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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Tissue engineering is the repair and replacement of damaged tissues and requires a combination of cells, growth factor and porous scaffolds. Scaffolds, as one of the main components in tissue engineering, are used as a template for tissue regeneration and induction and guidance of growth of the new and biologically active tissues. An ideal scaffold in tissue engineering, imitating an extracellular matrix, provides a suitable environment for adhesion, growth and cell proliferation. Scaffolds have also been used as the carriers for the controlled delivery of drugs and proteins. Variety of porous scaffolds, fabricated from biological and synthetic materials and using different manufacturing methods, have been introduced. Among them nanofibrous scaffolds have attracted great attention due to remarkable advantages including the highly porous three-dimensional structure with interconnected cavities which enable the transportation of food and waste materials, as well as high surface to volume ratio. So far, different methods and techniques have been introduced for production of scaffolds with structures similar to the extracellular matrix. Amongst them electrospinning, due to easiness and more control over effective parameters, are preferred. The present study make a review about the used materials and various methods of nanofibrous scaffold fabrication using electrospinning technology, with emphasis on the use of tissue engineering application. It also discussed about the progress and challenges ahead and the goals and perspective presented for this approach.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Adhesion molecules play an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and the type of training may affect the response to these indicators. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of a continuous versus interval aerobic training session on plasma levels of intercellular adhesion molecules 1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecules 1 (VCAM-1) in patients with coronary artery disease. Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 9 women with coronary artery disease participated in pre-test and two stages of post-test design (interval and continuous). Continuing training program included running or walking for 30 minutes with an intensity of 60% of maximum heart rate. Therefore, interval training included 30 minutes of walking or running with variable intensity between 50% and 80% peak heart rate. ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 serum levels were measured in scale of ng/ml by ELISA. Results were analyzed by SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL; version 24 and repeated measures test were used at a significant level of P≤ 0. 05. Results: One session of continuous and interval training didn’ t show significant differences in ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 serum levels. So that the ICAM-1 levels were obtained (233. 6 ± 0. 1) after continuous training and (230. 4 ± 1) after interval training (P= 0. 186). In addition, VCAM-1 levels were observed (163. 3 ± 7. 0) after continuous training and (194. 8 ± 6. 9) after interval training (P= 0. 121). Conclusion: One session of training stimulates inflammatory pathways in coronary artery disease patients. Based on the results of this study, the effect of continuous aerobic training on the levels of adherent molecules cannot be determined certainty and more research is needed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Many studies have been done about the effects of exercise on angiogenic inhibitor and stimulator factors in muscles, but few studies have examined the role of these factors in the brain especially the hippocampus. Therefore, the purpose of the current study was to investigate the effect of 8 weeks of aerobic training on gene expression of HIF-1α , VEGF and angiostatin in hippocampus of male rats. Methods: 18 adult male Wistar rats (190± 10 gr) were randomly divided into 3 groups: control, sham and aerobic training. Ratsin the training group performed 8 weeks of aerobic training (5 sessions per week) on a treadmill. 24 hours after the last session of exercise, rats were decapitated and the hippocampus were carefully removed and rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen, then stored at-80° C for further analysis. Real-Time-PCR method was used to measure the expression of genes in the hippocampus. The data were analyzed by SPSS 18 software. Comparisons between groups were performed by one-way ANOVA and followed by post-hoc analysis Tukey test. All statistically significant was set at P<0. 05. Results: The results showed aerobic training significantly increased mRNA levels of HIF-1α (P=0. 001) and VEGF (P=0. 001), but there was no significant difference in the mRNA levels of angiostatin (P=0. 316). Conclusion: According to the results of this study and changes in the levels of HIF-1α and VEGF, it seems aerobic training has helpful effects on brain especially on the hippocampus and this type of training is recommended for individuals.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Crystal meth by induction of free radical formation in brains cells and lipid peroxidation cause to the apoptosis. The aim of present study is to investigate the effect of extract of Scrophularia striataon spatial memory, lipid peroxidation and alteration of antioxidant enzymes levels. Methods: In this experimental study, 42 male Wistar rats were divided into 6 groups, including: sham (saline), crystal meth (10, 15 mg/kg), Scrophularia Striate extract (200 mg/kg) and pretreatment of Scrophularia (200 mg/kg) + crystal (10, 15 mg/kg). Induction of addiction was performed by intra peritoneal injection of crystal meth during 5 consecutive days. Morris Water Maze was used for analyzing spatial memory. The levels of oxidative stress enzymes were assayed. Instate 3 was used for data analysis and the statistical test was One-Way ANOVA following by Tukey posthoc test. Results: Crystal meth reduced spatial memory (control: 18/59± 6/34, crystal meth (10 mg/kg) 30/34± 4/83, crystal meth (15 mg/kg): 59/98± 0/77) (p<0. 001). Pretreatment of Scrophularia improved the spatial memory (control: 18/59± 6/34, Pretreatment of Scrophularia + crystal meth (10 mg/kg): 30/12± 2/71, Pretreatment of Scrophularia + crystal meth (15 mg/kg): 50/43± 0/51) (P<0. 05). MDA, SOD and KAT levels increased in crystal meth group (P<0. 05), but pretreatment of Scrophularia reduced the elevated level of MDA, SOD and KAT (P<0. 05). Conclusion: It seems pretreatment of Scrophularia improve spatial memory which has been reduced by crystal meth.

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Introduction: Today electrophysiology studies and ablation have been developed due to increasing arrhythmias disorder of heart. In these diagnostic – treatments methods, the use of fluoroscopy can be causes patient radiation dose, therefore evaluation of patient's absorbed dose is necessary to protection of the radiation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the absorbed dose in patients undergoing electrophysiology and cardiac ablation and to estimate their risk of cancer in Yazd Afshar Hospital. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study. In this study, the mean absorbed dose of referral patients for electrophysiology studies and ablation had been measured in the cat. Lab of Afshar Hospital, Yazd. The dosimeter had been used in this research was KAP meter, the M4 DIAMENTOR made in Germany that was able to measure dose-area product and time of the fluoroscopy. The patient effective dose was calculated by the PCXMC software from dose-area product. Results: The mean dose-area in ablation and electrophysiology studies was respectively 153. 34± 105. 32 and 5. 62 14. 88 Gy. cm2 and the radiation time range was recorded 3. 32 to 68. 65 minutes and 1. 03 to 6. 28 minutes, respectively. The mean effective dose of ablation and electrophysiology studies were respectively 16. 38 and 1. 65 mSv. The cancer risk per ten thousands of patients, who were under the ablation and electrophysiology examinations were estimated 13 and 1. 3 people, respectively. Conclusion: Increasing of patient dose due to ablation in this study relation to the other studies can be due to long old of image intensifier device.

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Introduction: The aim of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy based on exposure and response prevention on the patients with contamination obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and scrupulosity. Methods: The method was semi-experimental pretest-posttest design by control group. Sixty OCD participants who were suffering from scrupulosity and contamination OCD were diagnosed by means of diagnostic interviewing, Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale and Penn inventory of scrupulosity. They were selected through convenience sampling method and were assigned in two experimental groups and one control group (each group 20). The cognitive behavioral therapy based on exposure and response prevention was performed on the subjects in nine individual sessions for 45 minutes for each experimental group. The data were analyzed using SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL; Version 16 by the multivariate analysis of covariance. Results: The results of multivariate analysis of covariance and Bonferroni post hoc tests showed that cognitive behavioral therapy based on exposure and response prevention were effective in decreasing OCD in the experimental groups compared to the control group (0. 001≥ P). Bonferroni post hoc test showed that there was a significant difference between the scrupulosity group and the contamination group and control group on the obsession variable (0. 05 < P). There was no significant difference between the contamination group and the scrupulosity group on the compulsion variable (0. 15 < p). Conclusion: The findings suggest that cognitive behavioral therapy based on exposure and response prevention could help alleviate symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder in both religious and contamination OCD.

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Introduction: The purpose of this study was to determine the role of emotional control, psychological wellbeing and self-care behaviorson the quality of life of cardiovascular patients in Urmia City. Methods: This descriptive study was a correlational one. The statistical population of this study was all the cardiovascular patients referred to the hospitals and medical centers of Urmia City in the semester of 2018. The number of 135 participants were selected as a sample. Data were collected by ECS questionnaire, Reef psychological well-being (1995), European self-care behavior questionnaire for the patients with heart failure and quality of life (QOL). Data analysis was done by Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise regression analysis with SPSS software Chicago IL Version 16. Results: The results showed that emotional control, psychological well-being and self-care behaviors were related to the quality of life of heart patients. The results of stepwise regression analysis showed that the present research model could explain 32% of the quality of life in the heart disease. Conclusion: These findings suggest that psychological well-being and self-care behaviors play an important role in the quality of life of heart patients, so these findings can have important implications for tracking psychological problems in these patients.

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Introduction: Metabolic syndrome is a series of disorders such as central obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, decreasing HDL, abnormal blood glucose and hypertension that ultimately lead to the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other problems. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of this syndrome among adults in Yazd. Methods: This study was performed using the data of the recruitment phase of "Yazd Health Study" (YaHS). More than 10, 000 residents (aged 20-69 years) of Yazd Greater Area have participated in this prospective cohort study. Lifestyle data, disease history, and blood tests have been recorded. Sampling was cluster random based on the postal code of the residents of Yazd Greater Area. Out of the 10, 000 participants in the study, approximately 4, 000 people gave blood samples to the lab in the first phase and their data were used to calculate the syndrome. Metabolic syndrome was defined based on the ATP III criteria. Data were analyzed by SPSS Version 16. Results: The overall prevalence of syndrome was 33. 3%. The prevalence had a significant relationship with age, age over 40 years, reaching to the highest level of over 50%. The prevalence in women was 39. 9%, more than men, with 25. 9%. Frequency of abnormal components of the syndrome was respectively waist circumference or abdominal obesity (47. 1%), diastolic or systolic blood pressure (43. 7%), triglyceride (41. 6%), HDL (39. 5%) and fasting blood glucose (21. 7). 67. 5% and 91. 7% of those with syndrome were obese or overweight, respectively. Conclusion: The study showed that the prevalence of metabolic syndrome, especially in women and those over 50 years old, is higher than other studies. General obesity, central obesity and hypertension are the most important components of metabolic syndrome in Yazd, which requires proper interventions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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