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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background: Women’s health is a key factor affecting the health of the whole population. Tackling inequality in determinants of health is recognized as the main path toward reducing the inequality in health outcomes. This study aimed to analyze the provincial inequality in determinants of women's health and health care in Iran.Methods: Using the Moss’s model (2002) as a comprehensive framework of determinants of women’s health, including “geopolitical environment, ” “culture, norms, sanctions, ” “women’s roles in reproduction and production, ” “health‑related mediators, ” and “health outcome” categories, we chose 13 indicators. Afterward, using data sources including the Iranian Multiple Indicators of Demographics and Health Survey, the National Organization for Civil Registration, and Statistics Centre of Iran, we analyzed provincial inequality in these indicators in Iran (2011). Gini coefficient and Lorenz curve were used for measuring inequality.Results: Gini coefficients calculated as follows; life satisfaction level (0.027), literate women (0.398), women with proper knowledge about HIV/AIDS prevention (0.483), unemployed women (0.380), women without an income (0.384), women who use at least one type of mass media (0.389), women who used computer or internet (0.467), women who had received pregnancy care from a skill birth attendant (SBA) (0.420), women who had delivered with the help of an SBA (0.426), women who currently smoke cigarettes (0.603), women who currently consume hookah (0.561), women with at least one chronic disease (0.438), and women’s deaths in 2010 and 2011 (0.393 and 0.359, respectively).Conclusions: We found large provincial disparities in determinants of women’s health in Iran.Determinants such as lifestyle, health behavior, health knowledge, and health‑care services availability should be considered by health policymakers in addressing the inequality in women’s health at a provincial level.

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DEAR EDITOR, In May 2015, India has achieved another significant public health milestone of maternal and neonatal tetanus (NT) elimination. [1] Globally, NT accounts for 1% of neonatal deaths. [2] As of August 2015, 21 countries have not reached the elimination status worldwide. [3]...

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The aim of this review is to show the historical aspects of hands washing for healthy life and explains how can reduce the transmission of community‑acquired infectious agents by healthcare workers and patients. This review article is prepared based on available database. The key words used were hands washing, risk assessment, hands hygiene, bacterial flora, contamination, infection, nosocomial, tap water, sanitizer, bacterial resistance, hands bacterial flora, washing methods, antiseptics, healthcare workers, healthcare personnel, from PubMed, ScienceDirect, Embase, Scopus, Web of Sciences, and Google Scholar. Data were descriptively analyzed. The insistence on hand washing has a history of 1400 years. The research results indicate that the bacteria released from the female washed hands in wet and dry condition was lower than from the male’s hands with a significance level (3 CFU vs.8 CFU; confidence interval 95%, P ≤ 0.001).The valuable results of the study indicated that released amount of bacterial flora from wet hands is more than 10 times in compared to dry hands. In addition, established monitoring systems for washing hands before and after patient’s manipulation as well as after toilet were dominant indices to prevent the transfer of infectious agents to the patients. Increasing awareness and belief of the healthcare workers have shown an important role by about 30% reduction in the transfection. Hand washing could reduce the episodes of transmission of infectious agents in both community and healthcare settings. However, hand washing is an important key factor to prevent transmission of infectious agents to patients. There is no standard method for measuring compliance. Thus, permanent monitoring of hand washing to reduce the transmission of infections is crucial. Finally, the personnel must believe that hand washing is an inevitable approach to infection control.

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Background: Pregnancy is an acute period in the lifetime of women, during which numerous excitatory physical and social changes occur. The purpose of this study is confirmatory factor analysis of Pregnancy Related Anxiety Questionnaire (PRAQ) that is designed in Iranian pregnant women population.Methods: A total of 170 pregnant women in health centers of Kerman city were chosen through random sampling method and completed PRAQ questionnaire and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI).In this study, confirmatory factor analysis and concurrent validity are used to evaluate the validity of models; and to test‑retest and Cronbach alpha were used for evaluating external and internal reliability in SPSS‑19 and the AMOS software to evaluate reliability of models.Results: Confirmatory factor analysis gave an acceptable value for the latent PRAQ in the question scale and 5 micro‑scale level. Furthermore, significant correlation between the components and the overall scale of the PRAQ questionnaire with the BAI confirmed concurrent validity of questionnaire.The reliability of questionnaire is confirmed based on Cronbach’s alpha coefficient value of 0.78 that calculated 0.69–.76 for the five‑actors. A month later, reliability coefficient amplitude of test‑etest on forty pregnant women was between 0.65 and 0.72 which shows the reliability of PRAQ over time.Conclusions: The short form of anxiety during pregnancy questionnaire has the essential psychometric properties. In this study, five‑factors extracted in the PRAQ were adapted with the factors extracted from the original version. This study introduces an instrument that can be benefit in measuring anxiety and concerns of women during pregnancy.

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Background: The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and related factors of low birth weight (LBW) in the Southeast of Iran.Methods: This cross‑sectional study was carried out in Kerman province. Data were collected from Iranian Maternal and Neonatal Network at public and private hospitals. All live births from March 2014 to March 2015 considered as the source population. The risk factors including maternal age, gravida, parity, abortion, pregnancy risk factors, maternal nationality, maternal education, maternity insurance, place of living, consanguinity, neonate sex, preterm labor, place of birth, delivery manager, and delivery type were compared between LBW and normal birth weight groups.Results: The prevalence of LBW was 9.4% in the present study. Preterm labor (odds ratio [OR]: 22.06; P<0.001), neonate female sex (OR: 1.41; P<0.001), low parity (OR: 0.85; P<0.001), pregnancy age<18 years (OR: 1.26; P=0.012), pregnancy age>35 years (OR: 1.21; P=0.001), delivery by cesarean section (OR: 1.17; P=0.002), pregnancy risk factors (OR: 1.67; P<0.001), maternal illiteracy (OR: 1.91; P<0.001), living in the rural area (OR: 1.19; P<0.001), consanguineous (OR: 1.08; P=0.025), and delivery by obstetrician (OR: 1.12; P=0.029) were identified as significant factors associated with LBW in this study.Conclusions: Prevention of preterm labor, consanguineous marriage, pregnancy age<18 and >35 years old, and maternal medical risk factors are some critical interventions to reduce its burden. Increasing the access to high‑quality health‑care services in rural and deprived areas is another effective strategy for the prevention of LBW.

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Background: Designing and implementing a model for estimation and distribution of required nurse is one of strategies to prevent unequal distribution of nurses within and between hospitals. The purpose of this research was to determine required features for hospital nursing staff estimation model.Methods: We conducted a qualitative study using a Colaizzi analysis approach. We used semi-structure and in-depth interviews by purposive, quota, and snowball sampling of 32 participants (10 informed experts in area of policy making in human resources in Ministry of Health, 10 decisions making in employment and distribution of human resources in treatment and administrative chancellors of medical universities, and 12 process owners in hospitals). The data were analyzed using ATLAS.ti software version 6.0.15.Results: The ten following sub-themes emerged from data analysis: Skill mix and task shifting, work measurement, legal support, stakeholder involvement in designing a model, considering the ward activity, considering type and extent of care patients required, model development by experts predominate in nursing process, considering the nurses availability, considering the capabilities and professional merits of nurses, fitness with social, cultural, and belief of people. The main themes were occupation analysis, planning and policy making, real workload, acceptability, nurses’ efficiency, and being a native.Conclusions: Given that standardization of nursing staff estimation is announced as one of the challenges in reaching Iran’s 20-year vision plan. Hence, design and implementation of a nursing staff estimation model in regard to identified features could be part of priorities in Ministry of Health in Iran.

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Background: Screening of psychosocial risk factors for chronic low back pain (LBP) is essential.The Orebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire (OMPSQ) is one of the most recognized and widely used instruments for this purpose. This study aimed to translate the OMPSQ into Persian, to adapt it for Iranian culture, and to investigate its psychometric properties.Methods: Using a linguistic methodology, the OMPSQ was translated into Persian according to the World Health Organization guideline. A total of 106 patients with LBP participated in the study.Internal consistency and test‑retest reliability were evaluated. Concurrent validity was estimated with Pearson’s correlation between the OMPSQ and short form health survey (SF‑12), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and visual analog scale (VAS). Factor analysis was used to evaluate dimensionality.Results: The content validity index was 0.80. The instrument had a good test‑retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient=0.82) and internal consistency (Cronbach’s a=0.82). Factor analysis indicates that factorial structure of Persian version was similar to original questionnaire. There was a significant correlation (r=0.252–0.639, P<0.01) between VAS score and all the OMPSQ domains. Physical component summary of SF‑12 was positively correlated with miscellaneous domain (r=384, P<0.05) and negatively correlated with psychology domain of OMPSQ (r=−0.364, P<0.05). A significant correlation between total score and anxiety component of HADS and psychology domain of OMPSQ was found (r=0.49, P<0.01 and r=0.442, P<0.05, respectively). Correlations between the OMPSQ and SF‑12 and HADS and VAS indicate acceptable concurrent validity.Conclusions: The Persian version of OMPSQ was as a valid and reliable instrument and also a good cross‑cultural equivalent for original English version.

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Background: Among the most important factors in wound healing pathways are transforming growth factor beta1 and vascular endothelial growth factor. Fibroblasts are the main cell in all phases wound closure. In this study, the extracts of plant materials such as Adiantum capillus‑veneris, Commiphora molmol, Aloe vera, and henna and one mixture of them were used to treatment of normal mouse skin fibroblasts.Methods: Cytotoxic effects of each extract and their mixture were assessed on mouse skin fibroblasts cells using 3‑ (4, 5‑dimethylthiazol‑2‑yl) ‑2, 5‑diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay. We performed migration assays to assess migration properties of mouse skin fibroblasts cells in response to the extracts. Changes in the gene expression of the Tgf b1and Vegf‑A genes were monitored by real‑time polymerase chain reaction.Results: A. capillus‑veneris, C. molmol and henna extract improved the expression of Tgf b1 gene. All used extracts upregulated the expression of Vegf‑A gene and promoted the migration of mouse fibroblast cells in vitro.Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that the mentioned herbal extracts might be effective in wound healing, through the improvement in the migration of fibroblast cells and regulating the gene expression of Tgf b1and Vegf‑A genes in fibroblast cells treated with extracts.

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