Background: Oil explora on is known to have great impact on the environment due the presence of natural radionuclides in crude oil and bitumen. Materials and Methods: In this study, high purity germanium (HpGe) detector was used to determine the ac vity concentra ons of 40K, 226Ra and 232Th in bituminous soil and viscous bitumen samples collected from 5 different loca ons within the tar-sand belt of southwest Nigeria. Soil samples were collected also from a non tar-sand area to serve as control. Results: The average concentra ons of 40K, 226Ra and 232Th in the bituminous-soil samples were 139. 32, 28. 21 and 27. 13 Bq kg-1, respec vely for Agbabu, 16. 09, 18. 71 and 17. 99 Bq kg-1, respec vely for Ilubirin, 33. 98, 38. 90 and 29. 82 Bq kg-1, respec vely for Iju Oke, 35. 01, 30. 06 and 21. 52 Bq kg-1, respec vely for Ode Aye, 7. 99, 4. 77 and 4. 08 Bq kg-1, respec vely for Ode Irele. Their respec ve values were 306. 82, 23. 52 and 23. 14 Bq kg-1 for the non bituminous-soil. The natural radioac vity levels of 40K, 226Ra and 232Th in the viscous bitumen samples ranged from below detec on level (BDL)-30. 74, 2. 02-36. 33 and 3. 38-33. 71 Bq kg-1, respec vely. The es mated gamma dose rate was higher in the non-bituminous soil than that of bituminous soil. Conclusion: All the radia on hazard indices es mated in this study are lower than the acceptable limits. It can therefore be concluded that the soil and bitumen samples are safe for use as materials for building and road construc ons.