Toxoplasmosis is one of the most important infectious diseases common in both human and animals and various serological findings from all over the world point out to the fact that this protozoal infection is on the rise all over the world. Considering the fact that the rate of contamination is absolutely related to geographical conditions, eating habits, existence of cats and since the cat is the most popular pet in a large number of families in Yazd, we decided to have an epidemiological study on the mentioned subject. Since there is a high morbidity risk in single females, this group was also evaluated for the rate of contamination. Thirty areas were selected randomly and using statistical records of the health care center of Yazd
province a questionnaire was filled and blood samples of one hundred persons were taken by referring to their houses, and the same things were done for over 300 single females who had referred to Nikoopour health care center, for premarriage tests. I.F.A was done for all blood samples at the central laboratory of Yazd province. Overall, 3320 persons were evaluated, including 1041 (31.4 %) males and 2279 (68.6 %) females, with the following results: 60.2 % were negative, 14.8 % with titer of 1.100, 13.5 % with titer of 1/200, 9.5% with titer of 1/400, 1.2% with titer 1/800, 0.3% with titer of 1/1600, 0.3% with titer of 1/3200, 0.1 % with titer of 1/6400 & 0.1% with titer of 1/12800 positive. Antibody titer in single females had the
following pattern: 64.4 % negative, 14.5 % with titer of 1/100, 12.5 % with titer of 1/200,4.6 % with titer of 1/400, 4 % with titer of 1/800 and higher. There is a direct relationship between age and prevalence of toxoplasmosis, therefore there is more chance of contamination with increase in age. The age group of less than ten years had the lowest, while 30-39 years age group had the highest contamination rate. Housewives and butchers had the highest contamination rate. There is a correlation between prevalence rate of toxoplasmosis and consumption of half-cooked meat, raw vegetables and contact with cats. Not using half-cooked or kabob-type meat, good personal hygiene by cooks and those handling uncooked meat & proper cooking methods are recommended.