Objective: Our aim was to study clinical manifestations of primary and metastatic hepatic malignancies in patients admitted to the Baqiyatallah hospital.Materials and methods: This study was a descriptive cross-sectional study which evaluated 123 cases of hepatic malignancies in Baqiyatallah hospital from April 1997 to March 2004. In this study we evaluated patients' clinical signs and symptoms, laboratory and pathological findings. Type and location of primary tumor was evaluated by appropriate procedure.Results: Our study population consisted of 75 male and 48 female. The mean age of patients was 64.2±1.3 years. 8.9% (11 persons) had a positive family history of malignancy. The most prevalent symptoms in our patients were anorexia (102 persons, 82.9%), weight loss (101 persons, 82.1%), abdominal pain (78 persons, 63.4%) and hepatomegaly (61 persons, 49.6%). Jaundice was present in 30 persons (24.4%).Ascites and right upper quadrant mass were present in respectively 33 (26.8%) and 44 persons (37.4%). Primary hepatic cancer was consisted only 9 persons (7.3%) of our sample. The remaining were metastatic cancers which their sources were gastrointestinal tract (85 persons, 74.5%) as major source and then, lungs, uterus, kidneys, skin, prostate, bladder, ovaries, neuroendocrine system and thymus. Of gastrointestinal system the major sources were from stomach (34 persons, 40%), pancreas (15 persons, 17.6%) and colon (14 persons, 16.4%).Discussion: The majority of our patients had advanced metastatic hepatic cancer and their symptoms were non-specific. With regard to the role of ethnic and geographical factors in occurrence of variant types of hepatic malignancies, increasing of our endemic information could improve the process of diagnosis and treatment of these diseases.