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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The main aim of the current study was to examine the relationships between job involvement, responsibility and job satisfaction with job burnout. A sample of 180 workers at Arak Aluminum Factory completed Kanungo Job Involvement Scale, Maslach and Jackson Job Burnout Inventory, Spector Job Satisfaction Survey and California Personality Inventory (CPI). Analysis of data by Pearson moment correlation coefficient statistical analysis indicated that there were significant statistical relationships among the four variables of the study. Also, regression analysis indicated that a linear combination of predictor variables of job involvement, job satisfaction and responsibility was able to predict31.8% of changes in the criterion variable of emotional exhaustion as the main component of job burnout. Also, job involvement and job satisfaction had the highest role in predicting the emotional exhaustion.

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The present study has been done to predict Young early maladaptive schemas through parenting styles (root development). To this end, 357 undergraduate students were selected by random cluster sampling and two Young short forms inventory of Parenting Styles (YPI) and short form inventory of Schema (SQSF) were filled by subjects. Analysis of results, using regression analysis showed that parenting styles (roots development) are significant predictors for early maladaptive schemas (P<.001).

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The purpose of the present study was to explore the prevalence of depression and the relationship between prevalence of depression and various sociodemographic factors in the adolescent population of India and Iran by giving special attention to gender and age (mid- vs. late-adolescence). Twelve schools (six schools from three different areas of each country and two schools for each of the three areas) were selected through randomized cluster sampling and 1600 students from these schools were included (aged from 14 to 19). Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) and Demographic Information Sheet were administered for data collection. The data were analyzed using Odds Ratio. The findings suggest that prevalence rates for adolescent depressive symptoms and their severity in India are comparable to those in Iran. Depressive symptoms prevalence with respect to nationality and gender was also examined. Results indicated that somatic symptoms of loss of libido, anorexia, constipation, psychomotor retardation along with affective symptoms of sadness and spells of crying may offer a sensitive grouping in the detection of depression in Indian adolescents and cognitive/affective symptoms of dissatisfaction, diurnal variation, indecisiveness, emptiness, self-depreciation, irritability and one somatic symptom of sleep disturbance may present as a group of symptoms for the detection of depression in Iranian youth. This information may help the clinicians of both cultures in their work with adolescents and may enhance the accuracy of determining the early appearance, onset, and course of mental health problems in these populations.

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Student attrition in some Educational disciplines and their continued unwillingness to be employed in various professions has attracted the attention of professional counselors to consider people’s personality types when selecting students from different educational disciplines. Considering the importance of personality types and the role of culture in educational disciplines, the current study has been carried out with the aim to compare personality types of Iranian and US students in different educational disciplines. The statistical population of this descriptive-comparative study includes the students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran and El-Camino College, US during the 2012-2013 academic years. The participants were selected using the convenience sampling method. Using Cochran’s sample size formula, 320 students (170 Iranian students and 150 American students) were selected from two universities. Data collection tools included Holland’s vocational personality questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The findings showed that 1- There was a significant difference between Iranian and US students in realistic (p=.01), investigative (p<.05), artistic (p=.001) and conventional (p<.01) types (nationality impact).2- There was significant differences among students of different educational disciplines in investigative (p=.001) and artistic (p=.001) types (educational discipline impact).3- The interaction impact of nationality and educational discipline on personality types was not significant. According to the results, culture can influence the type and quality of individual personality and consequently the individual personality type in a specific culture performs a significant role inselecting educational disciplines. In other words, cultural needs can indirectly influence the students' priority in educational discipline selection.

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By considering the importance of social performance in schizophrenia disorder, understanding the underlying factors of this defect is of great importance. On the one hand, as several studies have shown, facial emotion recognition is associated with social performance but on the other hand it is related to cognitive functioning. Facial emotion recognition may have a significant role in the relationship between cognitive functioning and social performance, so that this component can provide a more useful position for treatment interventions. The study was implemented on 51 patients who were selected by available sampling with schizophrenia disorder (18 men, 33 women). Cognitive functions including short-term verbal memory, understanding interpersonal non-verbal positions and sustain attention, were measured by verbal paired associates subtest of Wechsler Memory Scale Revised (WMS-R), picture arrangement subtest of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and Continuous performance test (CPT), respectively. Social performance was also evaluated by personal and social performance scale (PSP). Facial emotion recognition was examined by the images of facial emotions according to Ekman and Friesen (1976). Results showed that facial emotion recognition plays a mediating role in the relationship between cognitive functioning and social performance. Generally, these findings lead us towards the position that treatments targeting social cognition in general and emotion recognition in particular must be noted.

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This study investigated the relationship between Spiritual Intelligence (SI) and mental health problem scale and sub-scales (somatic symptoms, anxiety, social dysfunction and depression) among high school students. The participants in the study were students of 10th, 11th, and 12th grades from 8 public schools in Gorgan City which is located in the northern of Iran. They were 247 high school students, specifically comprised 124 boys and 123 girls, with age ranging between 15– 17 years old. The research is quantitative in nature –correlation– and tested for the alternative hypotheses. Three valid and reliable instruments were used to assess the participants’ SI, and mental health problems scale and sub-scales. Data analysis included frequencies, percentages, mean scores, Pearson’s correlation and multiple regression analysis. The findings of this study supported the hypothesis that there were negative relationships between SI, and scale and sub-scales of mental health problems. The findings of this study indicate that students with high SI have Low mental health problem scale and sub-scales (somatic symptoms, anxiety, social dysfunction and depression). It was also found that the SI sub-scales are significant predictors for mental health problem scale and sub-scales.

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The present study was an attempt to explore any significant relationships among Iranian EFL learners’ beliefs about language learning aptitude and the difficulty of language learning, their concern over mistakes, and their language achievement.116 Iranian junior and senior EFL students majoring in English Translation and English Literature at Shahid Bahonar university of Kerman were chosen through available sampling technique to take part in this study. To obtain the required data, the following questionnaires were utilized: Beliefs about Language Learning Inventory (BALLI) developed by Horwitz (1987), and Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (MPS) designed by Frost et al. (1990). The participants' GPAs of the basic courses were also used as a measure of their language achievement. Statistical test of Pearson Product-Moment Correlation and Independent T-Test were conducted to analyze the data. The findings of this study revealed that first, there were significant positive relationships between belief about language learning aptitude and language achievement, on one hand, and, belief about the difficulty of language learning and concern over mistakes, on the other hand; second, no significant relationship was found between these pairs: belief about language learning aptitude and concern over mistakes, belief about the difficulty of language learning and language achievement, and concern over mistakes and language achievement; third, regarding gender, it was revealed that females, in comparison with males, had higher scores on belief about language learning aptitude. Moreover, there were no significant differences between males and females regarding other variables. Finally, compared with belief about the difficulty of language learning, belief about language learning aptitude was found to have the higher relationship with language achievement: the former did not predict language achievement.

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The present study aims at examining the relationship between stress coping strategies and the life satisfaction of students. The sample size of this study consists of 205 students randomly selected from the science and art faculties of Sistan and Baluchestan University. The Stress Coping Strategies Inventory and the Student Life Satisfaction Scale were used to collect data. Results illustrated that life satisfaction significantly correlated with task focus and avoidance coping (p<0.01), but emotion focus had no significant correlation with life satisfaction. The results of the stepwise regression revealed that avoidance coping (p<0.001) was related to student life satisfaction and it accounted for 9.4% variance in the life satisfaction of students.

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