Objective: In order to investigate effects of different concentration of gibberlic acid (GA3), kentin and Putrescinepoly amine, on germination of three cultivars of wheat under salinity stress.Methods: The experiment was carried out as factorial based on completely randomized design with four replicates in laboratory of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, department of agriculture in Islamic Azad University, Varamin-Pishva branch in 2014. The first factor was four levels of salinity including S1: 3.78, S2: 5.95, S3: 10.25 and S4: 12.87 ds/m, the second factor was three cultivar of spring wheat including V1: Tajan, V2: Arg and V3: Pishtaz. The third factor was six level of hormone including H0: control, H1: GA3 150 mg/L, H2: Kentin 150 mg/L, H3: GA3 150 mg/L + Kentin 150 mg/L, H4: Putrescine 2.5 mmol/L, H5: GA3 150 mg/L + Kentin 150 mg/L + Putrescine 2.5 mmol/L. Coleoptile and Cleorhiza length, Cleorhiza number, Coleoptile, Cleorhiza and Seedling Dry Weight, Tissue Water Content (TWC), Germination Percent and Number of Damaged Seeds were measured.Results: Analysis of variance showed that Coleoptile and cleorhiza length, cleorhiza number, seedling dry weight and TWC affected by salinity, hormone and Cultivar at 1% of probability level, but not significant in other properties. In general, results of this experiment showed that application of different treatments of hormone and poly amine had no significant effect on reduction of salinity effect in germination process.