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Objectives: The associations between emotional skills encompassed in emotion regulation model and psychopathology were examined by investigating its ability to modify the emotion-mediated association between other emotion regulation skills and psychopathology.Methods: A total of 465 students were selected using proposal sampling method. Data were collected using Emotion Regulation Skill Questionnaire (ERSQ) and Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Data were analyzed using bootstrapping-enhanced mediation analysis that considered the ability to modify emotions as a mediator, psychopathology as dependent, and other emotional skill as independent and Pearson’s correlation coefficient.Results: A significant negative correlation was established between emotional skills and psychopathology in a range from 0.13 (bodily perception of sensations) to 0.31 (modification) r=-0.31, P˂0.01). The total effect for the variables of clarity, understanding, acceptance and tolerance, confrontation, self-support, attention, and sensation was significant at P<0.05, thereby rendering the mediation analysis plausible. The indirect effect of all variables was also significant. Therefore, all the variables have partial mediating effects. The direct effect of the variable of attention, sensation, and understanding on the psychological disturbances was not significant (P>0.05), and modification between these three skills and psychopathology exerted a complete mediating effect. The direct impact of emotional clarity, acceptance and tolerance, confrontation, and self-support was significant. Thus, emotion modification between the skills of emotional clarity, acceptance and tolerance, confrontation, and self-support with psychological disturbance had partial mediating effects.Discussion: The ability to modify emotions is the pathway through which other emotional skills might exert their influence on the mental health.

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Objectives: Recently, attention has been paid to the Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) in children. DCD occurs silently in child development stages; the child is involved with deficiencies that affect his / her social relationships, academic achievement and emotional perception. In this study, we tried to investigate the state of emotion recognition and the cognitive profiles of the children. The purpose of this study was to investigate the emotion recognition and cognitive failures of children with DCD.Methods: This was a descriptive and correlational study. The research sample included 120 students with a developmental coordination disorder. The research tools were Battery test: The Cambridge Mindreading (CAM) Computer Version of Revised Reading the Mind in the Eye Test; The Movement Assessment Battery for Children-Second Edition (MABC-2) skills. For data analysis, confirmatory factor analysis for DCD model was done by using Laserl.Results: The results of the confirmatory factor analysis indicate the fitness of the model. The second root of the squared mean of the test of the case model is closer to zero. This difference is between the predicted value of the model or the estimator and the actual value. That is, estimating the model is near to actual value, therefore the model is approved. In this model, some amount of inertia RMR (0.55) and SRMR (0.666) was an indication of the proper explanation of covariance.Discussion: Study of the state of emotion recognition in children with DCD can help us to provide training programs, therapy and counseling to improve their social skills, self-confidence and academic achievement.

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Objectives: This paper describes the validation process of the final form of the Persian version of the Overall Assessment of the Speaker’s Experience of Stuttering for Adults (OASES-A-P). The impact of stuttering on the Persian-speaking people who stutter was compared to other languages.Methods: This study with a cross-sectional design involved 92 Persian-speaking adults who stutter (24 females and 68 males; mean age=20.05±4.85 years). Face and content validity, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and item analysis for discriminant validity were examined. The impact scores and impact ratings were calculated in total and for the sections separately.Results: Cronbach’s alpha and ICC proved to be high (0.98; 0.95, P<0.001 respectively). Corrected item-total correlation revealed no negative score. Mean of total impact score was 2.56 (±0.67). Impact ratings for the total impact scores were as follows: mild=8.7%, mild-to-moderate=29.3%, moderate=43.5%, moderate-to-severe=15.2%, and severe=3.3%. The impact of separate sections in a high to low order were reactions to stuttering, quality of life, general information, and communication in daily situations.Discussion: The results of the current study offer a reliable and valid form of the OASES, which is applicable for Persian-speaking Iranian adults who stutter. The predominant impact rating of stuttering was shown to be mild-to-moderate and moderate.

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Objectives: In this study, we aimed to determine the individual characteristics of clients who were referred to residential rehabilitation centers for drug use disorders and to determine their relapse-related factors.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 576 patients who were referred to nine residential treatment centers for drug use disorders, chosen by the cluster sampling method. A self-constructed questionnaire to assess personal and addictive characteristics was applied. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Independent t-test. Multiple regression models were applied to determine the factors affecting the time of relapse.Results: The average interval between quitting drug use and relapse was found to be 4.7 months with a standard deviation of 4.1. Age and relapse were found to be correlated (0.193), but the correlation was not found to be statistically significant (P=0.12). There was significant correlation between occupational status (P=0.014) and number of attempts to quit drug use (P=0.019) with relapse. In addition, there were significant correlations between relapse time with injection history (P=0.035), victim’s history (P=0.047), risky sexual behaviors (P=0.022), sexual dysfunction (P=0.019), having a consumer as a close friend (P=0.001), another drug user in family (P=0.001), compulsory treatment (P=0.033), and alcohol consumption (P=0.041). There was no significant relationship between relapse with duration of addiction, type of abused drug, education, staying longer in centers, and marital status.Discussion: There is a high chance of relapse in case of patients who seek treatment in residential rehabilitation centers for drug use disorders. Paying attention to the patients’ social status and especially their occupation and connection with the treatment center after discharge reduces possibility of relapse.

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Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess whether Horticulture Therapy (HT) is effective for the improvement of the conceptual organization function, memory and psychological symptoms of chronic depressed male outpatients.Methods: 30 outpatients were chosen by the convenience sampling method. They were assigned to two groups, namely the experimental and the control group, by the random assignment method (each group comprising of 15 people). Outpatients were evaluated for before and after intervention by Rey–Osterrieth complex figure, and on the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale, DASS-44.Results: After ten sessions of horticultural therapy, the patients’ scores on conceptual organization function, memory, depression, anxiety, and stress improved significantly.Discussion: Although horticultural therapy improved outpatients’ scores on conceptual organization function, memory, depression, anxiety, and stress, future study is needed, especially by engaging more patients.

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Objectives: The present research aims to study the normal development of Percentage of Consonant Correct (PCC) in Kurdish-speaking children, with Middle Kurmanji-Mukryani Dialect as an Articulation Competency Index (ACI). PCC was examined in terms of the manner of articulation and position of sound in the word.Methods: In this descriptoanalytical cross-sectional study, 120 Kurdish-speaking children aged 3-5 years were evaluated by a Kurdish phonetic test. Participants were selected randomly from health centers and nursery schools in Bukan City, Iran. Nonparametric statistical tests of Kruskal-Wallis and Mann–Whitney U were used to analyze data through SPSS software (version 19).Results: The percentage of accuracy of Kurdish language consonants gradually increased from 3 to 5 years. The results did not show any significant difference between the girls and boys (P>0.05), although girls showed better performance than boys. Kurdish-speaking children were more accurate in the pronunciation of nasal, glide, lateral, stop and flap than fricative, affricative and trill consonants. Consonants in the initial position were produced better and were more precise than consonants in the medial and final position.Discussion: PCC is an important and helpful index for speech and language pathologists, who are involved in assessment and treatment of Kurdish-speaking children. The results of this study showed that the PCC in Kurdish-speaking children with Middle Kurmanji-Mukryani Dialect increased with age and it was related to the manner of articulation and the position of sound in words.

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Objectives: Children who have a disorder in motor function often suffer from disorders in other areas of their daily lives, such as social and communicative functions. The social function of children with cerebral palsy has so far been less studied than other aspects. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the social function of children with cerebral palsy of 2 to 6 years old.Methods: This (cross-sectional) descriptive-analytic study was performed on 100 children with cerebral palsy in two age groups of 2-4 and 4-6 years old who were selected through convenient sampling from the centers for occupational therapies in Isfahan city. Children’s motor function was classified according to Gross Motor Function Classification System (hereafter, GMFCS). The social function was completed by filling in the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) by interviewing the parents. Statistical analysis was done.Results: The statistical analyses of this study showed that there was a significant difference between the mean score of social function in 5 levels of motor function of children with cerebral palsy (P<0.0001). There was also a significant relationship between the age of children and their social function score (r=0.265 and P=0.008). Moreover, the mean scores of social function in the first and second levels of GMFCS had a significant difference in both groups (P=0.002); however, this difference was not significant in the other three levels (0.053˂P<0.647). Also, there was no significant difference between the mean score of social function of girls and that of boys (P=0.819).Discussion: The gross motor function of children with cerebral palsy is related to their social function. This means that the lower the gross motor function of children with cerebral palsy in the GMFCS system, the higher is their social function in both age groups of 2-4 and 4-6 years. The highest score of social function was related to the first level, which has the best motor function. As the level of gross motor function increases, the score decreases. Also, in this study, the comparison of social function, in two age groups, at the corresponding levels of GMFCS showed that with increasing motor constraints with age, no significant progress was made in the social function of children with cerebral palsy. Therefore, in addition to physical interventions, social interventions should be considered for children with cerebral palsy.

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Objectives: The present study examined the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the OARS multidimensional functional assessment questionnaire (MFAQ/OARS) in Iranian elderly.Methods: This non-experimental psychometric study utilized the Persian translated questionnaire based on the IQOLA protocol. The study cohort was selected from the comprehensive healthcare centers across Kashan, Iran in 2016, based on the interviews with 482 adults ≥60-year-old (269 men and 213 women). The face validity of the questionnaire was assessed according to the experts’ opinions, while the content validity was assessed using the Lawshe and Bausell–Waltz methods. The concurrent validity and inter-rater reliability were assessed for each of the five domains of functioning. Test-retest reliability was assessed using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC).Results: The questionnaire exhibited adequate face validity. The Lawshe and Bausell–Waltz methods revealed a 98% content validity estimation of the items, and those with lower values were maintained in the questionnaire after necessary modifications. The MFAQ/OARS was correlated with the WHODAS 2.0 and the GDS15 (P<0.0001), which indicated the acceptable concurrent validity of the questionnaire. All domains of the questionnaire showed satisfactory inter-rater reliability estimates, and the ICC was>0.89 for all domains except for the activities of daily living (ICC=0.78). The test-retest reliability for the five domains was 0.72–1.Discussion: According to the study results, the Persian version of MFAQ/OARS presented a satisfactory face, content, and concurrent validity, and reliability for functional assessment among Iranian elderly. Therefore, it can be used in clinical fields and research studies to assess the functioning of elderly in various life domains.

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Objectives: Elderly nursing homes residents are at an increased risk of malnutrition due to a variety of factors. We aimed at investigating the prevalence of malnutrition and its correlation with elderly subjects using Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) questionnaire.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on elderly individuals (N=56; female=28) dwelling in the Sedigh Nursing Home in Khorramabad, Iran, in 2015. Nutritional status was assessed using MNA, which consisted of anthropometric measurements, global assessment, dietary questionnaire and subjective assessment.Results: The participants’ mean age was 74.86 (SD=±11.82) years. The mean MNA-score of the subjects was 19.46 (SD=±3.23). The prevalence of malnutrition and at risk of malnutrition were 20% and 70%, respectively. No significant difference (P>0.05) was observed between male and female, age subgroups, marital status, education levels and different cut-off points of the Body Mass Index (BMI), Mid-Arm Circumferences (MACs) and Calf Circumferences (CCs) regarding the nutritional status of subjects. Malnutrition and risk of malnutrition were observed significantly and more frequently in elderly who had weight loss greater than 3 kg, took more than three prescription drugs per day and had low/moderate protein intake (P<0.05). The MNA-score was independently associated with age, weight, BMI, MACs, CCs and food intake during last 3 months (P<0.05).Discussion: According to high prevalence of malnutrition and risk of malnutrition among the subjects, proper nutritional interventions are required. Longitudinal studies on elderly and primary prevention by lifestyle interventions according to the culture and habits of the region are recommended.

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Objectives: One of the most disabling impairments following stroke is upper limb impairment. Despite the important role of somatosensory function in motor control and high prevalence of somatosensory deficits in stroke survivors, little attention has been paid to its effect on UE motor function in chronic stroke survivors. Thus, the aim of this study is to explore the correlation between different somatosensations and manual dexterity as well as UE motor function in these patients.Methods: In this correlational study, 225 chronic stroke survivors (112 female and 113 male) participated, selected by simple non-probability method among the stroke survivors admitted to the rehabilitation centers in Tehran. The lower-order somatosensations, including light touch and wrist Proprioception, were evaluated by Weinstein Enhanced Sensory Test (WEST) and Wrist Position Sense Test (WPST), respectively. The higher-order somatosensations were measured by static and moving 2-Point Discrimination (s2PD and m2PD, respectively), Hand Active Sensation Test (HAST) and Haptic Object Recognition Test (HORT). Gross and fine manual dexterity and UE motor function were assessed using Box-Block Test (BBT), Purdue Pegboard Test (PPT) and Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT), respectively.Results: The multiple regression models showed that WPST alone accounted for the 38.8%- 56.6% of the variance in manual dexterity and UE motor function. The WEST was the second most significant predictor in all regression models. The HORT, m2PD and HAST explained a small percent of the variance in regression models.Discussion: These results suggest that treatments that target somatosensory impairments, especially wrist Proprioception and light touch, may be particularly important for improving manual dexterity and UE motor function in chronic stroke survivors.

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Objectives: Coping strategies are important following spinal cord injury (SCI). It is equally important to know the peculiar coping strategy used in a given population with a distinct cultural background. The aim of this study was to explore the peculiar coping strategies used by people with SCI in Kano.Methods: The study was a qualitative interview approved by the research ethics committees of the Kano State Ministry of Health and National Orthopaedics Hospital, Dala. The participants were interviewed individually using a qualitative interview guide while their responses were recorded by a note taker and using a tape recorder. Thereafter, the responses were transcribed, coded and analyzed using thematic analysis.Results: Twenty people with SCI having a mean age of 35.10±13.56 years and who were at least 1 year post SCI participated in the study. The results showed that people with SCI in Kano use religion mostly (95%), followed by acceptance (45%) and denial, substance use, blame, seeking social and positive reframing with each having 5%. Additionally, the use of religion pertains to absolute belief in the will of God as the cause of their condition and use of regular prayers. However, the use of religion and acceptance seem to be interdependent in this population.Discussion: Religion is majorly used as a way to cope and accept a stressful condition such as SCI in this population. Therefore, healthcare professionals and caregivers are required to understand the peculiar coping strategies used by a given population so as to help reinforce them.

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Objectives: This study aimed at evaluating the correlation between mother-child relationship and the rate of participation of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy in leisure time activities.Methods: This study is a descriptive and correlational research. The statistical population included cerebral palsy children aged 7-17 years with a mother who is at least 25 years old. A sample size of 152 children was selected using systematic random sampling. The children filled the King’s assessment of participation and enjoyment questionnaire, whereas the mothers responded to a survey of Roth’s mother-child relationship evaluation. We collected the data and analyzed them (Spearman’s correlation test, One-way ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis, and Mann-Whitney) using SPSS 16 software.Results: The results showed that there is a correlation between mother-child relationship and the rate of participation of cerebral palsy children in leisure time activities. There was a significant correlation between acceptance of child and the increasing involvement in leisure activities in case of cerebral palsy children. Over protection, excessive ease, and child rejection in a mother-child relationship was associated with reduction in the participation rate of the cerebral palsy children and adolescents in leisure activities. In case of quadriplegic children, the acceptance of child and participation rate was low compared to hemiplegic and diplegic children. Excessive ease of a mother-child relationship in girls was more than boys, but boys experienced more child rejection of a mother-child relationship than girls.Discussion: Participation rate, frequency (how often), and the enjoyment of participation in leisure time activities were correlated with mother-child relationship. Participation differences were existed among CP groups.

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