Death is merely a link in the chain of life. This is the philosophy of biological sciences. Death is physiological and well programmed, yet it is at times induced and thus un-biological which is withdrawn out of life cycle. In biological sciences, the apoptosis is the natural process of death and life, and necrosis is the deviated cell death induced by risk factors and unacceptable intervention by human being and his environment with a comprehensive concept regarding biological, social, psychological and spiritual subjects. All of these risk factors can induce death in an unacceptable way and cause the death at a wrong time. Although this kind of death is sooner than expected, it could cause an un-programmed life as well.Regarding this kind of cell death, life continues with special features created by the philosophy of being, life style, environment and individual concept of life. Death does not and cannot destroy the totality of a cell; the remains will carry on to be the building blocks of the new cells, hence continuing life. This is a biological standpoint and means that life could be sustained for many years, centuries and even for millennia, provided that one could integrate self, others, nature and cosmos internally.To prolong this natural process, spiritual, psychological, social risk factors along with biological ones should be considered.Life and death are two concepts inseparably intermingled: when a cell is dying, for example in a traumatized patient with hemorrhagic shock, the cerebral and brain cells are the first sites which die in an un-programmed manner, though this irregularity occurs completely in a programmed manner which is a natural phenomenon. In birth, also, after oxygenation of circulating system, the other cells will start to accept the vital roles. Then organs will be responsible for their jobs and finally the birth is evident as an event. Death and birth, both are concurrent processes for life never to end but will continue in another way as a process, programmed or un-programmed.