The purpose of the present study was to identify the minimal necessary time for weight losing in sedentary females.METHODS: 36 sedentary Iranian females, aged 38.2±4.4 yr (M±SD) were randomly assigned to 3 groups, 12 each, with following walking days per week: 1 day in the first group, 2 days in the second group and 3 days in the third group. Participants took 60 minutes of brisk walking with 50-70% VO2max for 12 week in the walking days. Body weight, BMI, percent body fat, and waist and hip circumferences were measured before and after the intervention. All participants were asked not to change their eating habits during the intervention period, and food diaries were kept and monitored weekly. RESULTS: Means (±SD) of pre-test weight, body fat, WHR, BMI in all groups were 69.15±9.7 kg, 32.71±4.6 percent, 0.82±0.056, 26.99±3.4 kg.m2, respectively. ANOVA test showed that there was significant difference among mean variables among three groups after the 12- week intervention. Tukey post-hoc tests showed that it was the third group differing from others (p<0.05). Weight, body fat, WHR, and BMI (M±SD) 72.41±10.75kg, 33.10±4.2 percent, .80±0.43, 26.73±3.35kg.m2 changed to 68.81±9.86 kg, 30.36±5.3 percent, 78±5.7, and 25.72±3.16 kg.m2) after the intervention.CONCLUSIONS: Brisk walking for 60 min one or two days a week for 12 weeks could not improve body composition of overweight females.