in northern, central, southern, southeastern parts of the study area. Geodetic moment rate in the northern part is 2.28E+18 Nm.yr, the central part is 1.86E+18 Nm.yr, the southern part is 1.20E+18 Nm.yr and in the southeastern is 1.10E+18 Nm.yr. The most of seismic moment rate was obtained respectively in central, southeastern, southern, northern parts of the study area. Seismic moment rate in the central part is 5.62316E+17 Nm.yr, in the southeast part is 2.05331E+17 Nm.yr, in the southern part is 1.18984E+17 Nm.yr and in the northern part is 1.03408E+17 Nm.yr. According to Seismic map, maximum seismic moment, respectively is along Gowk, Shahdad, Davaran, East Kerman, Mahan, Bam, Kuhbanan, Dahueiyeh, North Faryab Faults. These faults are responsible for large earthquakes in the study area. The most of geological moment rate was obtained respectively in southern, northern, central, southeastern parts of the study area. Values of geological moment rate for the southern part is 4.16246E+15 Nm.yr, northern part is 2.74157E+15 Nm.yr, centra part is 2.5895E+15 Nm.yr and in the southeastern is 1.08894E+15 Nm.yr. In the study area, maximum geological moment rate is respectively related to west Sabzevaran, Jiroft, Raver, Dalfard, Kuhbanan, Naybandan, Bam, Gowk, Davaran faults. According to values of geological and geodetic moment rates in the four parts of study area and based on the value of the release seismic energy in the central and southeastern parts, it seems that in the next time, the most of seismic potential and seismic hazard are respectively in the northern, southern, central, southeastern parts of the study area. In study area, maximum seismic moment are at years 1981, 1998, 2003, 2010, 2011, 1999, 2005 respectively. Ratio of the geodetic moment rate to the seismic moment rate obtained more than 7.9. This ratio reflects the important role of interseismic deformation in this area. According to the ratio seismic moment rate to geodetic moment rate, in four parts of the study area, can be conclude that the northern and southern parts with ratio: 0.04 and 0.09 are slow strain areas and the central and southeastern parts with ratio 0.30, 0.18 are fast strain areas. Ratio of seismic moment rate to geological moment rate is 0.93%. This value indicates that 0.93% potential of the faults for seismic energy has been released and not been released a big part of the elastic energy in the area.

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Micro paleontological study on the carbonate successions of the Tirgan Formation at the Taherabad village and Eshlir anticline stratigraphic sections is led to identification of various taxa of the calcareous algae belong to the families Dasycladaceae, Triploporellaceae, Udoteaceae, Solenoporaceae and Gymnocodiaceae and also some specimens of small Gorgonacea. Based on the biometric measurements of morphological features, 16 genera and 20 species from the Taherabad section and 12 genera and 16 species from the Eshlir section have been recognized. Moreover, Perm ocalculus minutus and Perm ocalculus? halimedaformis have been found for the first time in the Tirgan Formation. Perm ocalculus? halimedaformis was introduced from the Minis Valley in Romania for the first time and its finding in this research is the second report around the world. According to this new finding, its geographic distribution is being extended more than 2800 km eastward on the northern margin of the Tethys ocean.

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Lead and zinc mineralization occurs in limestones of the Upper Jurassic Lar Formation at Pichamto, which is located 38 km northwest of Shahroud city in East Alborz structural zone. Lead and zinc mineralization emplaced in host rocks as lens- and vein-shaped bodies due to replacement, and open-space and fracture fillings. Petro graphical and mineralogical studies indicate that smithsonite, calamine, galena, and cerrusite make the main ore minerals, whereas calcite, dolomite, aragonite, iron oxides, quartz and clay minerals are the gangue minerals. Wall-rock alteration includes carbonate recrystallization, dolomitization and brecciation. Fluid inclusion studies indicate two-phase (L+V) liquid- and gas-rich types. Final ice melting temperatures measured in inclusions rage from -19.8 to -8.3 °C. The salinity of fluid inclusions vary between 12 and 22.22 wt.% NaCl equivalent with an average value of 15.41 wt.% NaCl equivalent. Homogenization temperatures for fluid inclusions temperature range between 70 °C and 220 °C, with 176 °C as the average homogenization temperature. The salinity and homogenization temperature ranges for fluid inclusions in the Pichamto deposit suggest that ore-forming fluid derived from basinal brines, similar to hydrothermal solutions in MVT-type Pb-Zn deposits. The δ34S values for two galena samples from Pichamto deposit are+15.6 and+16.2 ‰. These values reveal that the seawater sulfate is the most probable source of sulfur. The reduced sulfur was most likely supplied through thermochemical sulfate reduction. The d13C values of hydrothermal calcite samples are −4.16 ‰ and -9.17 ‰. The d18O values in calcite samples are 2.6 ‰ and 0.8 ‰. The d18O values in calcite overlap with the oxygen isotopic composition of Phanerozoic seawater, indicating possible important participation of Phanerozoic seawater in the ore-forming fluid. The negative d13C values of calcite samples indicate that the organic materials within the host rocks contributed significantly to the hydrothermal fluid. The d13C and d18O values in smithsonite are -7.21 ‰ and -3.41 ‰, respectively. The light carbon isotopic composition of smithsonite reveal the secondary origin of the mineral, and the contribution of meteoric waters and waters containing CO2 derived from decomposition of organic materials in its formation. The Pichamto deposit is comparable to MVT-type Pb-Zn deposits from several points of view including tectonic setting, host rock, wall rock alteration and the source of ore-forming fluids and materials, and have formed during two primary (sulfides formation) and supergene (carbonates and silicates formation) stages.

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In this research, the effect of salinity on engineering characteristics of sandstones is investigated. For this purpose, two sandstones from abutments and rock fill (Rip-Rap) of Vanyar dam (in Eastern Azerbaijan province) were selected in addition to three water samples (drinking water, semi-brine and brine) to saturate these rock samples. Water content, uniaxial compressive, point load, thawing and freezing, sound velocity, and durability tests were carried out on dry and saturated samples at different time intervals. After 5 months of submerging type 1 and 2 sandstones in brine water, the uniaxial compressive strength values were decreased 13 and 4%, respectively, and after 10 months to 12 and 0.2%, respectively, compared to those of samples prepared using drinking water. By increasing the salinity of the water, the durability values after 10 cycles changed from 2.3 to 4.2% and from 1.8 to 3.2% for sandstones types 1 and 2, respectively. The sound velocity in a dry sample of sandstones types 1 and 2 was measured as 4450 and 4950 m/sec, respectively, while they reached 4699 and 5255 m/sec, respectively, by increasing salinity. The results show that brine water almost has no effect on thawing and freezing.

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Mud volcano is a natural and spectacular phenomenon that usually appear in form of a dome but some are found as a basin. Mud volcanoes comprise a mixture of water, gas and mud. They are found in most parts of the world, particularly in the Alps and Himalayas belts. In Iran, most of the mud volcanoes appear in coastal plains of the Caspian and Oman Seas. Mud volcanoes are known as indicators of oil and gas resources, and they are used to predict the existence of oil and gas reservoirs in Earth subsurface. The Napag mud volcano, as the largest and most active one in Iran, is located on the northern coast of the Oman Sea and is an interesting natural occurrence in the country. It is associated with a 39-m-high cone-shaped hill and several active and inactive vents. Mud eruption with different rates occurs usually every 3-5 minutes, and flows out from the western disrupted side of the edifice downslope toward the surrounding plain. In this research, a sediment sample was taken from the mud-flow during the field work, then analyses was analyzed for major, accessory and trace elements using ICP-OES machine in the laboratory. In addition, an analysis of the grain size of the sediment sample was carried out and the data were processed by the SPSS software. Results show that the sediment particles are of clay and silt in size. Al and Fe elements constitute 89.8 and 4.4 % of the sediment, and their high frequency is related to the high percentage of clay in the sediment. The evolution of the Napag mud volcano was investigated in three different stages: (1) Explosive, (2) Effusive (fast eruption with high rate), (3) Extrusive (slow and gradual eruption of material with high viscosity).

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In this study, the permeability of structures associated with Kuhbanan fault zone has been investigated. The Kuhbanan fault zone is one of the most seismically active structural trends in Kerman province. The behaviour of fault zones against groundwater flow (conduit, barrier, or a combination of both) is relatively controlled by fault core, damage zone, and permeability of fractures and rock units in the fault zone. In this research, qualitative and quantitative data, together with field observations and numerical models have been used. In order to measure the structures in the Kuhbanan fault zone, 23 outcrops were selected for model parameters. Results show that the fault zone acted as barrier in 12 outcrops, conduit in 4 outcrops and a combined barrier-conduit in 6 outcrops. In total, the 61-m-wide southern part of the Kuhbanan fault zone is composed of a fault core of 38 m and a damage zone of 23 m wide, respectively. Therefore, this segment of the Kuhbanan faul zone acts as a combination of conduit and strong barrier for fluid flow. The fault core is well developed but the damage zone is weakly developed, and therefore deformation has been largely localized within the fault core and distributed in the damage zone. To analyze the architecture of the fault zone three Fa, Fs, Fm indices were used. For the southern segment of the Kuhbanan fault zone, the Fa, Fs and Fm were measured as 0.47, 0.73 and 0.51, respectively. The relatively low Fa and high Fs indicate that the Kuhbanan fault zone in this area is not associated with uniform architecture. Also the numerous fault springs in the area are affected by this fault zone.

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Arpachay Pb-Zn-Cu mineralization occurrence is located in the Takab-Angouran-Takht-e-Soleyman metallogenic zone, 60 km north of Takab. Rock units exposed in the area consist of Oligo-Miocene volcanic, volcano-sedimentary and sedimentary units which are intruded by gabbroic and granodioritic plutons. Mineralization occurs as ore-bearing quartz veins hosted by gabbroic pluton in this area. The gabbro shows hetero-granoular texture consisting of plagioclase and clinopyroxene phynocrysts. Geochemical data indicate a calc-alkaline affinity for the gabbroic rocks, associated with active continental margin. These data demonstrate contamination of the parental magma with crustal materials. Based on microscopic studies, ore minerals include galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite with minor pyrite, and quartz and calcite are present as gangue minerals in the Arpachy occurrence. The ore minerals show vein-veinlets, disseminated, breccia, open space filling, box-work, plumose, cockade and replacement textures. Hydrothermal alteration is restricted to the silicified, sericitic-argillitic and carbonatic altered parts of the ore zones., Alteration occurs as sericitization and calcitization-chloritization (propylitic alteration) of host gabbro. Four stages of mineralization can be distinguished at the Arpachy occurrence. These stages are progressed from brecciation and silicification of host rocks (stage 1) to quartz-chalcopyrite-pyrite‒cemented veins and breccias (stage 2), quartz-galena-sphalerite veins and veinlets (stage 4) and finally individual or sets of late barren quartz-carbonate veins and veinlets (stage 4) in the outer parts of the mineralization zones. REE pattern of the host rocks and the mineralized samples indicate that mineralized samples are depleted in REE. This signature may indicate high water/rock interaction at Arpachay. Geological, mineralogical and textural characteristics of Arpachay occurrence are comparable with intermediate-sulfidation style of epithermal base metal deposits.

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Sediment transport occurs through various processes, whereby their origin is of great importance. Surface sediments of the Semnan province and NE Isfahan province (Khour and Biabanak) were sampled to examine the possibility of transportation by wind. Hence, 43 samples collected from surficial sediments of the Semnan and Isfahan provinces were analyzed using ICP method in the geochemistry lab of the Geological Survey of Iran. After testing outlier data were excluded from any further processing. To ensure confidence of any possible relation between elements, multiple statistical approach including principal component analysis (Pearson correlation), correlation analysis, cluster analysis, factor analysis and varimax boxes were applied. The results show that the elements including Zn, V, Ti, Sn, Sc, P, Ni, Mn, Cu, Cr, Co, Cd, Ba, represent reasonable correlation for samples of the Semnan province. Coeval existing of Co, Mn and Ni may reflect their geogenic source, particularly from intermediate to basic volcanic rocks exposed around the area. In Khour and Biabanak area, V, Ti, Sn, Sc, Pb, P, Ni, Mn, Cu, Cr, Co, Cd, Zn are closely related, which probably points to their origin from altered ultramafic rocks of the Proterozoic-early Paleozoic exposed around the area. There are positive factors in levels 1, 3 and 4 may be affected by various geological formations exposed around the studied areas. However, combined role of human or agricultural activity are more plausible for level 3 in factor analysis.

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Lithological and biological Sequences of Cretaceous in Bahar section, Located in South Esfahan (147 m. true thickness) include grayish olive green pencil- like shales containing Budantysras Ammonites (Albian) interbedded with limy shales. which are covered by glauconitic Sandy Limestone (Early Turonian) (with erosional discontinuity). These sandy limestones are wackestone and rarely greenstone, according to Dunham classification. Based on Biozone divisions, this unit is related to Biozone No.27 presented by Wynd (1965) and it is equivalent to Sarvak Formation in Zagros. Marly limestone and limestone containing Inoceramus bivalve interbedded with marl dating back to Late, Middle Touronian- Late Touronian- Coniacian to Early Santonian are younger equivalents of this section which can be equaled to Surgah Formation. According to Biozone divisions, this unit is equivalent to Biozone No.28 presented by Wynd (1965) and also based on Dunham classification, the unit is packestone and partly boundstone. The lower Contact of the unit is Concordant and Continuous with glauconitic sandy limestone and its upper Contact is Continuous and Concordant with marl and interbeddings of Limestones dating back to Santonian- Campanian. By comparing Bahar Section with South eastern Lorestan section (Poshte jangal anticline), (Azadbakht, 2015), the following results were obtained: From Litho/bio stratigraphical view, thick to thin-bedded Limestones (Light to dark gray) interbedded with marl in Poshte jangal anticline are Correlated with Inoceramus limestone and marly Limestone interbedded with marl in Bahar Section. They are dated back to EarlyTuronian to Early Campanian.Due to Strong similarity of Lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy between Bahar section located in Southern Esfahan (Central Iran) and section of Poshte jangal anticline located in Southeast of Lorestan, it can be deducted that a branch of Lorestan Sea has advanced in Turonian- Coniacian times and some parts of Southern Esfahan has been covered by the sea.

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