Background: Health-promotion is universally accepted as the effective method for modifying the behavior of individuals towards ideal health. Thus, the present cross-sectional predictive study determined the predictors of health-promoting behaviors among Kurdish Healthcare Providers in Iraqi Kurdistan.Methods: Demographic data were collected from a sample of 460 healthcare providers instead of the standard questionnaire of health-promoting lifestyle profile-II. These data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean and frequency) as well as inferential statistics including KST, t-test, Mann-Whiney test, ANOVA, and Wilcoxon sign-rank test using SPSS version 23.Results: Approximately 55% of the participants were male, and 67.4 % were married. In addition, >72.5 % of the participants had a family comprising of at least four members. Although 42 % of the participants had<5 years of work experience, an 82.1 % of the current study population held a Diploma. Moreover, 45.4 % of the healthcare providers exhibited satisfaction with their income. The current study revealed that healthcare providers perceived that the health status was significantly predictive of the nutritional behavior and physical activity to gender (P=0.002, P=0.003, respectively), spiritual growth to education level (0.014) and income satisfaction (0.02), as well as, interpersonal relation to expertise, (0.046), and work experience (0.036). Among all the samples scored, physical activities were found to be the lowest, while the spiritual growth was the highest.Conclusion: The results illustrated that the participants do not undergo the complete health-promoting behaviors, especially, physical activity. However, these behaviors play a critical role in health maintenance as well as improving the quality of life. Hence, the provision of strategies, including those in accordance with predictors of health-promoting behaviors, is vital for improving the health status of the healthcare providers.