Background: Assisted reproductive techniques (ART) are used with increasing frequency worldwide. The present research was conducted to determine the effects of ART on hearing defects and ear abnormalities.Materials and Methods: In a descriptive, cross-sectional, non-randomized study, the status of hearing and ear abnormalities was assessed in 300 newborns conceived by ART at Royan Institute, Tehran, Iran. This study was performed over a sixteen month period. Data were collected from parents, otoscopic examinations and transiently evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE) tests of the newborns. The external ear was assessed by otoscopic examination, followed by the TEOAE test (an objective test that does not need the infant’s collaboration) which was performed by an audiologist. In this test, the OAE wave was registered after a click (stimulus) at 5-20 millisecond intervals with an 82 dB SPL altitude. Data were analyzed by statistical tests. Results: Of the 300 cases examined by otoscopy, two cases (0.66%) had bilateral malformation in the auricle, two (0.66%) had unilateral perforation of the tympanic membrane, five (1.66%) had unilateral retraction of the tympanic membrane, eight (2.66%) had bilateral retraction of the tympanic membrane, one (0.33%) had unilateral tympanic membrane inflammation, one (0.33%) had bilateral tympanic membrane inflammation and one case (0.33%) had wax obstruction of the external ear canal.A total of 289 out of 300 newborns undewent the TEOAE test. Of these, three cases (1.03%) did not have a bilateral registered wave and were diagnosed with bilateral hearing loss. Conclusion: This study shows that hearing and ear screening in newborns conceived by ART is contemplative and emphasizes the profitability of continual check up in these infants.