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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Oligomenorrhea, a prevalent disease with serious complications, has been declared in the Avicenna traditional medicine in detail. Avicenna in his famous book, Cannon of Medicine, presents a syndrome termed 'uterine strangulation', as a complication of menstrual bleeding cessation and lack of sexual satisfaction. We have explained this syndrome from both traditional and conventional medicine viewpoints to propose a new hypothesis for diagnosis and treatment of women with oligomenorrhea and systemic signs/symptoms admitting to clinics for further evaluation. This hypothesis definitely needs to be further assessed and confirmed by strong clinical trials.

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Background: Catsper proteins are responsible for entering Ca2+ to the cell and play an important role in sperm motility and male fertility. Antioxidants are vital for sperm motility too. Escanbil (Calligonum) extract possess some of the important antioxidant like Catechin and Quercetin.Objective: Here we investigated the effects of Escanbil (Calligonum) extract on the sperm parameters and the expressing of Catsper gene in aging male mice.Materials and Methods: In this animal study, firstly, dose response was performed by using these three doses of Escanbil (Calligonum) (10, 30 and 50 mg/kg). 5 mice in each group were considered and Intra Peritoneal injection was done for 5 weeks. the sperm parameters analyzed and Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining was done. 30 mg/kg dose was considered as optimum dose. Secondly: fifteen aging male mice (11-13 months) were divided into three groups: control, sham and experiment. The experiments were injected Intra peritonealy with Escanbil (Calligonum) extract (30 mg/kg) weekly for up to 5 weeks. The sham group was injected Intra Peritoneal (DMSO). Sperm parameters were analyzed. Expression of Catsper genes was analyzed by Real time PCR.Results: Our results showed that after Escanbil (Calligonum) treatment (30 mg/kg), the sperm parameters were improved in experimental group (p<0.05). Our data showed that there was a statistical significance difference between the expressions of Catsper 2, 4 in aging experiment group comparison with aging control group (p<0.05).Conclusion: We investigated that the Escanbil (Calligonum) extract (30 mg/kg) can improve sperm parameters and change the expression of Catsper genes in aging male mice. This herbal extract can be used as an antioxidant component for clinical usages.

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Background: The largest percentage of failed invitro fertilization (IVF) cycles, are due to lack of implantation. As hereditary thrombophilia can cause in placentation failure, it may have a role in recurrent IVF failure.Objective: Aim of this case-control study was to determine whether hereditary thrombophilia is more prevalent in women with recurrent IVF failures.Materials and Methods: Case group comprised 96 infertile women, with a history of recurrent IVF failure. Control group was comprised of 95 healthy women with proven fertility who had conceived spontaneously. All participants were assessed for the presence of inherited thrombophilias including: factor V Leiden, methilen tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) mutation, prothrombin mutation, homocystein level, protein S and C deficiency, antithrombin III (AT-III) deficiency and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) mutation. Presence of thrombophilia was compared between groups.Results: Having at least one thrombophilia known as a risk factor for recurrent IVF failure (95% CI=1.74-5.70, OR=3.15, p=0.00). Mutation of factor V Leiden (95% CI=1.26-10.27, OR=3.06, P=0.01) and homozygote form of MTHFR mutation (95% CI=1.55-97.86, OR=12.33, p=0.05) were also risk factors for recurrent IVF failure. However, we could not find significant difference in other inherited thrombophilia’s.

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Background: Surrogacy is one of the new techniques of assisted reproduction technology in which a woman carries and bears a child for another woman. In Iran, many Shia clerics and jurists considered it permissible so there is no religious prohibition for it. In addition to the risk of physical complications for complete surrogate mothers, the possibility of psychological complications resulted from emotional attachment to a living creature in the surrogate mother as another injury requires counseling and assessment prior to acceptance by infertile couples and complete surrogate mothers.Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the emotional experiences of surrogate mothers.Materials and Methods: This was a qualitative, phenomenological study. We selected eight complete surrogate mothers in Isfahan. We used convenient sampling method and in-depth interview to collect the information. The data analysis was fulfilled via Colaizzi's seven-stage method. Reliability and validity study of the roots in the four-axis was done.Results: The findings of these interviews were classified into two main themes and four sub themes: acquired experiences in pregnancy (feelings toward pregnancy, relationship with family, relatives and commissioning couple) and consequences of surrogacy (complications of pregnancy, religious and financial problems of surrogacy).Conclusion: Surrogacy pregnancy should be considered as high-risk emotional experience because many of surrogate mothers may face negative experiences. Therefore, it is recommended that surrogates should receive professional counseling prior to, during and following pregnancy.

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Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common hyperandrogenic disorder among women and is often defined as hyperandrogenic syndrome. These patients are at risk for oligo/amenorrhea, chronic anovulation, infertility, obesity, spontaneous abortion, insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia and metabolic syndrome. Thyroid disorders especially hypothyroidism is more common in these people. In PCOS patients, subclinical hypothyroidism may aggravate insulin resistance.Objective: The goal was to find any relationship between subclinical hypothyroidism and insulin resistance in PCOS patients.Materials and Methods: In this prospective cross sectional study we included all PCOS patients coming to infertility clinic of Taleghani Hospital in 2010-2012 who had the criteria of Rotterdam for PCOS. Then the clinical examination was done for them and height, weight, body mass index and lab data were measured including thyroid hormone and biochemical profile. The data were analyzed by SPSS software version 20.Results: Among 75 PCOS patients, 19 (25.5%) had subclinical hypothyroidism and 56 patients (74.4%) were euthyroid. The prevalence of insulin resistance was 22.7% and 77.3% of patients had no insulin resistance were normal.Conclusion: We could find no relationship between insulin resistance and subclinical hypothyroidism in PCOS patients.

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Background: Hyaline membrane disease (HMD) has remained a common neonatal problem and is a cause of morbidity in infants. The shake test can be used to assess whether surfactant is present in the infant's lungs at birth.Objective: The goal of this study was to determine the usefulness and accuracy of gastric aspirate shake test for the diagnosis of two HMD.Materials and Methods: This was a diagnostic accuracy study carried out on 49 preterm infant born at Shahid Sadoughi hospital in 2012 (25 newborns without pulmonary diseases and 24 newborns with HMD). Shortly after birth, the shake test was performed using gastric fluid. The results of the shake test were correlated with definitive diagnosis of HMD.Results: All infants who developed HMD had negative test results. In 23 of 25 infants with no respiratory distress, the test was positive. Our findings indicated that the gastric aspirate shake test has 100% sensitivity, 92% specificity, a 92.3% predictive value for surfactant deficiency, and 100% predictive value for surfactant sufficiency.Conclusion: According to this study gastric shake test (GST) is a reliable test and is a simple procedure to identify those neonates who will develop respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and therefore to decide prophylactic exogenous surfactant replacement.

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Background: Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) remains the first thought of infertility treatment.Objective: To compare the stimulation effects and Pregnancy rate (PR) outcomes of two ovulation induction (OI) medications, human-derived menopausal gonadotrophins (hMGH), Merional (MER), and recombinant follicular stimulating hormone (rFSH), Puregon (PUR), in a cohort of Saudi infertile patients, for better predictability of treatment results.Materials and Methods: During a 24-month period, 296 women underwent IUI single treatments. PR’s were correlated with the type of stimulation medication that were prospectively and randomly assigned to each patient, and with the number and size of maturing follicles detected on the hCG injection day.Results: MER and PUR needed comparable number of days (9.26±4.74 and 9.73±6.27 respectively) before follicles were ready for IUI, although the average amount used from MER, 1199.90 IU, was about double that was used from PUR, 621.08 IU. The overall PR in case of PUR however was nearly double that of MER, 13.28% and 7.14% respectively. The best PR, 16.22%, occurred when the follicles matured within 12-13 days. Three follicles of at least 15-mm diameter on the hCG day had better PR’s than one or two, however when the follicles’ diameters were at least 18-mm, PR was significantly higher, (p=0.013).Conclusion: MER and PUR had comparable stimulation effects; however PUR had noticeably higher PR. The best PR occurred when the follicles matured within 12-13 days. PR in case of three maturing follicles on the hCG day was better than only one or two, and significantly better when their diameters were at least 18 mm.

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Background: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a complex, heterogeneous disorder of uncertain etiology with strong genetic background. Insulin resistance is present in the majority of PCOS cases with linkage and association between single nucleotide polymorphisms of insulin receptor (INSR) gene and PCOS.Objective: To examine whether the exon 17 of INSR gene contributes to genetic susceptibility to PCOS in Iraqi women and its effects on glucose tolerance test and lipid profile.Materials and Methods: Sixty-five healthy Iraqi women and eighty-four infertile women with PCOS, divided into two subgroups depending on the BMI were studied. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP-PCR) analysis was performed to determine the genotypes for the His 1058 C/T polymorphism at the tyrosine kinase domain in the INSR gene. Clinical, anthropometric and biochemical parameters were also estimated.Results: The C/T polymorphism at His 1058 in exon 17 of INSR was associated with PCOS (obese and non-obese). CC genotype frequency was higher in PCOS patients whereas TT genotype was higher in control women. Those with CC genotype had higher BMI, GTT and lipid profile than those with TT genotype.Conclusion: An association of C/T polymorphism at His1058 of INSR with PCOS in Iraqi women was observed. Its association with indices of insulin resistance and dyslipidemia were also noticed.

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Background: Trichomonas vaginalis infection is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in humans. T.vaginalis is a parasitic protozoan with a predilection for human urogenital tract and causative agent for vaginitis, cervicitis and urethritis in females. T.vaginalis infection is associated with risk of Human Immunodeficiency Virus infectivity and pregnancy complication.Objective: In this study, the prevalence of T.vaginalis in individuals who referred to public health units in Kashan city, Iran was investigated.Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on 970 women and 235 men who referred to 5 government health centers in Kashan, Iran during October 2012 to August 2013. Demographic information was collected as per the study protocol. Vaginal discharges and urine samples were obtained and examined by Trypticase-Yeast Extract Maltose (TYM) culture medium and wet-mount methods. The prevalence of T. vaginalis was determined using culture based method and wet-mount examinations.Results: The overall prevalence of trichomonal infection was 2% (95% CI, 2±0.08). The age of infected individual was 33.7±9.4 years. All of those infected, were married housewives and 58.3% of them had primary school education. No statistical correlation was observed between clinical manifestations and parasitological results (p=0.8).Conclusion: This study showed a relatively low prevalence of T.vaginalis infection in the study population. Since the clinical signs of trichomoniasis are the same of other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), confirmatory laboratory tests are necessary. Due to adverse outcomes of disease, there is a great need for public education regarding implementation of personal hygienic measures and prevention of inappropriate sexual contacts.

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Background: Frozen embryo transfer (FET) is one of the most important supplementary procedures in the treatment of infertile couples. While general information concerning the outcome of fresh embryo transfer has been documented, paucity of investigations has addressed the clinical factors influenced on pregnancy rates in FET.Objective: In this study, we performed a retrospective analysis of clinical factors that potentially influence the outcome of FET.Materials and Methods: We reviewed the data from 372 women who were subjected to FET registered from April 2009-2011 at the Research and clinical center, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran. Baseline data and pregnancy rate were collected. The data were analyzed statistically using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, and Mann-Whitney tests.Results: The clinical pregnancy rate was 57.7 and 29.2% in women <35 years old, and women >35 years old, respectively (p<0.0001). Clinical pregnancy rates in women with FSH <10 IU/ml, and FSH >10 IU/ml were 56.3% and 17.5 %, respectively (p<0.0001). Whereas the other clinical parameters consist of reason of fetus freezing, primary IVF protocol, IVF procedure, endometrial thickness, treatment duration to fetal transfer found to be unrelated to FET outcomes (p>0.05).Conclusion: Female age and basal FSH level are the most important factors influencing the clinical pregnancy rate following FET.

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