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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The contamination of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) from the selected rivers in Okinawa Island was investigated to estimate the current status of pollution in water, plants and surface sediments in these rivers. The Aja River, Asato River, Houtoku River, Kokuba River and Okukubi River were selected for this study. The concentration of the total pesticides were in the range of 0.94-231.8 ng/L in river water, 0.006-191.6 ng/L dry weight in river sediments and 0.001-55.8 ng/L dry weight in plants. Among the OCPs, ΣHCB of α-BHC,β-BHC and Aldrin were the common detected compounds in river water. The α-BHC, Aldrin and Dieldrin were the most frequent detected compounds in river sediments and α-BHC and Dieldrin were the common OCPs detected in plants. Aldrin, Dieldrin and ΣHCB were in abundance. Various contamination patterns between the selected river water, sediments and plants were observed. Aja River, Asato River and Houtoku River were contaminated with α,β,δ,γ- BHC,  Aldrin and Dieldrin (water and sediments) whereas the main OCPs in Kokuba River and Okukubi River were Dieldrin (plants) The OCPs levels in all rivers were generally below guideline values in Japan, but some sites displayed levels which exceeded the EC and WHO Standards for Aldrin, Dieldrin and α, β-BHC.

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The kinetic and thermodynamic of the bath sorption of lead (Pb) on to activated carbon from Coconut (CA) and Seed hull of the Palm tree (GA) have been investigated. The effects of initial Pb concentration, contact time and temperature were examined. The results showed that the adsorption capacities of the activated carbons increased with the initial lead concentration. The process sorption followed a pseudo first order kinetics and parameters such as Ea and k0 were determined. It could be best fitted by the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. From the first, the equilibrium sorption capacities of lead ion were determined and found to be respectively 4.38 and 3.77 mg/g for CA and GA at 60°C. The thermodynamic parameters such as ΔH, ΔS and ΔG were computed from the experimental data. These values show that the adsorption is endothermic and non spontaneous. Moreover, the relative weak values of ΔH (~5 kcal/mol) confirm a physical adsorption. The maximum adsorptions were obtained at 60°C, pH 4 and with a Pb initial concentration of 100 mg/L.

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A variety of processes can be used in treatment of industrial wastewaters. The relatively newest of which is photo catalysis with titanium dioxide which may also be used plus hydrogen peroxide to improve the treatment rate. In this study, photo catalysis/ hydrogen peroxide processes had been employed for the removal of phenol, lead and cadmium by three different pHs of 3.5, 7 and 11. The treatment tests were also accomplished without UV irradiation. In both experiments, the variables were pH and concentrations of reagent chemicals, but the detention time was kept constant (180 min). Results indicated that the optimum efficiencies of phenol and Cd removal were 76 % and 97.7 % at pH=11, respectively, and for lead, it was 98.8% in all pHs. In other words, no pH dependency was regarded for lead treatment. These results were all obtained by simultaneous use of UV irradiation with 3 mL/L H2O2 and 0.8 g/L TiO2. Finally, the best pH for treatment, when all the three contaminants are presented is considered to be at 11. These results should be regarded by all industrial treatment plants which have experienced the problem of these three special contaminants in their effluents.

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This paper predicts and compares the carbon monoxide (CO) concentration levels along Sembulan Road for years 2004 and 2014 using CAL3QHC air dispersion model at two major locations, i.e., at Sembulan Roundabout and Sutera Harbour Intersection, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. The CO concentration “hot-spots” were also identified at Sutera Harbour Intersection, and the highest maximum 1-hr average ground level concentrations of CO modeled for Kpg. Air Sembulan located in the northeast of idling road was 9.33 ppm for year 2004. This study showed that there would be no extreme changes in CO concentration trends for year 2014 although a substantial increase in the number of vehicles is assumed to affect the level of CO concentrations. It was also found that the CO levels would be well below the Malaysian Ambient Air Quality Guidelines of 30 ppm for 1-hour Time-Weighted Average (TWA). Comparisons between the modeled and observed outputs using quantitative data analysis technique and statistical methods indicated that the CAL3QHC predicted results correlated well with measured data. It was predicted that receptors located near to the major intersection, in the long-term would be potentially exposed to relatively higher CO levels.

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    1 (13)
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Studies on seasonal changes of heavy metal concentration in soils provide vital information for best management options at all times. The study investigated temporal variation in concentration of heavy metals in three towns having automobile service centres in Imo State. The study site is characterized by two major seasons in a year. Heavy metals were found in both arable and automobile soils, but more concentrations were recorded on the latter. Mean values of Cd, Cr, Ni, Hg and Pb were 6.2 mg/kg, 4.7 mg/kg 6.5 mg/kg, 0.02 mg/kg and 71.9 mg/kg respectively in the dry season while 2.9 mg/kg Cd, 2.2 mg/kg Cr, 1.9 mg/kg Ni, 0.01 mg/kg Hg and 51.9 mg/kg Pb were recorded during the rainy season of the experimental period. Higher values of heavy metal concentration were found in automobile soils as follows: 18.1 mg/kg Cd, 12.0 mg/kg Cr, 16.3 mg/kg Ni, 4.8 mg/kg Hg and 312.8 mg/kg Pb in rainy season, and 15.1 mg/kg Cd, 8.1 mg/kg Cr, 11.9 mg/kg Ni 2.7 mg/kg Hg and 267.9 mg/kg Pb. However, Cd showed highest variability in arable soils during the dry season (CV=79%) while Hg varied widely in automobile soils in the rainy season (CV=54%).

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Two laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the amount of P utilization from two different types of sparingly soluble phosphate rock by aquatic biotic communities. The first type was Mussoorie Phosphate Rock or MPR (sedimentary in origin) and other was Purulia Phosphate Rock or PPR (igneous in origin). The two trials were with eight different treatment combinations. Among various treatments, fish and Chironomid larvae contributed to some extent in increasing the available sediment phosphate content which in turn increased the soluble reactive phosphate (SRP) of overlying water. Concentration of SRP of overlying water decreased in the treatment with zooplanktons. Depletion of SRP of overlying water due to uptake of orthophosphate by Chlorella was also observed. The sedimentary type phosphate rock proved to be more efficient in releasing phosphate than igneous one.

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Surface sediment samples were collected from Tanzanian major commercial ports and studied for the distribution and behavior of tributyltin (TBT) compounds and heavy metals. The content of TBT in sediments ranged from ND­3670 ng (Sn) g1 dry wt (1780 ± 1720) (Mean ± SD) at Zanzibar and from ND­16700 ng (Sn) g1 dry wt (4080 ± 7540) at Dar es Salaam ports, respectively. Maximum TBT levels were detected inside the both ports. Metabolic degradation of butyltin compounds (BTCs) showed that MBT + DBT > TBT %, this may be attributed by the warm ambient water and intense sunlight in the tropical regions. A sequential extraction procedure was undertaken to provide detailed chemical characteristics of heavy metals in the sediments. The procedure revealed that about 50 % of Fe in the both ports is in immobile fraction (residual fraction) while other metals; Cd, Cu, Ni, Co, Zn, Pb, and Mn were mostly found in exchangeable or carbonate fractions and thus can be easily remobilized and enter the aquatic food chain. This paper provides basic information of TBT compounds contamination and chemical characteristics of heavy metals in the marine ecosystem in Tanzania. To our knowledge, this is the first documentation of Organotin compounds (OTCs) in marine environments in East Africa and suggests the importance of further detailed OTCs studies in other sub­ Saharan Africa regions.

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Coast is a unique environment in which atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere contact each other. Coastline is one of the most important linear features on the earth’s surface, which display a dynamic nature. Coastal zone, and its environmental management requires the information about coastlines and their changes. This paper examines the current methods of coastline change detection using satellite images. Based on the advantages and drawbacks of the methods, a new procedure has been developed. The proposed procedure is based on a combination of histogram thresholding and band ratio techniques. The study area of the project is Urmia Lake; the 20th. largest, and the second hyper saline lake in the world. In order to assess the accuracy of the results, they have been compared with ground truth observations. The accuracy of the extracted coastline has been estimated as 1.3 pixels (pixel size=30 m). Based on this investigation, the area of the lake has been decreased approximately 1040 square kilometers from August 1998 to August 2001. This result has been verified through TOPEX/Posidon satellite information that indicates a height variation of three meters.

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The removal of poisonous Pb (II) from wastewater by different low-cost abundant adsorbents was investigated. Rice husks, maize cobs and sawdust, were used at different adsorbent/metal ion ratios. The influence of pH, contact time, metal concentration, adsorbent concentration on the selectivity and sensitivity of the removal process was investigated. The adsorption efficiencies were found to be pH dependent, increasing by increasing the solution pH in the range from 2.5 to 6.5. The equilibrium time was attained after 120 min and the maximum removal percentage was achieved at an adsorbent loading weight of 1.5 gm. The equilibrium adsorption capacity of adsorbents used for lead were measured and extrapolated using linear Freundlich, Langmuir and Temkin isotherms and the experimental data were found to fit the Temkin isotherm model.

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This study looks into the impacts of Sarawak Barrage (located in Kuching City, State of Sarawak, Malaysia) flushing and flooding-in operations on upstream total suspended solids (TSS). Water samples were collected from three upstream stations on 17th, 18th and 19th of August 2000. During flushing, it was observed that TSS levels increased over a distance of 11 km upstream. Maximum TSS recorded 250 mg/L at 1.5 km, 120 mg/L at 6 km, and 85 mg/L at 11 km upstream. During flushing, TSS levels increased with depth, and upstream turbulence intensities were indirectly proportional to distance from barrage. During flooding-in operation, TSS decreased from 249 to 155 mg/L at 1.5 km near the bottom, while surface TSS decreased from 86 to 58 mg/L. Generally, during flooding-in operation, TSS increased from 90 to 116 mg/L between 6 and 11 km. During flooding-in operation, maximum bottom TSS recorded 216 mg/L at 6 km upstream. Differences between bottom and mid-depth TSS levels were relatively minimal ranging from 19 to 45 mg/L, whilst the maximum difference between mid-depth and surface TSS was as high as 78 mg/L. After 9 hours of gate closure, a well-mixed regime prevailed from 6 to 11 km upstream with TSS ranged from 35 to 47 mg/L at all the monitoring points regardless of depths.

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Aras water basin is located in northwest of Iran. Sungun mine which is the largest open-cast copper mine of Iran is located in this region and is in the primary stages of extraction. The influence of mining activity on the quality of regional surface water has been taken in to consideration in this study. Accordingly, sampling was done from 5 local streams in the study area. In order to consider the effect of flow quantity on the amount of different parameters, sampling was done in July and November 2005 when the local streams had the minimum and maximum flow rate respectively. The concentrations of major anions and cations as well as As, Mo, Al, Cu, Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn and Zn were determined. The results showed that the concentrations of metallic ions like aluminum, chromium, copper, manganese, molybdenum and iron in samples collected in July are above USEPA (Environmental Protection Agency) limits; however, mentioned concentrations are lessened remarkably in the samples collected in November. This fact is justified considering dilution of ions concentration via more amount of water in November. The chemical characteristics of water compositions on the basis of major ion concentrations were evaluated on a Schoeller and Piper diagram. Accordingly, the dominant type of water in July and November is considered to be Ca–HCO3 (calcium–bicarbonate type). Regarding Schoeller diagram, despite relatively high concentration of calcium, the current status of local surface water is acceptable for drinking purposes. By commencing mining excavation with designed capacity in near future, the minerals will come in to contact with air and water resulting in dissolution, especially in ponds, which, in turn, increases the concentration of heavy metals in surface water. Considering consequent uses of this water including drinking, irrigation, industrial, etc. precautions must be taken in to consideration.

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Elevated levels of heavy metals in the catfish Synodontis clarias can be a good indication of pollution of an aquatic ecosystem due to anthropogenic influence. The concentrations of Zn, Cd, Pb, Mn and Ni were determined in Synodontis clarias caught along a section of Taylor Creek and its associated tributaries. Samples were collected bimonthly between July 1999 and June 2000 in five stations. The metals: Zn, Cd, Ni, Pb and Mn were recorded in appreciable quantities, signifying their bioavailability. The levels of Zn, Cd, Ni, Pb and Mn may have obvious health implications on the rural communities that depend on fish species as fish supplement in view of its rich protein content and its bio-economic value. Generally, the sources of the metals in the catfish appear to be point and diffuse which include rural and agricultural runoff sources in the catchments area. However, the presence of an oil industry activity (Etelebou oil field and flow station) in one of its tributaries appears to be the major point source of the metal pollutants.

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The possibility of using volcanic ash soils (VAS) or Andisols as a low-cost and natural adsorbent is investigated in this study for the removal of Cr (VI) from synthetic wastewater. Andisols can be used as adsorbent because they are characterized by the presence of non-crystalline secondary minerals such as allophane and imogolite that show variable charge characteristics and have the ability to retain cations and anions. The adsorption of Cr on to two VAS from Mt. Isarog and Mandalagan (B-Horizon), Philippines, was carried out at ambient temperature using batch adsorption studies. The effects of different parameters such as amount of adsorbent, contact time, initial Cr concentration and pH of the solution were investigated. The results showed that the VAS from Isarog is more effective in the removal of Cr than in Mandalagan. The maximum removal efficiency of the Isarog soil for a Cr concentration of 10 mg/L reached 89% with a dose of 20 g/L at a moderately acidic pH of 3. The Mandalagan soil on the other hand could remove only 65% at the same pH conditions and parameters. The difference in the removal of the two soils may be attributed to their physico-chemical properties in which the Isarog soil has higher clay content, porosity and lower bulk density. Isarog soil has fine particles with higher surface area and more active non-crystalline minerals and thus has higher removal efficiency than Mandalagan soil. Based on the results, the use of VAS from Isarog appears to be economical and an alternative to commercially available adsorbents for the removal of Cr from contaminated wastewater.

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A field experiment was conducted under rainfed environment of Pothowar region of Pakistan to assess physical properties of soil as influenced by various green manure legumes (sesbania, cluster bean and rice bean) and different P levels (0, 30, 60, 90 kg P2O5/ha). Highest fresh biomass was observed in sesbania (23 t/ha) followed by cluster bean (19 t/ha) and lowest in rice bean (17 t/ha). Maximum crude protein content was found in sesbania (17%) followed by rice bean (10%) and cluster bean (8%). Green manuring crops, on average reduced soil bulk density (5%), enhanced total porosity (8%), and macropores and large mesopores (28%). Maximum reduction (7%) in soil bulk density, and an increase (11%) in total soil porosity and available water (17%) was observed in plots where sesbania was incorporated as green manuring crop. The order of effectiveness in improving bulk density, macro  rice bean. Sesbania produced greater> cluster bean >and mesopores was sesbania  number of macro and large mesopores about 41% increase over control followed by cluster bean (29%) and rice bean (16%). Phosphorus application showed meager positive impact on various soil physical properties but did not significantly increased porosity or reduced bulk density. Significant differences in volume fraction in pore space suggest that pore space on a volume basis was much higher in sesbania-amended soil than in other treatments.

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Since Juang (2005) has found that the sludge settleability became much worse and the flocs displayed as pin flocs in only a few days after the addition of synthetic polymer was halted, it is hypothesized that the shift of microbial population in activated sludge before and after the addition of synthetic polymer might have occurred. Therefore, the identification of microbial population in the activated sludge of a lab-scaled continuous-flow type of treatment reactor was conducted at different phases of this study. The results of this study showed that the presence of synthetic polymer inhibited the growth of dominant bacteria and floc-formers in activated sludge, but gave a competitive advantage of growth to some other bacteria. The addition of synthetic polymer has caused the shift of microbial population and affected the growth of floc-formers in activated sludge. It took more than one month for the population structure of predominant microorganisms in activated sludge to return more closely to the initial population structure.

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Sodium dodecyl sulphate, (SDS) is an anionic surfactant that widely used all over the world. They will eventually end-up and accumulate in household or industrial sewage. Due to their high foaming capabilities, which can cause numerous problems in sewage treatment facilities as well as direct toxic effects on many different organisms in ecosystem; they are generally considered as serious pollutants. In this survey, two different bacteria were isolated from Tehran municipal activated sludge. Biochemical tests as well as 16S rRNA gene sequencing for identification have been applied. After experiments to optimize the pH and temperature for growth of the two bacterial isolates, the extent of SDS utilization was evaluated by HPLC method. Two bacterial isolates show which ability to rapidly and actively degrade SDS upon using it as their sole source of carbon. The identification tests have indicated the two isolates to be Acinetobacter johnsoni and Pseudomonas beteli. The Pseudomonas beteli and Acinetobacter johnsoni isolates were able to degrade 97.2% and 96.4% of the original SDS levels after 10 days of growth; respectively. Mixed culture of the two isolates did not significantly increase SDS utilization, (97.6%). In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that growth of simple bacteria such as Acinetobacter or Pseudomonas in household and industrial sewage can be cost-effective method anionic surfactants elimination.

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The influence of local hydrogeology on natural attenuation of contaminants from landfill leachates in shallow aquifer underlying the active Olusosun landfill base in Lagos was investigated. In addition, the level of groundwater contamination in the vicinity of the landfill and of leachate migration pattern in groundwater down gradient of the landfill base was equally assessed. Landfill leachate and groundwater samples were collected and analyzed and characterized. Physico-chemical analyses of sampled water followed standard analytical methods. Analytical results showed a measurable impact of leachate outflows on groundwater quality. Elevated levels of anions: nitrate, chloride and sulphate in the groundwater body and heavy metals: Cr3, Cd and Cu, were detected at measurable levels in groundwater down gradient of the landfill location without any particular attenuation pattern. The migration pattern and dispersion of leachates down gradient, 750 m away from the landfill location are irregular and difficult to predict as depicted by levels of contaminants present in groundwater. The study highlighted the importance of soil stratigraphy beneath the landfill base as an important factor in the natural attenuation of leachate constituents in the groundwater body.

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Present paper endeavors to develop predictive artificial neural network model for forecasting the mean monthly total ozone concentration over Arosa, Switzerland. Single hidden layer neural network models with variable number of nodes have been developed and their performances have been evaluated using the method of least squares and error estimation. Their performances have been compared with multiple linear regression model. Ultimately, single-hidden-layer model with 8 hidden nodes have been identified as the best predictive model.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Compilation and implementation of green productivity mechanism in each governmental and non-governmental organization has several environmental, social and economic achievements.In this paper for management of green productivity in Iran Aseman Airline Company current situation are analyzed such as the consumption of energy, water, airplanes fuel and evaluating environmental pollutants. At the end of this study some applicable techniques for increasing the productivity and consideration of environmental aspects in this company are recommended. Maximum water consumption had been 7500 m3 in the year 2005 during August until September, the maximum of electricity consumption was 759300 kWh in the year 2004 during July until August, the maximum of natural gas consumption had been 83647 m3 in the year 2004 during Feb until March , Also averages of 661500 L of fuel were consumed in this company’s vehicles yearly and in the last nine month of the year 2005, amount of 60263155 liters of airplane fuel has been consumed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Water samples have been collected from a part of Surma River along different points and analyzed for various water quality parameters during dry and monsoon periods. Effects of industrial wastes, municipal sewage, and agricultural runoff on river water quality have been investigated. The study was conducted within the Chattak to Sunamganj portion of Surma River, which is significant due to the presence of two major industries-a paper mill and a cement factory. The other significant feature is the conveyors that travel from India to Chattak. This study involves determination of physical, biological and chemical parameters of surface water at different points. The river was found to be highly turbid in the monsoon season. But BOD and fecal coliform concentration was found higher in the dry season. The water was found slightly acidic. The mean values of parameters were Conductivity 84-805μs; DO: dry-5.52 mg/L, monsoon-5.72 mg/L; BOD: dry-1 mg/L, monsoon-0.878 mg/L; Total Solid: dry-149.4 mg/L, monsoon-145.7 mg/L. A model study was also conducted and values of different model parameters were estimated.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesDownload 2897 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesCitation 3 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesRefrence 0
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