Naturally, there are different species of Culex mosquitoes in Iran. Culex pipiens complex is widespread in many parts of the country, specially in urban areas. In spite of this fact that Cx. pipiens species is the vector of some orboviruses and filariasis in many countries of the World, it does not have an important role in transmission of diseases in Iran. This species can easily reproduce in urban areas, due to the infection of surface waters and presence of sewage canals. The importance of Cx.pipiens for mankind is in fact, its biting and nuisance, specially at sleeping time. In this study, six types of current military uniforms of Iran’s army were treated by permethrin (0.125 mg. permethrin [AI]/cm2) and examined against the biting of natural population of Cx.pipiens in urban areas in Tehran. Eight volunteer were selected for this study. Six of them put on the treated uniforms and the other two of them wore the untreated uniforms. All the subjects participated in the night biting test for eight active nights July 2004. There was no significant difference in the protection of different treated uniforms against mosquitoes biting. The average number of biting among who wore untreated uniforms (control) was 2.14 mosquito biting/min/person (128.2/hr), While it was 0.23 (13.8/hr) for who wore treated uniforms. The percent protection of treated uniforms, in comparison with untreated ones, was about 89%. The protection percent of treated uniforms for different species of mosquitoes, in comparison with untreated ones, was calculated through determining the species of captured mosquitoes, separately from case and control subjects. The results of species identification among captured mosquitoes of a field study showed that about 95% of them are of Cx.pipiens species, and protection of treated uniforms against them, was estimated 87%. Moreover, as an accompaning environmental consequence a significant reduction in mosquitos density was seen.