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Objectives: This research was performed to compare the results of two parental-based developmental questionnaires.Methods: In this study the developmental status of 196, 4-60 months old children were screened using Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) and prescreening developmental Questionnaire (PDQ) in 4 primary health care clinics in Tehran. Convenient sampling was used. Data was analyzed by SPSS software.Results: Using ASQ 18% of children were detected as having developmental disorders. Developmental screening with PDQ showed that developmental delay or doubtful condition was seen in 20% and 19% of children respectively. The estimated consistency coefficient between PDQ II and ASQ for fine and gross motor domains was 0.05 and 0.24, and for language and personal-social issues were 0.18 and 0.06, respectively. Based on two different categorizing possibilities for questionable scores of PDQ-II, that is, "delayed" or "normal", the total agreement coefficient between two questionnaires were determined 0.30 and 0.20, respectively Discussion: The process of developmental screening was changed in recent years and performing a correct and useful developmental screening is easier today. Several screening tools are available now.Recent studies showed that parental information about their child’s development have good accuracy. For selecting a suitable tool we must consider the validity, reliability, sensitivity, specificity and all other positive and negative points about the tool of the test.Conclusion: This study showed that the results of developmental screening of 4-60 months old children in Tehran using ASQ and PDQ lead to different results. This is necessary that the results of screening are compared with a diagnostic gold standard test.

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Objectives: Language development is often very slower in hearing impaired children compared with their normal peers. Hearing impairment during childhood affects all aspects of speech production and language acquisition. It seems that hearing impaired people suffer from language and speech impairments such as production of complex linguistic structures. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of nonlinguistic variables in production of the complex linguistic sentences in children with hearing impairment.Method: Twenty normal children, aged 6-7 years and twenty children with severe to profound hearing impairment, aged 8-12 years were selected in a simple random sampling from normal kindergartens and schools, and exceptional schools for hearing impaired people. This research was a case-control research.The confirmation of the audiologist in the exceptional schools for hearing impaired people and the information recorded in the history of these students were considered in order to determine the kind and degree of hearing loss, and other non-linguistic variables. The production of complex sentences was tested by Elicitation Test. The content validity of the production test was determined and then the reliability was confirmed with Cronbach Alpha Test. Data collected were analyzed by statistical tests such as Pearson’s Correlation, Independent Samples T-Test and Mann-Whitney U Test and using SPSS software.Results: The results of this study showed that there was no correlation between the non-linguistic variables such as early detection and early intervention, and production of complex linguistic structures in hearing impaired children.Conclusion: In the first months of life, children have to deal with natural language to create the foundations for linguistic health and complete development of syntax. If language input is not rich and available during the critical period for learning a first language, the syntactic competence cannot grow naturally. Therefore, two non-linguistic variables, early identification and early intervention will be the main predictors for production of complex linguistic structures.

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Objectives: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the most common endocrine disease in children. Massage therapy can improve glucose metabolism in DM. This study was conducted to determine the effect of Swedish massage on the Glycohemoglobin (HbA1c) in children with DM.Methods: This study was an semi-experimental (clinical trial) conducted on thirty-six children, 6-12 years old with (DM), recruited from a clinic of the Qom City, Iran. They were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups (18 patients in each group). Swedish massage was performed for fifteen minutes, three times weekly, for three months in intervention group. The HbA1c was evaluated before and after intervention in the two groups.Results: The average ages of children in the intervention and control groups were 9.05 (±1.55) and 9.83 (±2.03) years respectively. There was statistically no significant difference in Glycohemoglobin before intervention between two groups (P=0.491), but the Glycohemoglobin was lower significantly in intervention group in comparison with control group after intervention (P<0.0001).Conclusion: Massage therapy can be an assisted treatment in children with DM, reducing the drug consumption by patients for the control of DM.

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Objectives: Cerebral palsy (CP) describes a group of disorders in the development of movement and posture in the developing brain. The main aim of this study was to determine the distribution of motor impairment and associated disorders in a population of children with CP.Method: This study was carried out in 2011 during three months, on 200 CP children. Multiple sources of ascertainment were used, including medical records of patients who access at the major rehabilitation and special educational centers in Tehran and examination by rehabilitation team. Children were grouped according to motor type, topographic pattern according to the Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe (SCPE) definitions and classifications, Manual Ability Classification System (MACS) and Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) scales. In this study we evaluate impairments such as seizure disorders, hearing and visual problems, and cognitive issues.Results: During the study period, 200 CP child (103 males, 97 females) aged 4-12 years were seen, with a mean (SD) age of 7.7 (2.4) years. In this study spastic CP was the most common type (80.5%) and more specifically, bilateral CP (62.5%) was more common than unilateral (18%). With respect to the MACS classification, level IV (23%), and to the GMFCS classification also level IV (30.5%) was the most common.Conclusion: Bilateral spastic CP was the most frequent type that had the worst motor problem, and difficult treatment, so it seems that the health care system should pay more attention to perinatal insults for prevention of CP in our population.

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Objectives: Some studies have recognized factors that are effective on academic achievement. The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship among personality factors, motivational strategies and achievement goals in predicting academic achievement of 2nd grade high school intellectually disabled students in Tehran Province.Methods and Materials: In present correlation study, 200 intellectually disabled students (126 females and 74 males) in 2nd grade high school selected randomly by stratified sampling method from Tehran Province. Subjects completed Big Five Factor Personality Inventory (NEO-FFI), Motivational Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) and Achievement Goals Questionnaire-Revised (AGQ-R). Data analysis was based on stepwise regression analysis method.Results: As personality factors, openness and being conscientiousness were correlated positively. In motivational strategies, effort regulation, help seeking and self-efficacy correlated positively, also mastery-approach and performance-avoidance goals in achievement goals orientation showed positive correlation (p<0.05). Neuroticism, test-anxiety and academic achievement were correlated negatively (p<0.01). It can be explained that 44% of variations in academic achievement are due to self-efficacy, Being conscientiousness, mastery-approach goal and neuroticism (p<0.05). Self-efficacy had the most contribution in predicting academic achievement of students (p<0.01).Conclusion: Paying attention to the variables such as: personality (being conscientiousness and neuroticism), motivational (self-efficacy) and achievement goals orientation (mastery-approach goal) have crucial role in predicting academic achievement in students with intellectual disability.

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Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the outcomes of receiving a master's degree in “Rehabilitation Management” in Iran on the professional lives of graduates, as reported by them.Method: A questionnaire consisting of open and close-ended questions was e-mailed to 75 graduates and alumni of the course, graduated since the beginning of implementation of the course in Iran, from 1997 to 2003. The total response rate was 52.75.Results: Results overall indicated that 67% of graduates believed attending the Rehabilitation Management post-graduate course was worth the costs and 87% mentioned it as ‘very effective’ or relatively effective’ on their present quality of job performance.Conclusion: Findings could serve as a baseline for periodic evaluations and revisions of the Rehabilitation Management curriculum in the future and also for comparisons with other management courses.

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Objectives: This paper studies the effect of Persian Cued Speech on the perception of Persian language phonemes and monosyllabic words with and without sound in hearing impaired children. Cued Speech is a sound based mode of communication for hearing impaired people that is comprised of a limited series of hand complements and the normal pattern of speech. And it is shown that it effectively can improve speech skills of hearing impaired children and adults. Cued Speech has recently been adapted to Persian language (1) and our knowledge about its efficiency is very limited.Methods: Two groups of profoundly hearing impaired children participated in the study. They were matched with each other. The experimental group received an intensive Persian Cued Speech training program for several months. Prior to and following training and also three weeks after the sample's perception of Persian language phonemes and monosyllabic words were evaluated. Mixed Repeated Measurement was used to analyze the results.Results: Findings indicated that experimental group’s scores in both phonemes and monosyllabic words with and without sound were significantly difference between pre-test and post-test and follow up as a function of Cued Speech training (p<0.0001).Conclusions: The results support the use of Persian Cued Speech for improving perception of Persian hearing impaired children to promote their communication performance.

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Objectives: Feeding is an essential function which affects quality of life of the intellectually disabled (ID) persons. Approximately 80% of the severe and profound mentally retarded population have some feeding difficulties. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of feeding problems in children with ID.Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, 144 individuals with Intellectual Disability referred to speech and language pathology clinic were included using random sampling. To gather the data, Screening Tool of feeding Problems (STEP) was used. Dِata analysis was done through SPSS.Results: The findings of the study indicated that all subjects were somehow involved with feeding problems. The results also show that mean score of problem in feeding skills (2.41) are most prevalent and aspiration risks (0.37) are of less prevalence among the subjects. Analyses revealed that gender and level of ID severity are effective factors in feeding problems.Conclusion: Our study indicates that in children with ID, eating problems are more prevalent than previously reported. The importance of these data is further underscored by the fact that the majority of these feeding problems had not been previously identified.

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Objectives: Hearing impairment in children is considered as an important public health problem.Auditory function in these children is poor and depends on their hearing aids efficacy and also their ears' status. Hearing aids are very expensive and ear disease deteriorates its performance. Therefore detecting the ear disease and offering proper treatment is necessary. The aim of this study is to highlight the prevalence of ear disease in children with SNHL to justify the efforts made to insure diagnosis and adequate treatment.Method: Eighty children with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss were selected in our study from deaf Welfare Clinic affiliated to Welfare Organization. Otological examination and tympanometry were performed for all these children.Results: The most pathologic finding was ear wax and observed in 37 children (48.7%). Ear discharge was seen in 7 (8.7%) children. Normal TM in 63 (81.8%), abnormal TM in 14 (18.2%) and perforated TM in 3 cases were detected.Conclusion: The most common disorder was wax which deteriorates hearing aids performance by clogged ear molds. Middle ear disease which aggravates the degree of hearing loss in one forth of children was observed. The high prevalence of external and middle ear disease highlights the need of regular otological examination in hearing impaired children.

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Objectives: Tourette syndrome is a disorder with motor and vocal tics, which has many psychiatric comorbidities.Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of co-morbid features of this syndrome. The aim of this research is studying Tourette and co morbidity ADHD in school age children.One of our purposes is to identify the range of ADHD in Iranian Tourette patients.Methods: Thirty children with Tourette syndrome attended in an adolescence psychiatry disorders clinic studied during one year using a descriptive, cross sectional method. Control group selected from students of Tehran schools matched to first group in age and sex. K-SADS questionnaire used to investigate the presence of ADHD in both groups. Results analyzed with SPSS.Results: A clear pattern of co-morbidity was demonstrated with ADHD. Seventy percent of Tourette group had ADHD; this co–morbidity in both sexes was different (20% of girls and 80% of boys).Conclusions: Although the frequency of ADHD co-morbidity with Tourette is high, but in our study was higher (50-60% versus 70%). Hence every Tourette patients must be studied for co–morbidity.Regarding to small size of studied people, similar studies must be performed with larger sample size.

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effectively to address clinical decision making. Therefore, this article aims to provide a theoretical framework about hypertonicity for clinicians, rehabilitation and medical practitioners to be used in their practice.Methods: Literature was reviewed to examine the new perspectives towards the hypertonicity and its signs and symptoms. Then, these symptoms were scrutinized to identify various aspects of the phenomena.Results: The results of this review revealed various components of hypertonicity, including neural and biomechanical. Neural component was also classified into positive and negative symptoms. These components altogether influence gross and fine motor function and consequently disturb children in their daily activities.Conclusion: Using term “spasticity” is not definitively enough to explain various aspects of the affected persons. Therefore, the term “hypertonicity” appears to be much appropriate to be used by professions in their daily practices. Furthermore, to have a very effective intervention, practitioners should consider all various signs and symptoms of hypertonicity that are explained in this review.

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Arthrogriposis is a disorder in which two or more joints in more than one limb of body, place in a stable position and malformation status that usually is the result of joints' immobilization during fetal period.Problems resulting from this congenital deficit can occur in difference places, in upper and lower limbs, trunk, and even in face. It occurs in 3 of 1000 births, in two-third of these patients, all four limbs suffer and one-third of patients suffer in lower limbs and it rarely occurs in upper limbs. In this case affected children and their parents try different treatment such as surgical and non-surgical treatments which are of argument and controversial even among specialists of these treatments. In this paper, a 3-year old boy has been introduced who suffers from congenital deficit with developmental disorder in upper extremity bones and the absence of flexor muscles group and extensor of wrist. The boy was sent to Bahar Rehabilitation Center for occupational therapy and rehabilitation services by physician of rehabilitation clinic in Tehran.

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