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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background: Spirituality is an important dimension of human existence with a crucial rolein health promotion. This study aimed to investigate nurses’ attitudes towards spiritual careand its practice. Methods: It was a descriptive cross-sectional study. The relevant data were collected by NursingSpiritual Care Perspective Scale (NSCPS). In this study, 166 nurses working in hospitals affiliatedto Iran University of Medical Sciences were selected by proportional stratified randomizedsampling method. The obtained data were analysed by descriptive statistics, including frequency, mean, and standard deviation, using SPSS V. 16. Results: The Mean± SD score of nurses’ attitudes towards spiritual practice was 3. 67± 0. 51. Themean score of responses to 9 out of 11 items was above 3 indicating high range of attitude towardproviding spiritual care. The Mean± SD score of nurses’ spiritual practice was 1. 93± 0. 48. Themean score of the responses to 3 out of 12 items was above 2 indicating the nurses’ weak abilityto provide spiritual care. Conclusion: Despite nurses’ positive attitudes towards providing spiritual care, they haveprovided insufficient spiritual care interventions. Thus, appropriate approach for teachingspiritual merits and increasing nurses’ abilities for providing spiritual care seems necessary.

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Background: The basic and instrumental activities of daily living are prerequisites for livingwith a good quality of life. On the contrary, lack of movement and physical inactivity areconsidered as the main cause of pressure injuries. Accordingly, this study aimed to determinethe relationship between the basic and instrumental activities of daily living with the risk ofpressure ulcers in patients referred to educational health care centers affiliated to Iran Universityof Medical Sciences in 2017. Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on 200 patients referredto internal and surgical clinics of hospitals affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences. The sample was recruited by cluster sampling method. The study questionnaires includedfour sections: a demographic from, Katz Scale of Basic Activities of Daily Living (BADL), Lawton Scale of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL), and Braden pressure ulcerrisk assessment scale. Data was analyzed by Independent t test, ANOVA, Pearson correlationcoefficient, and Spearman correlation test using SPSS-PC V. 24. Results: With higher dependence in performing BADL and IADL, the risk of pressure ulcerdevelopment increased (P<0. 001). The relationship was even higher with regard to IADL. Dependence in all subscales of BADL and IADL was directly related to the risk of developingpressure ulcer (P<0. 001). Conclusion: The degree of dependence in BADL and IADL can be considered as one of thepredictors of pressure ulcer development. It is necessary to plan appropriately to increase theindependency of patients in performing such activities.

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Background: Infertility can lead to major bio-psychological disorders. Coping strategies helpindividuals adapt to unpredictable conditions in a systematic way. The present study aimed todetermine the perceived stress of couples undergoing treatment for infertility, as well as theircoping strategies and correlation between the studied variables and gender. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted on 140 infertile couples undergoinginfertility treatment at the Infertility Center of Yazd, Yazd City, Iran. The relevant data werecollected by Perceived Stress Scale and Billings and Moos’ s Coping Responses Inventory. Then, the obtained data were analyzed by descriptive statistics (relative frequency percentage, meanand standard deviation), Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis in SPSS. Results: The obtained results suggest that the mean score of perceived stress is higher in women. Moreover, women more frequently use problem-focused mechanisms, while men more frequentlyuse emotion-focused mechanisms. In both men and women, a positive significant relationshipexist between positive perceived stress and coping mechanisms; the former predicted the latter. While, the mean scores for avoidant and behavioral coping mechanisms were higher in men, the mean scores for cognitive coping mechanisms were higher in women (P<0. 05). However, women achieved higher scores for both problem-focused and emotion-focused strategies. Conclusion: there is a significant and positive correlation between perceived stress and copingmechanisms in both sexes. In addition, stress predicts the kind of coping strategies in thesepeople. On the whole, psychiatric approach and counseling may enhance the mental health ofinfertile couples and increase the chance of success in this costly treatment.

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Background: Diabetes is the most prevalent metabolic disease in human being. The lifestyle ofthis population is important and effective in the treatment process. Training is among the mostbasic methods of prevention, treatment and control of chronic diseases, including diabetes. Thisstudy was conducted to investigate the effect of teach-back method on health promoting lifestyleof people with diabetes. Methods: A total of 74 eligible patients with type II diabetes were included in the study fromEndocrine and Metabolism Clinic by convenience sampling method. The subjects were thenassigned into the control and intervention groups. The data collection instruments consisted of ademographic data form and Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile II (HPLP-II) that were providedto the subjects before and 1 month after the training. Subjects in the intervention group receiveda 4-session training program by means of teach-back method. The control group received onlyroutine programs. One month after the completion of the training sessions, the questionnaireswere completed by the subjects in the 2 groups. The obtained data were analyzed by Chi-squaretest, Fisher Exact test, Independent t-test, Paired t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Wilcoxonsigned-rank test, using SPSS. Results: The obtained results suggested no significant differences between the 2 groups in termsof demographic and dependent variables, before conducting the intervention. The Mean± SDscore of lifestyle was 113. 67± 19. 55 in the intervention group and 115. 35± 9. 73 in the controlgroup, before the training, which was not significant. However, there was a difference betweenthe Mean± SD score of lifestyle in the intervention group (160. 45± 10. 53) and control group(119. 59± 11. 23), 1 month after the training (P<0. 001). Conclusion: Teach-back method is appropriate and feasible for patients with diabetes and is aneffective method to improve the lifestyle of this population. This study was conducted over a1-month period, and it is recommended that the effect of this method be investigated over longerperiods of time in order to assess its long-term effects.

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Background: Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is a common disorder in the elderly, especiallyolder women, which causes sleep disorders and endangers the elderly with increase in the risk offalling, memory disturbances, and eventually, poor quality of life. Today, non-pharmacologicalapproaches, including reflexology massage, are considered along with pharmaceutical methodsfor improving sleep quality. This study aims to examine the effect of foot reflexology massage onthe sleep quality of the elderly women with RLS. Methods: The was a non-randomized clinical trial with a control group (quasi-experimentaldesign) conducted on 67 elderly women with RLS resident in nursing homes located in FarsProvince of Iran. Samples were selected using convenience sampling method. By tossing acoin, some elderlies were selected and allocated in the control and test groups. Foot reflexologyintervention comprised eight 20-minute sessions (10 min for each foot) for 4 weeks. PittsburghSleep Quality Index (PSQI) and a demographic questionnaire were used for collecting datawhich were administered before and after the intervention. The collected data were analyzed inSPSS V. 16 using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics such as Independent t test, pairedt test, Fisher exact test, and Chi-squared test at a significance level of P<0. 05. Results: The Mean± SD ages of the participants in test and control group were 71. 43± 6. 25 and72. 6± 4. 67 years, respectively and both groups were matched in terms of age (P=0. 389). Therewas no significant difference in sleep quality of the control group before and after the intervention(P=0. 013 or 0. 13), while in the test group the difference was statistically significant (P<0. 001). In addition, the difference in RLS pain scores before and after the intervention was significantlylower in the test group compared to the control group (P<0. 001). Conclusion: Foot reflexology massage had a positive effect on the sleep quality of the elderlywomen with RLS. Caregivers and nurses of the elderly are recommended to learn and use thiseasy and almost cost-free intervention for their patients.

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Background: Electrolyte imbalance, fear of death and illness, and homesickness are among thefactors that may susceptible the patients hospitalized at Coronary Care Units (CCUs) to delirium. This study aimed to investigate the effect of modification of sensory stimulations on the reductionof delirium occurrence rate in patients admitted to CCU. Methods: The present clinical trial was performed on 80 patients hospitalized at the CCU ofVasei Hospital affiliated to Sabzevar Medical University, Iran. The subjects were randomlyassigned to the control and experimental groups (40 subjects in each). The control group receivedno intervention, while some environmental modifications like putting a clock and a calendarat the patient’ s bedside were provided for the patients in the experimental group. NeechamConfusion Scale was used to collect the necessary data concerning the occurrence of deliriumin both groups, twice a day (morning and afternoon) for 3 consecutive days. The obtained datawere analyzed by Independent t-test, Mann Whitney U Test, and logarithmic link for the modelfit using SAS. Results: The results showed 14 (35%) cases of delirium in the control group, and 3 (7. 5%)cases in the experimental group. Moreover, the results of the analyses indicated no statisticallysignificant difference between the 2 groups, on the first day (P=0. 74). However, the 2 groupswere significantly different in terms of delirium occurrence, on the second (P=0. 03) and the third(P=0. 003) days. Conclusion: The results confirmed that modification of the sensory stimulations can lead to asignificant reduction of the delirium rate among the patients hospitalized at CCUs.

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Background: Sleep, as a reversible phenomenon, is vital for maintaining energy andenhancing the quality of life. Sleep disorders after burn accidents may have biopsychologicaleffects on burn patients, years after the initial injury. This study evaluated the quality of sleepin patients with chronic burns. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 100 patients referredto the Subspecialty Hospital for Burns in Tehran, Iran 6 months after their discharge forreconstructive surgery. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index was used to collect the study data. The participants were recruited by convenience sampling method. The obtained data wereanalyzed by Chi-square test using SPSS. Results: According to the results, 38% of the participants had experienced good sleep quality(Mean± SD: 3. 3± 0. 9), but 62% reported poor sleep quality (Mean± SD: 9. 96± 3. 2). There werestatistically significant associations between sleep quality and gender (P=0. 039), material status(P=0. 003), occupational status (P=0. 000), educational level (P=0. 04), burn surface (P=0. 02), andduration after burn (P=0. 028). No statistically significant association was found between sleepquality and patients’ age, burn surface, and monthly income. Conclusion: Evaluation of sleep adequacy should be a routine component of outpatientassessment in patients with burn, with the consideration of referral to a sleep specialist, as needed.

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