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Introduction: Nurses are in an ideal position to provide special care for anxious children admitted in hospital wards. Thus, the objectives of the study were to identify the common nursing procedures done for children and to measure their level of anxiety.Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted at a district hospital in Philippines. The respondents of the study were 235 children aged 3 – 9 years old admitted in the pediatric ward. The descriptive characteristics of the children were recorded. Venham Picture Test was used to assess the level of anxiety in children. The instrument was validated using the Good and Scates criteria and pre-tested on 30 pediatric respondents. The chi-square test and t-test were used to determine the significance of difference between the scores given by the children across different age groups and the P-value was set at 0.05.Results: The mean age of the respondents was 5.1 (3.5) years. Males obtained an "average" mean score of anxiety 4.0 (2.0) whilst females demonstrated a "low" mean score of anxiety 3.6 (2.3). There was a highly statistical difference between the mean anxiety scores amongst patients who had a prior experience and those who had none.Conclusion: Temperature measurement and pulse measurement were the most common procedures performed on children and demonstrated very low level of anxiety. Peripheral cannula insertion caused the maximum anxiety amongst all the procedures performed. Children aged 3 to 4 years old demonstrated the maximum anxiety when compared to children aged 5 to 9 years.

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Introduction: Labor and delivery process is an exciting, anxiety-provoking, but rewarding time for a woman and her family after successful delivery of a newborn. The intrapartum period is the time where mothers expect more care. Taking care of a mother through delivery with no side effects is the task of a professional midwife who is trained with the skill to take the responsibility of caring for mothers and babies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore mother’s experiences regarding quality of intrapartum nursing/midwifery care.Methods: Focused ethnographic study was employed. Data were collected from May to June 2016 TTH, Ghana using semi structured interview guide. Purposive sampling was employed to recruit 20 participants. Eight individual interviews were conducted in the post natal ward after 48 hours of delivery, followed by three focus group discussions two weeks after delivery when mothers visited post natal clinic. Interviews lasted for about 30-45 minutes during each session. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis.Results: The average age of women were 29 years with ranging from 19-43 years. Participants’ experiences of nursing/midwifery care during birth were influenced by reception and respect, provision of information, technical skill, providers’ behavior, pain management and availability of nurses/midwives.Conclusion: The study findings have revealed that women’s experience of care is affected by a wide range of determinants. Therefore, maternal health programs and policies in Ghana must take into account women’s perspective on the care they need and their feedback on services they receive. Nursing education should re-enforce communication/relational skills.

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Introduction: Sleep problems can occur at any age. Inadequate sleep affects the physiological as well as psychological well-being of an individual. Thus, the objective of the present study is, to determine the pre sleep habits, duration and pattern of sleep among school children and to determine association between their sleep schedules and sleep habits.Methods: This cross-sectional study comprised of 1050 children attending the government school. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria children were from three age groups: 4-5 years, 6-10 years and 11-15 years of age. A questionnaire about demographical data, sleep problems and habits, was duly filled by the parents. The parents of children were questioned for bed time, wakeup time, sleep time and sleep duration during both weekdays and weekends.Results: Total sleep time during weekdays was 8.9 (1.2) hours and 10.7 (1.1) hours during weekends. The wakeup time was significantly delayed during weekends in all age groups. Moreover, total sleep time increased significantly during weekends in all age groups. Children using media after 8 pm and sleeping alone are also in significant sleep debt. Screen activities such as TV, internet and cellular phones in a child’s bedroom had a negative effect on children’s sleep/wake patterns and duration of sleep. Children in higher grades are sleep debt compared to younger ones. Practices such as co sleeping and sharing bed with parents significantly improve the duration and quality of sleep.Conclusion: The sleep durations reported in the present study were lower than recommended sleep duration for children

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Introduction: The overwhelming effects of cancer could be catastrophic for the patients and their family members, putting them at risk of experiencing uncertainty, loss, and an interruption in life. Also, it can influence their sense of meaning, a fundamental need equated with the purpose in life. Accordingly, this study aimed to compare the meaning in life (MiL) of patients with cancer and their family members.Methods: This descriptive comparative study was conducted on 400 patients with cancer and their family members admitted to university hospitals in Tabriz and Ardebil provinces, Iran. The participants were sampled conveniently and the Life Evaluation Questionnaire (LEQ) were used for collecting data analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics in SPSS ver.13 Software.Results: The mean score for the MiL of the patients with cancer and their family members was 119 (16.92) and 146.2 (17.07), respectively. There was a significant difference between patients with cancer and their family members in terms of MiL.Conclusion: The MiL of patients with cancer is lower than that of their family members, which indicates the need for further attention to the psychological processes and their modification in Iranian healthcare systems.

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Introduction: In psychiatric settings, aggressive events frequently occur during therapy. The use of a proper standard scale to register aggression can facilitate the assessment and control of aggression and help reduce its frequency and severity. The aim of this study is to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Staff Observation Aggression Scale-Revised (SOAS-R).Methods: This psychometric study of the scale was conducted to determine the validity and reliability of the SOAS-R. The validation of the scale was assessed on the basis of 319 aggressive events in the psychiatric wards of the Baqiyatallah and Roozbeh hospitals. Convenience sampling was used for subject selection. Psychometric properties of SOAS-R were studied in two stages. First, the standard scale was translated according to the International Quality of Life Assessment (IQOLA) translation methodology. The face validity, content, and construct validity of the translated version were then determined. The construct validity of the scale was assessed by comparing the known groups.Results: The internal consistency of the whole scale was 0.99. The intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) were 0.85–0.99 while kappa coefficient was 0.43 to 0.65 for different aspects of the SOAS-R. The validity of the scale was concurrently assessed by using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), with a Spearman-Brown correlation coefficient of 0.90.Conclusion: These results showed a favourable validity and reliability for the Persian version of the SOAS-R for the assessment of aggressive behaviour in psychiatric patients.

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Introduction: Professionalism is one of the fundamental concepts in nursing and the result of the interaction with the environment and others. Nursing professionalism influences the quality of care and is affected by several factors. This study aimed to determine the attitude of nurses regarding professionalism and the factors affecting it.Methods: In this descriptive study, the attitude among nurses to professionalism has been measured through the questionnaire Hall, in five dimensions "membership in professional organizations", "public service", "a sense of calling", "self-regulation", " autonomy" and a researcher-made questionnaire about effective factors. One hundred eighty five nurses working in teaching hospitals affiliated to Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, participated in the study through stratified random sampling. The data were analyzed, using SPSS software, descriptive and inferential statistics.Results: The results showed that the nurses’ attitude to professionalism is at the average level. Among the five dimensions, the scores from the highest to lowest belonged to "membership in professional organizations", "a sense of calling", "self-regulation", "autonomy" and "public service". The relationship between nurses’ attitudes toward professionalism and variables of work experience and participation in training courses for individual empowerment was found to be statistically significant.Conclusion: The professional attitude among nurses is at the average level. Given the importance of the professionalism in nursing and the influence of various factors, efforts are directed at achieving the desired level and reducing the barriers.

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Introduction: Professional socialization is a critical aspect of nursing students’ development, which begins with entry into the nursing program and continues when their professional practice begins. The aim of this study was to explore the socialization of Iranian BSN students in the nursing profession.Methods: An exploratory qualitative approach utilizing Straussian version of the grounded theory (1998) method was used. Individual in-depth semi-structured interviews were undertaken with 14 participants chosen from two large nursing schools in an urban area through purposive and theoretical sampling. The data were analyzed, using the constant comparative method.Results: Five main categories and eleven subcategories emerged and integrated around one core category. Professional metamorphosis as the core variable was a complex and interrelated process (consisting of three stages: dependence, disintegration, and integration) with dynamic, ongoing, and personal features influenced by professional and extra-professional context. The students assumed a passive role in the initial of their studies. However, during the last year of the educational program, they gradually involved actively in dealing with own personal and professional issues.Conclusion: This study introduced "professional metamorphosis of BSN students" as a substantive grounded theory in the socio-cultural context of the health care system in Iran. During this process, students move from outsider personal position to insider professional position. The nurse educators and administrators may develop effective educational interventions to promote professional socialization of students with an understanding of the promoting and driving forces influencing socialization.

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Introduction: Despite medical advances, preterm delivery remains a global problem in developed and developing countries. The present study was aimed at conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies on the prevalence of preterm delivery in Iran.Methods: This study was carried out on studies conducted in Iran by searching databases of SID, Magiran, Irandoc, MEDLIB, Iranmedex, PubMed, Web of science, Google Scholar and Scopus. The search was conducted using advanced search and keywords of preterm delivery and equivalents of it in Mesh and their Farsi’s Synonymous in all articles from 2000-2016.After extracting the data, the data were combined using a random model. Heterogeneity of the studies was assessed using Q test I2 index and the data were analyzed using STATA Ver.11 software.Results: The total number of samples in this study was 41773. In 19 reviewed articles, the overall prevalence of preterm delivery, based on the random effects model, was estimated to be a total of 10% (95% CI, 9-12). The lowest prevalence of preterm labor was 5.4% in Bam and the highest prevalence was 19.85% in Tehran. There was no significant difference between the prevalence of preterm delivery compared to year of study and sample size.Conclusion: This study reviewed the findings of previous studies and showed that preterm delivery is a relatively prevalent problem in Iran. Therefore, adopting appropriate interventions in many cases including life skills training, self-care and increasing pregnancy care to reduce these consequences and their following complications in high risk patients seem necessary.

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